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"Kendall scolds Greenlee for sending the book to the publisher without her permission. She says that the book was never meant to be read. Greenlee can't help but laugh at the situation because Kendall does not realize that she could become a true author. Kendall decides to stop being angry, and enjoy the possibility of becoming a well-known author. Also, the book could spawn new "Charmed" products. They toast the new project with one of Amanda's famous alcoholic beverages. Greenlee reads her favorite part in the book, but little does she know it is a description of Kendall and Aidan making love in the cabin.

Julia tells Zach that Greenlee left the hospital without the doctor's consent. She says Angie Hubbard is the doctor examining Greenlee's case. When Zach asks to speak to Angie, Julia says she has gone off to do some research. Julia shows up at ConFusion to bring Greenlee back to the hospital. She says that the illness Greenlee has contracted might be compromising her immune system. Greenlee takes one more sip from her martini glass, but struggles to swallow the drink. Julia calls the paramedics while Greenlee gasps that she is having trouble breathing.

Aidan takes Angie to the spot where Greenlee and Aidan were trapped. Angie says she is thankful Frankie was able to help Aidan find Greenlee and Zach. Aidan says he wouldn't have found them without Frankie's help. Angie says if they don't find Frankie soon, his illness may make his health decline rapidly. She asks Aidan if anything seemed out of place at the site. Aidan says he discovered some drug paraphernalia that could be tested at the hospital. Angie suggests they find Sylvester, the old man who used to live in the house. Aidan says he thinks that task is nearly impossible because the old man has disappeared. Zach shows up and offers to help Angie and Aidan. While Aidan checks on a lead, Zach picks up a pile of dead shrubbery that looks familiar. Angie hopes Frankie can identify the plant. Aidan returns, but has no news on Sylvester's location. He does not recognize the plant. Angie is devastated when she sees the camp Frankie called home while living in the woods. Angie looks through Frankie's belongings, but does not find any clues. Aidan gets word that Sylvester died from suffocation.

JR comes into the Chandler mansion, looking miserable as he prepares to hatch Krystal's plan. JR announces that he wants to move back into the house. Adam questions JR's motives for coming home after moving into a home beside Babe. JR accuses his father of never trusting him and threatens to leave. Adam gives JR a hug and welcomes him home. Adam boxes all of the alcohol and offers JR a job back at Chandler Enterprises. JR says that if he is going to share a roof with Adam, he needs to know that his father will not go after Tad. Adam retorts that Tad is not his father. JR says Tad is a part of his family, and has been through so much with the loss of Dixie and Kate. Adam suggests that Kate may turn up then leaves.

Josh approaches Ryan at ConFusion. Josh admits that Zach is concerned about Ryan's new business plans. Ryan appreciates the concern, but wants to give his money to the needy charities.

Babe is shocked to see boxes in front of JR's home. A mover tells her that JR has moved out, but claims he has no idea where JR's new home will be. After the mover takes the last box, Babe locks the door.

Annie agrees to see if she is a match for Richie's transplant as long as he signs a confession. Richie hastily signs the paper and hands it to Annie. Annie asks Richie how he will go on with his life is he is able to get the transplant. Richie's only plans are to survive, but Annie thinks he should use the opportunity to become a better person. Richie says he doesn't know how to change, and figures he is riding the train straight to hell. Annie hopes her brother can change, but does not expect much. After Annie leaves, Richie gets a call from Ryan. Ryan asks where Richie is, and rushes out of ConFusion when he learns that Richie is at the hospital. A nurse prepares Annie for testing to see if she is a possible donor for Richie. Ryan rushes into the room, thinking Richie tricked Annie into something. But to his surprise, Annie announces she made the decision to try to save Richie's life.

Krystal, Tad and Jenny enjoy a snowy day at the park. Tad asks Krystal how Babe is handling JR living across from her. Krystal says she hasn't talked to Babe lately. He tells Krystal about the unopened boxes sitting in the vacant house. Krystal suggests JR is still unpacking, but Tad thinks JR is getting ready to move out. Krystal says Tad might be right, and if so, they should support JR. Tad asks what Adam talked to Krystal about while they were locked in the lobby. Krystal says Adam figured she would go running back to him once he acquired Chandler Enterprises. But she says her home is with Tad and Jenny. JR calls Krystal to let her know that Adam has agreed to let him move back home."

- Soap Central