
"Kendall and JR share a passionate kiss. When Kendall finally backs away, she's sure there must be a law against what they just did. She tells JR that she wouldn't let anything happen between her and a kid. JR is disappointed that she thinks of him this way, but tells Kendall he's glad they met up tonight. Kendall apologizes for dragging him into the mess she calls a life, then tells him that what they did can never happen again. JR says that tonight was the first time in forever that he's felt anything good.

Brooke is horrified when Tad brings Jamie home with a black eye. Jamie explains that he was defending his mom. Some guys were talking "trash" about her, but he took care of it. Jamie goes on to say that the guys said Brooke knew Maria was alive, but went ahead with the wedding anyway. Brooke admits to Jamie that what they said was the truth. Jamie is appalled at her confession. He says in disbelief, "You don't DO things like this!" Jamie storms upstairs to his room.

Isabella arrives at Brooke's home saying what a shock it was to find out her Maria was alive and well and living in Nevada. She tells Brooke how Maria collapsed at Wildwind after being overwhelmed with the knowledge of who she was. Isabella sadly says it didn't have to be this way for Maria. Brooke offers no excuse. A distraught Isabella slaps Brooke hard across the face. Brooke is stunned, Isabella furious. Isabella can't believe how Brooke lied to them over and over. She cries out that Brooke herself was a mother who lost a child. She should know the pain Isabella has been suffering all these years. As Tad escorts Isabella to the door, Isabella screams, "You should have gone down in that plane instead of Maria. You should have been the one who died!" Brooke feels she does deserve to die. She is sure no one in Pine Valley will ever be able to trust her again. Especially Jamie. As Jamie eavesdrops, Tad assures Brooke that good people make mistakes. Brooke is not sure she is strong enough to start over again.

At the hospital, Jack acts protective of Anna when David appears. Anna tells Jack there's isn't a problem David isn't there to see her, he's there to check on Maria Grey. David says yes, he is there to check on Maria, but only because she is his patient. When Anna shakes her head in disgust, David says he never dreamt the whole Maria fiasco would ever end up impacting Anna in any way. He's a different man now, David claims. All David wants is a chance to make it up to Anna. He tells Anna that Maria is just a patient to him, while she is his reason for living. When David says he loves her, Anna tells him those are just words. She asks him to move out. David reluctantly agrees, but tells Anna he'll wait a lifetime for her. Later, Anna consults with a doctor about her pregnancy. She wants to talk to him about her options.

Edmund patiently sits in the hospital waiting room until Jake comes out saying he has news on Maria. Immediately both Edmund and Aidan stand up. Edmund asks Aidan who he is and how he knows his wife. Aidan tells Edmund how he found Maria in the park and befriended her. Edmund begins to berate Aidan over not contacting the police when he found Maria who was obviously in need of help. They argue until Maddie and Sam arrive. Jake, unfortunately, has to tell Edmund that Maria is not asking for him, she is asking to see Aidan.

Edmund turns his attention to his children instead. He tries to explain to them the unexplainable. Maddie is afraid that her newfound mommy will leave again. Edmund assures her Maria is there to stay. Next Maddie asks a more difficult question. Since they can't see this mommy, can they see Brooke mommy instead? Edmund struggles with her request, then swallows his pride and calls Brooke. Brooke is surprised, but agrees to come.

Meanwhile, Maria tells Aidan how difficult it has been for her to process everything. She tells him how Edmund looked at her with his eyes so full of love and she felt nothing at all. Aidan asks here to give it some time and maybe her feelings for Edmund will return. Maria makes Aidan promise he won't leave her. As Edmund listens outside the door, Maria tells Aidan he is the only person she knows and trusts. The only person she feels safe with."

- Soap Central