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"So that he'd not be around when Adam's downfall took place, Liza urged Marian to find a way to get Stuart out of town for a few days. Tad accused Marian of trying to undermine Liza's confidence. Marian and Tad bickered back and forth for several minutes before Liza stepped between them and ordered their silence. Tad scooted out of the room. While he was gone, Liza assured her mother that sleeping with Adam was all part of her plan and not a sign that she was still in love with him. Tad returned sporting a bottle of vintage champagne. Liza had to step away to answer the phone. Meanwhile, Stuart and Dixie both showed up, Liza tried to field the call, which turned out to be from Adam, but there was too much background noise to hear him. Liza asked everyone to leave so that she could tend to the private call. Noisily, everyone filed out of the office. Adam asked his wife about the racket and Liza quickly responded that several Chandler Enterprises board members had dropped by to speak to her. Adam said that he knew all about the hubbub because Tad had phoned him. Adam was less worried about business matters than he was with finding out something about Liza's demeanor. He told Liza that he knew why she had forgiven his transgressions --- and promptly warned her that she was not going to get away with it. Before Liza could press for details, the phone line went dead.

At the Gate House, Marian urged Stuart to attend a St. Louis art show, one she'd previously asked him not to attend. She concocted a bogus tale about wanting him to buy back some of the artwork he'd put up for sale. Stuart smiled warmly and mentioned how much he loved "Marian #26," one of his paintings. Stuart scurried off to pack his bags. Marian broke into tears because she hated lying to her husband. Scott returned home and caught Marian crying. When asked why she was upset, Marian said that she was going to miss Stuart while he was away. Stuart made a final appearance, assuring Marian that he'd buy back the artwork and raced off to the airport. Scott urged Marian to go along with his father, but Marian said that she couldn't leave because "something important" was going to be going down in town. Scott had stopped by to ask his dad for some advice, though it didn't look like he was going to be able to get any help for at least a few days. Marian offered her ear to her stepson and even tried to think of the type of advice Stuart would give. Scott told Marian of his fight with Becca and the possible feelings she was developing for Paolo. Marian apologized for having tried to break up Scott and Becca, saying that Becca reminded her of Stuart. Marian urged Scott not to let anyone come between him and Becca.

Becca wasn't pleased to see Leo in her room and ordered him to leave. Leo smiled broadly and said that he was there on "a fact-finding mission." In Leo's mind, everyone has some sort of dirty little secret and he wanted to find out what Becca was hiding. Becca shook her head and asked Leo to be honest about why he'd broken into her room. "I'm on the run," Leo confessed. Becca took his hand to comfort him, but she realized that her gesture could be misconstrued and quickly pulled away. Leo asked Becca why she was so down. Becca explained that she and Scott had gotten into a fight about him. Leo said that he was sorry that he'd caused her so many problems. Almost on cue, the phone started to ring. Becca had planned to let the phone ring, but Leo told her that she had to answer it just in case Scott was calling. Sure enough, Scott was on the other end when Becca picked up the receiver. Leo stepped to the far side of the room when she heard Becca mention Scott's name. Scott apologized for having been so crabby. Becca once again assured Scott that she and Leo were just friends. In the back of the room, Leo hung his head. Becca and Scott agreed to have breakfast together in the morning and the call ended there. Becca hung up the phone and turned around the talk to Leo, but he was gone.

Moans of ecstasy escaped Vanessa's lips as she rolled over in bed next to Paolo. Paolo wanted to know if his "angel face" was feeling better. "Say it!" Vanessa gasped. In his Italian accent, Paolo told Vanessa, "When I am with you, I forget all the other women." Still out of breath, Vanessa promptly noted that all of the other women had to pay for the services he rendered. Outside in the hallway, Erica prepared to knock on Paolo's hotel room door. Before she could, Palmer appeared behind her and asked her if she was lost; David's room wasn't anywhere near her current location. Erica turned and smiled nervously. She claimed that she'd stopped by to meet a business acquaintance. Back inside, Vanessa kicked, fidgeted, and pounded her fists against the mattress in frustration. She was furious that Leo had quit his job and irritated that Palmer wasn't putting her needs first. Paolo ducked out of the way of her flailing arms. He handed her a vase and urged her to toss it against the wall. Vanessa was all too willing to oblige. As Erica and Palmer continued to talk, the loud sound of breaking glass. Palmer suggested that Erica knock on the door, but Erica wanted to wait until Palmer was gone because her "friend," she claimed, was feeling under the weather and might be embarrassed to see the Palmer Cortlandt at her door. Palmer nodded his head and said that he was going to see if he could track down Vanessa. Vanessa rushed to put herself together and slinked out of the room via the adjoining suite. Paolo tiptoed over to the door, accidentally stepping on the broken glass along the way. Erica entered the room, saw Paolo with a bed sheet wrapped around his body, and immediately accused him of having been sleeping with someone. Paolo tried to deny the claims, arguing that he was sleeping when the knock sounded on his door. The shattered glass, Erica said, had all the signals of a "dissatisfied customer." Paolo was forced to admit that he'd had a female visitor, but he said that he'd had to do it to earn extra money. Erica reminded Paolo that she'd given him a more than generous amount for helping her --- but said that if it wasn't enough she could place a call to the authorities and make sure that he had free room and board for a while. Paolo agreed to abide by the terms Erica had set for him, which meant that he could not be with any other women either in public or private. Erica told the man that he would meet her for breakfast early the next morning. The time was set at 6:45 so that David would be sure to catch them together. To make things look even more incriminating, Erica said that she'd be wearing the same clothes. Paolo smiled and said that he understood the plan. Paolo received a phone call from someone and he told Erica that he had to take the call. Behind Paolo's back, Erica spotted an emerald on the bed. She carefully picked it up and placed it in her pocket. She then let herself out of the room. In the hallway, she was sure that she'd seen the emerald before... but she couldn't put her finger on who was wearing the emerald. Elsewhere in the hotel, wearing a white bathrobe, Vanessa backed her way down a corridor. From out of nowhere, Palmer appeared and called out her name. Vanessa was pressed to come up with a reason why she was parading around the hotel in a bathrobe. Vanessa crafted a tale of running out of hot water for her shower. She said that she'd called the housekeeping staff, but got no answer. Palmer puckered his lips and told Vanessa that he knew she was lying. Vanessa cringed, fearing that the truth about why she was really in the hall would come out. Vanessa, her one earring missing a piece of emerald, waited to hear Palmer's explanation. Palmer said that he believed that Vanessa was being truthful and that he was partly to blame for making her so upset. Vanessa liked that Palmer felt responsible and added a little fuel to the fire by agreeing that she'd be frantic ever since their argument in the dining room. Palmer took his wife in his arms and told her that they'd have to start spending more quality time together. Back in his room, Paolo frantically told the man on the other end of the phone, someone by the name of Rick, that he was good for the money he owed him. He pleaded not to be "cut off" from something, presumably drugs. He smiled evilly and told Rick that he was good for the money because he was seeing a woman "married to" Cortlandt Electronics.

Tad and Dixie returned home and Dixie immediately laid into Tad for lying about where he'd been; she'd stopped by the studio because he said that he'd be working late. Tad swore that he and Liza weren't up to anything malevolent. In fact, he said that they were celebrating the fact that WRCW had become an ABC affiliate. Dixie apologized for thinking the worst, but admitted that it still brought back some painful memories to see Tad and Liza working so closely. Tad broke down and admitted that there was more to his meeting with Liza than he'd said. Dixie instinctively knew that Tad and Liza were plotting against Adam. She let it be known that she did not approve of the plan, but Tad argued that he had to make sure that Adam could never hurt his family again. Dixie pleaded with Tad to drop the revenge plot. Tad said that he couldn't do that. Dixie nodded and asked Tad to join her in the bedroom. Tad advised her to run along; he had to make a phone call... to Liza.

Back at Chandler Mansion, Liza waited for Adam to return home. When he showed up, Liza asked him to explain what he'd said to her on the phone --- that she wouldn't get away with something. Adam told Liza that he knew she wasn't giving 100% when they'd made love before his departure to South America. He was certain that she was trying to force herself to have feelings for him again. He said that he had his suspicions about her request to have Power of Attorney, but that he'd signed the agreement as a sign that he trusts her. Liza bowed her head slightly and looked down at the ground. "I trust you with my life," Adam smiled. He vowed to do whatever he had to to win back Liza's live and trust and chicanery and dirty tricks were not part of his plan this time around. Adam turned his back and prepared to place a call to Barry, but Liza asked Adam to hold off on making the call. Liza told Adam that she'd already called for an emergency board meeting to address Tad's concerns. Stuart, she said, would even be speaking on Adam's behalf. Adam wrapped his arms around Liza and told her how much it meant to him for her to be going to bat for him. In the background, the telephone rang, but neither Adam nor Liza made any attempt to break their embrace."

- Soap Central