"With another history exam coming in a day or two, Janet sat down with Amanda to make sure that her daughter didn't get another "F." Amanda grumbled about not being able to go outside and play, but her hard work would be rewarded. Hayley burst into the house and asked Janet and Amanda if they'd like to be guests on Wave's special mother-daughter fashion show. Janet accepted the offer and Amanda immediately raced upstairs to call all of her friends. Shortly after Amanda was out of sight, Hayley told Janet that she hoped that the guest spot on the show would make up for the way she'd made Amanda run off. Janet assured her that she hadn't made Amanda bolt, but Hayley wasn't so sure. Hayley had to run off to the station and Janet needed to go upstairs and get ready to leave. Shortly after everyone had dispersed, Arlene rounded the corner; she'd overheard everything. Later, Amanda returned downstairs and asked her aunt if she'd be going to the fashion show. After all, Amanda noted, Arlene was Hayley's mother. Arlene pursed her lips together and politely stated that she wasn't sure whether or not Hayley would want her on the show. Amanda lowered her head and asked if she and Hayley were still mad at each other. Arlene nodded slightly. Amanda said that Trevor had always told her that the Dillons never stay mad at someone. She then wrapped her little arms around her aunt and offered her a comforting embrace. Janet appeared on the staircase and flashed an expression of concern; she wanted to know what was going on. Amanda pulled away and asked her mother if Arlene could tag along with them to the studio. Janet shook her head and said that she wasn't sure it was such a good idea. Janet said that it was up to Hayley and her mother to work out their differences. Amanda, though, would not be denied. She pleaded and begged until there was no other choice but to allow Arlene to accompany them.
A panicked Vanessa told Palmer that Leo was only joking. Palmer smiled broadly and praised Leo for showing initiative --- even if this was the first time that he'd shown initiative. Vanessa continued to make excuses for her son, saying that he was "exhausted" from working two jobs. David stepped forward and applauded his brother for showing that he was becoming independent. Vanessa turned and angrily asked David to leave. David, though, refused to budge. He commented that he was not about to miss his "baby brother's" first signs of showing that he had something more than "oatmeal" for brains. Palmer rose to his feet and threw his hands in the air. "What kind of family have I married into?" he squawked. Palmer walked away from the table, leaving Vanessa and her two sons to discuss what had just taken place. David continued to sing Leo's praises for speaking up for himself. "He is on his way to freedom," David chirped. He turned to Leo and urged him to "take a chance --- break away [and] don't look back." In conclusion, David warned Leo not to let his mother parade him around on a leash. Leo wittily snapped that David was the one being paraded around every time he was with Erica. David shook his head and walked away from the table. Vanessa asked Leo why he'd resigned his post at Cortlandt Electronics. "I'm not qualified," Leo replied. Vanessa told her son that he didn't have to be qualified because he had Palmer as his mentor. Shaking his head, Leo reminded her mother that Palmer couldn't stand being around him. Vanessa chalked up Leo's grumpiness to his fear of being blackmailed. She reminded Leo that she was unable to help him out of his jam because she was fighting battles of her own. That battle, of course, being her continuing effort to get Palmer to draft a new will. After a lifetime of being front and center in his mother's life, Leo said that he now felt more like "an accessory." Vanessa tried to convince her son that the good times were just ahead, but Leo seemed to doubt his mother's words. She urged her son to report to work early the next morning and stay a little later. Leo angrily asked his mother if she'd been listening to anything he'd said; he wanted nothing to do with Cortlandt Electronics. Again David loomed in the background. This time, he told Leo that Vanessa would never respect him as a freethinking person. Vanessa and David bickered back and forth until Leo jumped to his feet and ordered them to be quiet. Leo stormed out of the dining area and David went on his way. In the lobby, Paolo latched on to Leo's arm and pulled him aside. Paolo demanded $30,000 from Leo, but Leo said that he couldn't pay. Paolo tried to pressure his friend by saying that he'd go to Adam if he didn't shell out the cash, but Leo didn't flinch. Adam or no Adam, he simply didn't have the money to pay. Palmer returned to the dining area and sat back down next to Vanessa. Vanessa smiled nervously and told her husband that she was glad that they were alone again. Now, she said, they could focus on themselves. "There is no us," Palmer replied. At one time, Vanessa had "brightened" Palmer's life --- but not any more. "I married you not your two sons," he groused. Palmer warned her to clean up her family's act or their marriage would be over. Before parting the table, Palmer told Vanessa that her days of running the sugar daddy game were just about over. Asking her if she'd looked in the mirror lately, Palmer spouted off a French phrase. He called Vanessa "une femme a certain age," which very loosely translated means that she's "over the hill."
At WRCW, Scott stomped around the studio doing everything he could to avoid talking to Becca. Becca, who was subbing for a missing-in-action Greenlee, tried her best to ask Scott what was troubling him. Scott blathered on about how he didn't care what she did in her free time or who she spent it with, but it was clear that he was upset that Becca was spending time with Leo. Becca tried to explain that she and Leo were only friends, but she refused to part with the secret that she was helping Leo with his math. The fact that Becca felt that Leo's secret was more important than being truthful to him made Scott furious. He walked away from Becca and went back to work. Mateo and Hayley arrived at the studio and observed Scott and Becca's tiff, but they opted to stay out of it. Instead, they daydreamed of a future Wave episode when they would have a daughter of her own to parade around on the mother-daughter fashion show. Amanda and Janet appeared and Amanda smiled broadly as she told Hayley that she'd brought her a present. A split-second later Arlene appeared in the background. Hayley and Mateo watched as Arlene poked around the wardrobe rack. Hayley asked Mateo to show Janet and Amanda to the dressing area. With them safely gone, Hayley stormed her mother's location and ordered her to leave. Arlene explained that Amanda had begged her to accompany her to the studio. Arlene flashed a grin and said that she wouldn't mind being a part of the mother-daughter show. Hayley shook her head and told her mother that there was no way that she was going to get on the show. However, to be fair and honor Amanda's wishes, Hayley gave Arlene permission to watch the show --- from the background. The show's theme music started and everyone took to their appropriate places. Hayley introduced Janet and Amanda and the mother-daughter team showed off their matching outfits. The segment concluded with Hayley asking Amanda how she and her mother remained so close. Amanda smiled and said that she knows that no matter what she does her mother will always love her. With that, the show ended. Under her breath, Arlene grumbled that "that could've been us." She vowed to make her daughter see what she was missing out on.
Becca returned home to her room and found a surprise visitor lounging on her bed --- Leo!
In Adam's office at Chandler Mansion, Tad and Liza looked over a plan for their payback scheme. Tad gushed endless praise for Liza, but Marian, who was seated in a chair on the other side of the room, looked uncomfortable. Barry popped into the room and warned Liza and Tad that their joyride has about to come to a crashing end. Two members of the Chandler Enterprises board had called an emergency meeting to thwart Liza's attempt to take control of the company. Liza and Barry left the room to do damage control, though Tad remained extremely optimistic. He looked across the room and asked Marian why she wasn't joining in on the celebration. "I really hate to see you in cahoots with my daughter," Marian replied. "You're not good for Liza." Tad countered that it was Adam, not him, who was bad for Liza. His blood pressure rising, Tad blamed Marian for starting the ball rolling. She, he noted, had started everything by locking Adam up in the safe room. Liza returned to the room and sensed the hostilities in the air. Tad immediately told her that Marian was having second thoughts. Liza assured her mother that their plan would not backfire. Actually, that was what Marian was afraid of. "Stuart has given me faith," Marian responded. She explained that wanted to find a way to get back at Adam without ruining him. "Someone has to stop him for good," Liza snarled. Going easy on her husband was not an option. "He's your husband," Marian said softly. Liza chuckled slightly and reminded Marian that their husbands were two different men. Stuart, she said, romances Marian with handpicked flowers, paintings, and walks through the park. Adam, on the other hand, has his secretary order flowers and whisks Liza off to Paris for dinner. Liza sighed and said that she wants the "little things" in life. Marian claimed that Liza wasn't just trying to destroy Adam --- she was trying her best to destroy the feelings of love she still have for him. Liza made no attempt to deny her mother's insinuations that she still loved Adam. Instead, she focused on moving forward with her plan. Liza was willing to keep quiet about Adam's involvement with Paolo for Stuart's sake. Tad and Marian were also in agreement; no one wanted to hurt Stuart. Liza told Tad that it was time for them to put the next phase of their plan into motion. Liza picked up the phone and dialed the numbers to Adam's cell phone. She quickly handed the phone over to Tad so that it would not look like she was involved in any way with what Tad was about to say. Upon hearing Tad's voice, Adam demanded to know how he'd gotten his private phone number. Tad told Adam that he was about to show his jailhouse video to the board of Chandler Enterprises. Adam was furious with Tad. He hollered the pilot of his private jet to change their flight plan; he wanted to go directly to Pine Valley. Tad hung up the phone and he and Liza laughed fiendishly. "The die is cast," Tad stated. "It's a go."
Paolo sat on the edge of the bed in his hotel room. A knock sounded on the door and he told the person on the other side to enter. Paolo looked up and smiled at his visitor. "Angel Face," he smiled. "Back from war already?" The woman slowly walked towards the edge of the bed. "Paolo," Vanessa said with a slight whimper. "Make me feel better.""
- Soap Central