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"Loud rapping drew Marian to her front door. She opened the door slightly and Tad burst into the house. He demanded to know if Marian knew Liza's whereabouts. Without letting Marian get a word in edgewise, Tad said that he was fearful that Liza and succumb to Adam's charm once again. Marian said that it was possible that Liza was taking a bath or perhaps bathing Colby. Tad looked sternly and Marian and vowed that he would not let Liza bail out on him now.

In the study, Liza stared off into space as Adam returned toting Colby. The baby woke up and Adam thought it best to comfort her in his arms. Plus, Adam thought it was best that Colby was there to see the present he'd gotten her in South America. Adam handed Liza a piece of slightly crumpled paper. She read the document and gasped audibly. "Is this for real?" she asked. Adam had drawn up the paper after thinking about the Power of Attorney agreement he had drawn up before leaving. He wondered what would happen to Colby if something terrible happened to both him and Liza. A court might hand the baby over to their next of kin, which would be Marian and Stuart. Adam, though, thought that it would be better for Jake and Gillian to assume parental roles to Colby. Moreover, Adam wanted those extended rights to begin immediately. Liza was stunned that Adam wanted Jake and Gillian to be a part of Colby's life. Adam explained that he wasn't up to anything devious; he just wanted to atone for the pain he's caused Jake. Adam turned his mind back to the upcoming board meeting. He asked Liza if she'd talked to Stuart about what he'd say before the board. Liza assured Adam that Stuart could handle everything. Adam nodded his head and told Liza that he wanted to track down his brother and talk to him before the meeting.

Mateo and Hayley played a game of hangman at SOS. Mateo won the game, but Hayley insisted that he'd misspelled the word she was supposed to be solving. At the bar, Tina created a special drink for Adrian. Hayley caught sight of Ryan entering the club and rushed over to his side to see if he could help her prove that Mateo was a bad speller. Regrettably, Ryan sided with Mateo, but Hayley refused to back down; she told Mateo to get the dictionary. After Mateo walked away, Hayley asked Ryan about his trip to New York, Ryan said that everything had gone well. Hayley smiled and praised her friend for accomplishing his goal. Hayley, however, was not talking about the business goal but rather Ryan's decision to bury himself in work to forget Gillian. Ryan smiled slightly and confessed that he wasn't doing such a good job of forgetting his former wife. In fact, he noted that they were coming up on what would have been his second anniversary. Greenlee made an appearance at the club and, like Hayley, wanted to know how Ryan had made out. Hayley couldn't help but notice the chemistry between the two, though she said nothing of it. Mateo appeared by Hayley' side and, in a roundabout way that included an offering of a chicken quesadilla, admitted that he had misspelled the hangman word. Ryan had one complaint about his budding business venture: Midori's technical people didn't want to go the extra mile to get things done. Ryan noticed Adrian at the bar and sauntered over to toss a business proposition his way. Ryan pitched the deal, but Adrian said that he was unable to help out because he had "more important things" going on in his life. Greenlee drifted off and imagined one of her "incredible dreams." She imagined that she was sprawled out on top of a piano, singing seductively to the man of her dreams --- Ryan. Upon drifting back to reality, Greenlee heard Adrian accept Ryan's offer. Adrian reminded Ryan that it would not be possible for him to grant everyone's wishes. What if, he asked, someone wanted someone else to fall in love with them? Tina imagined that she was trapped on a desert island and a sweat-soaked Adrian came to her rescue. Ryan, meanwhile, pictured Gillian dancing seductively on the dance floor. He walked over to her and she told him that to her, he would always be her husband. After that, she told him that she wanted him to make love to her all night. Ryan returned to reality and readied to call it a night. Tina and Adrian, who may have had a little too much of Tina's mixed drinks, agreed to meet up for breakfast.

Adam showed up at the Gate House and asked Marian if he could talk to Stuart. With little time to come up with a lie, Marian claimed that Stuart was outside somewhere sketching. Adam wrinkled his brow and reminded Marian that it was pitch black outside. Marian lamely offered that Stuart was sketching the moonlight on the water. As they talked, Stuart called from the airport to tell Marian that his flight had been delayed. He wanted to return home, but Marian urged him to stay at the airport. All the while, Marian said nothing that would signal to Adam that she was talking to Stuart. Instead, she told Adam that she had to tale the long distance call and Adam promptly left.

Back up at the main house, Tad wandered into the study and asked Liza why she wasn't answering the phone. Liza told Tad that she was having second thoughts about their revenge plot; she still wanted to stick it to Adam, but she wasn't sure if it was fair to destroy him. Tad flipped out, telling Liza that he would not allow her to back out. He reminded Liza that he'd put his marriage on the line to get revenge on Adam. Liza promptly replied that she hadn't asked Tad to risk his marriage. She showed Tad that paper Adam had drawn up. Tad read over it, but failed to see why Liza was so awed. Tad said that he was sure the paper was a trick of some kind. He would, however, have been willing to back out of Adam had signed the divorce papers. Liza told Tad that she'd seen the sincerity in Adam's eyes when he'd given her the paper. All along she'd thought that she could change Adam and perhaps this was a sign that the Adam of old was slowly fading away. Tad warned Liza that he would continue his take down strategy without her. Tad had just enough time to slip out of the room before Adam returned. When Adam returned, he told Liza that he wanted to accompany her to the board meeting. Liza smiled and agreed to his request.

Janet praised Amanda's performance on "Wave." Amanda said that she had to do a good job because Arlene had reminded her that her father might be watching. Brooke popped in fresh from her trip to China. She said that Laura was feeling much better thanks to an acupuncturist's needles. Janet was stunned to see Brooke back and asked her why she wasn't with Jamie. Brooke explained that Jamie was at the movies. Brooke handed out presents: a doll for Amanda and what appeared to be a jewelry box to Janet. Amanda raced upstairs, bragging that she wanted to show her gift to Arlene. Brooke cocked her head to the side and asked Janet why Arlene was in the house. Janet nonchalantly remarked that Arlene had dropped by for a visit. Brooke warned Janet that Arlene was "a real troublemaker," but Janet brushed off her concerns. A few seconds later, Amanda raced down the stairs screaming that Arlene had run away. Brooke and Janet tried to come up with a possible explanation for Arlene's sudden departure, but Amanda didn't buy any of them. She raced over to the phone and said that she was going to scold Hayley for making her aunt run off without saying goodbye. Janet plucked the phone away from her daughter and told Hayley what had happened. Hayley rejoiced and told Janet that she was lucky that Arlene had left, but Hayley could tell that Amanda was upset. Hayley and Mateo immediately headed over to the Dillon home. Amanda demanded an apology from Hayley, but Hayley delicately stated that she couldn't apologize to her mother. She swore that she hadn't said anything nasty to her mother since the argument that Amanda had overheard. The doorbell rang and the girl raced to the door in the hopes that her aunt had returned. Outside, a woman stood behind a young boy with a bruised eye. The woman, Linda Myers, told Janet that Amanda had given her son his black-eye. Janet looked to her daughter and asked her if the charges were true. "Yes, I hit him," Amanda growled. "And I'm not sorry." Amanda accused the boy of having made fun of her. Linda said that she would have been willing to forget the incident if Amanda showed even the slightest sign of remorse. Since she hadn't, the woman said that she'd have no other choice but to report the incident to the principal. After the woman and her son left, Brooke, Hayley, and Mateo decided that it might best to leave. Outside, the trio feared that things were spiraling out of control. Back inside, Janet asked her daughter why she'd slugged the boy. Amanda stuck by her assertion that the boy had been making fun of her. She even went as far to say that her father had always told her never to let someone make fun of her. Janet nodded understandingly and said that she was sure that Trevor had never told her to resort of violence. No so, according to Amanda. She said that her daddy had told her that she had to "hurt them before they hurt you." A grousy Amanda raced upstairs to play with her new doll. Mirror Janet smiled proudly at Janet. "Way to go!" she cooed. With an evil grin, the reflection told Janet that it looks like her daughter is following in her footsteps.

Inside the board room at Chandler Enterprises, Tad told the board that he was sorry to have to appear before them a second time. However, Adam, he claimed, had been calling his house and his family at all hours of the night with threats and other nasty messages. Outside, Adam asked his secretary if Stuart had shown up for the meeting. Upon learning that Stuart was a no-show, Adam decided that he'd have to speak on his own behalf. Liza turned her head to the side and said that she still believed it would be better for Stuart to plead Adam's case. No one knew that Stuart wasn't there, she smiled devilishly. "What if you play Stuart one more time?" she asked."

- Soap Central