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"Kelsey's proposal that she and Scott test the dating waters brought a mixed reaction from Scott. He leaned over and gave Kelsey a kiss. The he pulled away from her and claimed that kissing her was the wrong thing to do. Of course the kiss was exactly what Kelsey wanted him to do. Scott explained that any physical intimacy would ruin their friendship. Kelsey downplayed the impact sex would have on them, but Scott adamantly refused to sleep with Kelsey. He begged her to leave the hotel room before Ryan returned home. Kelsey thought about heading to the movies and asked Scott if he'd join her. He initially accepted, but when he realized that he had a date with Gillian, he grabbed his coat and raced out the door.

Allie and Jake basked in the afterglow, hoping that David would soon be out of the way and that their need to pretend that they were not really lovers would come to an end. Suddenly, a knock sounded on the door. David called out to Allie and asked that she let him into the room. Allie told him that he'd picked a really bad time to visit and asked him to come back in the morning. David mistakenly assumed that Allie was still reeling from her battle with Liza. When Allie's continued attempts to get David to leave failed, Jake spoke up and told Allie to let David in so that they could rid of him. David was stunned to hear Jake's voice coming from inside the room. Allie put on her robe and walked slowly to the door. David entered the room and found Jake, wearing only a bed sheet around his waist, smiling broadly at him. David didn't know what to say. He asked Allie how she could have sex with a man she knew had the potential of cheating on her. Allie claimed that everything had changed since the brawl in the staff lounge and that she and Jake were going to live happily together. Jake was tiring of having David hang around and noted that the cardiologist's presence really wasn't needed. Before leaving, David warned Allie that she was going to get hurt if she continued to date Jake. Once David had left, Jake and Allie wondered if they'd blown their plot to expose David.

At the hunting lodge, Ryan managed to seduce Gillian, which was evident by the way Gillian kissed him. After sharing a long and passionate kiss, Gillian pronounced that Ryan was no novice in the art of kissing. Ryan planned to leave an indelible mark in Gillian's memory when he was done making love to her, one that would distinguish him from the rest of the lovers she'd had. Gillian leaned back on the sofa and Ryan straddled atop her. As the passion began to heat up, Scott entered the lodge. Gillian saw Scott at the doorway and knew she had to act fast. She hollered for someone to help her from Ryan's advances. Scott pulled Ryan off of the young woman and ordered Gillian to call the police. Ryan defended himself, explaining that Gillian's plea for help was her way of saying "You're on your own---my boyfriend's here." Gillian claimed that calling the police would result in a scandal, one that would drag down her royal name. Scott ordered Ryan to beat it and Ryan obliged. Gillian hugged Scott and thanked him for saving her. Scott noted that Gillian seems to have a hard time keeping her clothing on when Ryan's around. First, he commented, there was the incident at the Sleepy Hollow Inn and now this. Gillian asked Scott if he doubted her account of what happened. Scott never gave her an answer. He decided that he'd take a late night stroll and told Gillian not to wait up for him to return.

Wanting to follow up on Jim's claim that he and Brooke were engaged, Edmund showed up at Brooke's house hoping that Brooke would tell him that Jim was lying. Brooke reminded Edmund that he has two small children at home who need his attention. Edmund wasn't going to shy away from the truth that easily. He couldn't believe that Brooke had fallen for Jim's scam. Edmund asserted that Jim was only interested in Brooke's money. He bolstered his claim by telling Brooke that he'd caught Jim snooping through her investment portfolio. Brooke accused Edmund of making the story up, but Edmund pointed out that Jim had told him that she'd given him permission to look through her files. Brooke ordered Edmund to stay out of her business. The ruckus caused by the pair's argument roused Phoebe. She wheeled into the livingroom to investigate. Edmund turned to Phoebe for support in his argument, asking why Phoebe hadn't talked Brooke out of the engagement. Phoebe replied that she wants her niece to be happy and will do all she can to support her. Citing her sore muscles and the discomfort they were causing her, Phoebe asked Brooke if she could give her a shoulder massage. Edmund didn't know it, but this was Phoebe's way of trying to get rid of him. Phoebe left the room, but the fighting picked up where it had left off. Edmund asked Brooke if Jim was "in the loop" with some new lead on the plane crash. Again Brooke ordered him to leave, but he refused. This time Brooke had reinforcement. Jim had let himself into the house and repeated Brooke's command. He even went as far as to pick up Edmund's coat and hand it to him. Brooke didn't want the two men to come to blows, so she begged Edmund to leave. Edmund agreed to leave. Jim wanted to know why Brooke and Edmund were fighting. Brooke laughed nervously and stated that Edmund had accused him of only being interested in her money. Jim nodded and said that he knew why Edmund had jumped to that conclusion. He admitted to looking through Brooke's portfolio. He bashfully admitted that he wanted to see what stocks she'd invested in so that he could buy her something new as a wedding present. These stocks, he boasted, would be their first joint investment. Again Phoebe came to the rescue. She told Brooke that she desperately needed a massage. Jim offered to give the woman a medical fix-it, but Phoebe denounced the use of medicine. Jim decided to call it a night. Once the coast was clear, Phoebe demanded to know why her niece was keeping Edmund in the dark about Jim. Brooke weakly replied that she didn't have enough evidence to prove that Jim was involved in the crash of Flight 149. Besides, how was she supposed to break the news that Jim had been the reason for Maria's death? Brooke was afraid of what she might learn about Jim.

Ryan returned to his room at The Valley Inn. He asked Kelsey how her encounter with Scott had gone. Kelsey moped around the room depressed that Scott had left her. Ryan explained that Kelsey had Scott "where it hurts." Had Scott made love to her, it would have shown that he didn't really care for her. Kelsey rolled her eyes and sarcastically commented how horrible it would have been to have had sex with Scott. This wouldn't be a one-night stand, Ryan smiled. Kelsey was going to win Scott's heart.

Liza burned the midnight oil at WRCW. She didn't anticipate a late night visitor, but sometimes a surprise is a good thing. David dropped by with news that he'd just come from Myrtle's and found Allie and Jake together. Liza waited for the earth-shattering news to unfold, but it never came. She was surprisingly blasé. She blinked several times and explained that both Jake and Allie live at Myrtle's, so it would be expected to find them together. David reworded his statement, making it clear that he'd found the couple in bed together. Still, Liza was unmoved. She commented that Jake was merely having meaningless sex with Allie and that all she would have to do is crook her little finger and Jake would run back to her. David called Liza delusional, issuing her a challenge to put her money where her mouth was. Liza picked up the phone and called Jake. She told him that she was in need of a doctor's special attention. Jake knew what was going on and played the part of a callous lover to the hilt. He told Liza that she was on her own because he was busy tending to Allie's needs. He urged her to call Adam if she needed some attention. Jake hung up the phone. David laughed quietly at Liza's total failure and reiterated the seriousness of the situation. He tried to convince Liza that the only way she would get Jake back into her life would be to divorce Adam. Divorce wasn't an option for Liza. "Who do I call for a little cardiac stimulant," Liza asked. David couldn't believe what he'd heard. Liza lectured David on the inappropriateness of his forced concern for Adam's welfare. She nonchalantly brought up the fact that she'd already picked out what she was going to wear to Adam's funeral. A second "accident" could happen, but this time Liza asked that David not be standing by with the proper remedy. "Anything's possible," David smiled sinisterly. He turned and slowly walked out of the office.

After making love, both Mateo and Hayley began feeling a little funny. They had no way of knowing that Jim had been poking around in the basement of their apartment building. Jim closed off a heating duct. The blockage caused a buildup of deadly carbon monoxide gas. He then attached a piece of tubing to the heating system and ran it to the ventilation system for Matt and Hayley's apartment. Now the gas was running directly from the blockage to their apartment. The lightheadedness and drowsiness the couple experienced wasn't from their physical exertion---it was a result of carbon monoxide poisoning! Mateo drifted off to sleep first. Hayley tried to wake him so that they could pick names for their child. When she couldn't wake him, she decided to join him in sleep. Both were out cold and didn't hear Edmund pounding on their door."

- Soap Central