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"Convinced that her catfight with Liza would push David over the edge, Allie finally began to think that she might be able to beat David as his own game. Still, there were pangs of guilt surrounding the situation. Allie felt bad that her not-so-honest past could result in Jake losing his job. The two shared a passionate kiss in the hallway of the boarding house. Both decided that they should take their passion into a more private place. They opted for Allie's room, but when they got inside the room they found that it had been invaded by costumes from the attic. A note from Myrtle explained that she needed a place to store the costumes while she helped look for items for Phoebe's Daughters of Fine Lineage fundraiser. One of the costumes caught Allie's attention and she ducked behind a screen to try it on. She had Jake cover his eyes so that he wouldn't see her costume until she was ready for him. When he was given the okay to look, he was awestruck by what stood before him---Allie dressed as Cleopatra. It didn't take long for the couple to get caught up in the moment. They began kissing and made love for the very first time.

Scott didn't want Kelsey to spend the night with Ryan. He instructed her to get dressed and go home with him, but Kelsey rebuffed him. Scott's hand brushed against Kelsey's shoulder as he tried to get her to leave with him. Scott wasn't about to let Kelsey give herself to a man who he felt was only after a notch on his bedpost. He told Kelsey that he was going to wait until Ryan showed up and tell him that Kelsey was not going to sleep with him. Kelsey's mind wandered and she had yet another daydream about the man of her dreams. This time she saw Scott as a superhero, swooping down to rescue her. Kelsey found it amusing that Scott could tell her what kind of man she needed, but that he couldn't find her a man that fit the description. Kelsey smiled bashfully and announced that she had an idea. Is it possible, she asked, for two good friends to become lovers? "You and me?" Scott asked.

At the hunting lodge, Gillian tried to get rid of Ryan. Ryan melded well the seductive atmosphere, but Gillian was quick to note that she hadn't gone to such lengths to seduce Ryan. Ryan looked at her longingly and told her that it was his plan to seduce her---even if she hadn't anticipated it. Gillian rolled her eyes and waited to see how Ryan's seduction tactic would match up the many, many men she'd been with before. Among Ryan's many techniques was making love with the lights on. He told Gillian that he wants to see the expression on her face while he's making love to her. It was rather presumptuous of him to think that he'd get a chance to make love to Gillian. When Gillian walked away from Ryan and sipped a glass of champagne, it signaled that she might be fighting a desire to succumb to Ryan's seduction. Gillian accused Ryan of thinking ahead and planning some grand scheme to get her into bed. Ryan denied her charges, saying that he never thinks ahead. Ryan urged Gillian to stop putting up a wall and asked her if she has any sexual fantasies. Then, without warning, Ryan ripped open his shirt and exposed his buffed torso. He took Gillian's hand and placed it on his chest.

Hayley blindfolded Mateo and led him to the bedroom. She told him that she wanted him to remember the romance they'd had while making love on the beach in Jamaica. She handed him a card and told him that he could remove his blindfold. Mateo opened the card and a look of astonishment overtook his face. "Just how pregnant are we?" Hayley was confused by his question. She explained that she wasn't pregnant. The picture of the baby on the inside of the card was her way of asking Mateo if he wanted to have a child with her. They'd talked about it before, but Mateo felt that the timing wasn't quite right. Things were different now. Mateo took Hayley's hand and told her that when they do have a child, he thinks his life will be complete. He confessed that he'd recently had a dream that they had a daughter. The couple kissed and Mateo told Hayley that he wanted to start trying to have a child.

At Linden House, Jack found Erica in tears. She told him that she'd have to cancel their date because Bianca's health had deteriorated. Bianca's doctor had phoned with the news that Bianca's electrolytes had dropped to dangerously low levels. If things didn't change, Bianca would have to be hospitalized and given a feeding tube. The image conjured up heartache for Erica who blamed herself for not being able to change her daughter's condition. Jack reminded her that she had nothing to do with Bianca's illness and told her that anorexia is as mysterious and difficult to cure as diseases like AIDS and cancer. Erica showed off a stack of books that she'd gotten from the library on anorexia. They both sat down and started to review the material in the hopes of finding something---anything that would provide a breakthrough. Each book offered a different approach and several provided conflicting advice. Erica's patience wore thin and she cursed the "insidious beast" that had taken hold of her child. Erica urged Jack to go someplace where he could have a good time. Jack stood by the woman he loved and told her that he wasn't going anywhere. He told her a story about two lovers, Jackson and Erica, and how they always seemed to find their way back to each other in spite of continued heartaches. One night they went to the Crystal Ball and something magical happened. Erica told Jackson that she loved him. The story went from third person to first person as Jack told Erica that he's always known he's loved her. He looked deep into her eyes and told her that he never wants to lose her again. Erica cocked her head to one side and asked him what he meant. He bent down on one before Erica and pulled a ring from his pocket. "I'd very much like to marry you," he said.

Love bloomed all over Pine Valley and no one seemed to be without someone to love. A heart of stone, however, lurked in the basement of Mateo and Hayley's apartment building. A mysterious intruder searched for the heating pipe that led to the young couple's apartment. A sign urged caution when working around the vents, informing all that a blocked vent could result in a backup of deadly carbon. That didn't stop the intruder from blocking up the vent."

- Soap Central