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"It was hard for Allie to keep from laughing, but she somehow managed to contain the merriment and continue with her charade. David told Allie that he saw Jake and Liza kissing. They're friends, Allie said shrugging it off. Friends kiss. David agreed, but friends don't kiss the way that he saw Liza and Jake kissing. Allie accused him of trying to turn her against Jake. David advised Allie to talk to Jake. Since he's an honest man, he'll no doubt tell Allie exactly what happened.

"You're gonna kill my brother?" Stuart's face drooped and his pulse began to race. Stuart couldn't begin to fathom why Liza would want to kill Adam. Sure, there were numerous reasons why someone could want Adam dead---but Adam's death would be "for a good cause." Stuart scampered towards the door and told Liza that he was going to go to the police and report her. Even though he was sometimes at odds with his brother, Stuart didn't want to see Adam get hurt. Stuart insisted that Adam wouldn't hurt Adam---they were just going to kill him. Liza decided that the only way to calm Stuart's frazzled nerves was to tell him the truth. Jake filled Stuart in on how David administered the wrong drug to Adam. He explained that it was a misguided attempt to win Allie back. Stuart was ready to head back to the police station, this time to tell the police about David. Jake begged Stuart to keep his voice down and told him that they didn't have enough proof to point the finger at David yet. Some mild amusement filled the room when Stuart tried to figure out why David would want to kill Adam. David doesn't know Adam well enough to want to kill him, Stuart chattered. The doorknob on the office door rattled nervously. From the other side of the door, Tad called out Liza's name. Jake told Liza that he'd handle his brother if she would finish briefing Stuart. In the hallway, Tad became suspicious when Jake told him that Liza was "busy" and couldn't meet with him. For a few moments he actually believed that Adam was right when he said that Jake and Liza were having an affair. Jake assured him that he was still in love with Allie, but he refused to answer any questions about what he and Liza were up to. Tad pressed for details, but Jake stood strong. While he couldn't tell Tad what he was doing, Jake did have an idea of how Tad could help him. This was not going to be an easy task. He asked Tad to keep an eye on Adam and to convince him that he's not sleeping with Liza. Tad agreed and ventured off to do his part in the plan. Back inside the office, Stuart finally figured out what was going on: Allie loves Jake and Jake loves Allie. He was left with one question, though. He asked Liza why she'd involved herself in the plan. She claimed that seeing Adam nearly die at her feet prompted her involvement. Stuart smiled as he realized that Liza must still love Adam. Jake returned to the office. Stuart was ready for his assignment. "We need you to die in Adam's place," Jake said calmly. Poor Stuart. The look on his face was almost comical. He begged Jake to tell Adam what was going on so that Adam could "die for himself. " He explained that he'd promised never to swap places with Adam ever again. Jake didn't want Stuart to do something that he didn't want to do and gave him the option to back out. Stuart rethought his decision and agreed to let Jake and Liza kill him. He made "quotation marks in the air with his fingers" just to make sure that he was only going to pretend to be dead---and not actually be dead! Stuart muttered something quite curious, saying that it wouldn't be the first time he helped someone pretend to be dead.

"What murder?" Adam asked the mysterious voice. The voice told him that he knows what murder she's referring to and again demanded that he confess. Adam turned and noticed an old basin sitting atop his dresser. He walked over to the dresser and smelled a bar of soap sitting next to the basin. Camellias. The scent brought back memories of Joy. He dipped his hands into the water. Suddenly something horrific occurred. The crystal clear water transformed into a sticky red mess---blood. Adam's heart stopped momentarily as he yelled at the top of his lungs for help. He raced down the hall to find Winifred. He asked her to follow him to his bedroom and explain how "it" got there. Winifred looked in the direction Adam had been looking and told him that his dresser had been there for many years. The basin that Adam had seen only a few minutes before had suddenly disappeared. Winifred was concerned for her employer, but she didn't know how to broach the subject. Adam stuttered as he tried to explain what had happened. Finally he gave up and told her that she was free to leave. Alone again, Adam begged Joy to stop haunting him.

At Enchantment, Erica posed for some new publicity photos for Enchantment. Jack entered the office and was promptly admonished by Bianca for crashing the closed set. She explained that Jack's presence could distract her mother. Jack smiled and rushed towards Erica. He gave her a kiss on the neck. The photographer loved every moment of it and claimed that the shots he'd snapped off were beautiful. The shoot wound down and Erica looked around Bianca, but her daughter was nowhere to be found. Erica walked over to a tray of muffins and noticed that Bianca hadn't eaten a thing. She explained to Jack that she'd hoped that Bianca might have become so engrossed in the photo shoot that she'd have started eating. Bianca returned, saying that she'd gone to the ladies' room. Jack asked Bianca if she'd give him the tour she'd promised. Bianca agreed and the trio walked towards the door. Dimitri suddenly appeared and Bianca remembered that she'd scheduled a riding date with him. Erica asked Bianca to reschedule the riding session for a later date because she'd promised to show her uncle around Enchantment. Bianca didn't want to change her plans. She used food as leverage over her mother, stating that she'd eat a snack if she was allowed to go riding. Erica submitted to her daughter's blackmail, of sorts, and agreed to let her go riding. Once Bianca was gone, Jack praised Erica's strength for allowing the girl to go with Dimitri. Erica only hoped that Bianca wouldn't get hurt. The topic quickly changed to the approaching Valentine's holiday. Jack wouldn't tell Erica what he'd planned for her---but he did say that it was something special.

At the hospital, David recalled overhearing Jake and Liza. He was sure of what he heard. Allie walked onto the sun porch and "accidentally" spilled her cup of coffee. David helped her sop up the mess. Allie claimed that she'd been drinking too much caffeine, but David felt that he'd caused her jittery nerves. He suggested that he might have misinterpreted Jake and Liza's kiss. Allie sighed and asked David if she has a sign on her that says "cheat on me." Is it possible, she asked, that Jake is no better than David? David apologized for cheating on Allie. He said that he never knew how much he needed her until he saw her with someone else. Perhaps, he said, Jake feels the same way about Liza. He gave her a hug to comfort her, unaware that Jake had walked into the room. He asked them what was going on. David stated that he and Allie were having a private discussion. Allie turned and faced Jake and asked him if it was true that he'd been spotted kissing Liza. Jake was silent for a few moments before admitting that what David had said was true. But it wasn't really what it appeared to be. He said that Liza was the one who was kissing him, not the other way around. Allie let out a deep breath and gave Jake a big hug. David flashed a sarcastic smile towards David. David could take no more of what he saw as Jake's playing Allie for a fool. He stormed off. Allie and Jake waited to make sure that the coast was clear before they celebrated putting one over on David.

At the hunting lodge near Wildwind, Bianca and Dimitri warmed up by a fire after their ride. Bianca was upset that her mother was so protective of her. Dimitri assured Bianca that Erica meant well. He opened up a container of apple slices and offered one to Bianca. Bianca chuckled and stated that the horses needed the apples more than her because they were the ones doing all of the work. Dimitri tried to get her to eat, but she refused. Dimitri got quiet and Bianca worried that she'd upset him. Dimitri told her that he'd upset himself. He said that many painful memories pop up for him when he visits the hunting lodge, memories that make him want to disappear from the face of the Earth. Bianca took his hand and told him that she knows exactly how he feels.

David showed up at Liza's office and told her about what Jake had told Allie. He added that when he left the couple, "they were all over each other." Liza was furious. She blasted Allie for thinking that she could have Jake for herself. "She can't have him!" Liza yelled. She turned and cast a stern glance in David's direction. "Why couldn't you have killed Adam the first time?" she asked.

Inside Adam's bedroom walls, the mystery woman slouched in a corner. She spoke aloud to herself and asked what it would take to get Adam to confess. She heard a noise coming from the bedroom and knew that Adam had returned. She picked up her voice-contorting device and seized another opportunity to drive Adam crazy. "Are you ready to confess?" she asked. What she didn't know was that it wasn't Adam on the other side of the wall---it was Tad!"

- Soap Central