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06/04/1997 Erica Delays Returning The Baby

"Jack finally got around to returning Erica's phone call, but by the time he called Erica had already left on her country drive with Sonya. Esther took the call, but her strange behavior and unwillingness to answer any of Jack's questions tipped Jack of that there might be a problem. And when he asked Esther if everything was okay, Esther said that he'd better ask Erica and hung up the phone.

Pierce tried to change Brooke's stand on the wedding, but she remained steadfast in her decision to delay their nuptials. Christina walked in on the couple, her presence ending their discussion In what has become par for the course, Christina's were opened wide, her mouth gaped, and she began spouting gloom and doom. Pierce tried to convince his former lover that they would one day be reunited with their daughter, but Christina was determined that the odds were stacked against them. She claimed to be heading to her room, but when Brooke went to check on her, Christina had run off to parts unknown.

Gloria told Tad that she hates arguing with him and said she wants to make amends for their argument the night before. Tad agreed that feuding with Gloria is not one of his most favorite activities, but hinted that the tiff made him realize something. He commented that their engagement is not "big enough" for three people and that Dimitri needs to be given the boot. Gloria wasn't about to sing the praises of Count Andrassy, Patron Saint of Hungary. She did admit that he has faults, but said that he had always been a good friend to her. But Gloria would not tolerate Tad's need to authorize who she befriends. Tad was called to work and the couple was again left hanging without mending fences.
Tad left Trevor and Janet in charge of watching the kids. Trevor tried to get Amanda to pack up her things and return home, but she didn't want to stop playing with Jamie. Janet apologized to Trevor for her outburst, saying that she is new to the parenting game and was just trying to do the best she could. Trevor nodded his head and said that Janet's outburst will not be repeated. He said that the "typical family" image they are trying to portray isn't working. So in the future, Janet will be able to spend time with Amanda... but not with Trevor. Janet scratched her head and blinked her eyes a few times. Trevor explained his decision by saying that he doesn't want Amanda to "get the wrong idea."
Outside, Amanda told Jamie that she wishes that her daddy and Janet liked each other more.

Stuart dropped by WRCW with a check for $500,000 plus interest. He hoped that the offer to pay back Dimitri would result in his brother regaining ownership of the station. But it's was not to be. Dimitri refused the check and said that Adam got what he deserved because he had been using Stuart as a tax shelter. Stuart couldn't believe that Dimitri had his sights set on the station all along. After all, Dimitri was his friend, right? Stuart begged Dimitri to reconsider, saying that he knows Erica hurt him but asked that he find another outlet for his frustration. Tad entered the office and told Stuart that his words wouldn't make Dimitri reconsider. Dimitri apologized to Stuart for hurting him, but the words meant little. Stuart left the station more upset than when he entered. Dimitri ordered Tad to attend an affiliates meeting, but Tad refused. He said that his contract requires him to host The Cutting Edge, not act as a poster boy for WRCW. Gloria was poised to enter the office, but she ducked out of sight until after Tad had left Dimitri's office. When he had finally left, Gloria entered the office and said that she needs to speak to Dimitri about an urgent matter.

Erica told Edmund and Maria that Sonya had been fussing and she pulled the car off the road to comfort the baby. She asked if she could go into the house. Edmund and Maria agreed.

When they arrived at the house, Erica acted more strangely than Christina! She began apologizing to Edmund and Maria for the death of their baby, a fate, she said, she would not wish on anyone. Edmund and Maria could have been knocked over with a feather. They were stunned, perplexed, and otherwise taken aback by Erica's ramblings. When one of the housekeepers entered the room to tell the Greys that Sam had apparently come down with a case of the chicken pox, Erica grabbed Sonya and dashed from the house. She told Maria and Edmund that the health of her baby comes first and that she cannot stick around to finish her tale.

Edmund and Maria were left to unravel Erica's story. Neither one could effectively determine what the heck she was talking about, but Maria came up with two possible scenarios. Perhaps Erica was trying to get back in Dimitri's good graces. She did, after all, say that she wanted to make amends for things she'd done. Or maybe she was concerned that Esther would take Sonya back from Erica.

Erica returned to Linden House and told Esther that she decided not to give Sonya to Edmund and Maria because Sam had come down with the chicken pox. Esther couldn't see why a child's diseases would alter Erica's plans. Erica blasted Esther for her uncaring attitude and claimed that Esther must not be her friend after all. Esther's nerves frazzled under the pressure. She told Erica that she doesn't want to see Sonya go back to Edmund and Maria either---but said it is the right thing to do. She added that if Sonya goes back to Wildwind, she'll lose her "little honey" and Erica's friendship. Esther ran out the front door just as Jack was about to ring the doorbell. Jack asked if everything was okay. Erica did her best to cover for the situation. Jack asked the all too familiar question: Does Esther want to take Sonya back? Erica shook her head and told Jack that she had Trevor drop up an adoption agreement. Jack noticed that Erica look tired and advised her to get some sleep. Erica said that she couldn't rest because Bianca was coming to town. Jack told Erica to call him if she needs anything... anything at all. She smiled and saw Jack to the door. She then returned her attention to Sonya. She held Sonya in her arms and cast a glance to a picture of her mother. She told Mona that she loves Sonya with all her heart... but knows that she has to give Sonya back to Maria. She announced that as soon as Sam's chicken pox disappeared she'd take Sonya to Wildwind. But for the next few days, it would just me "Sonya and her moth---." Erica paused mid-sentence, wiped her eyes of a few tears, and corrected her statement. "Sonya and me," she finished."

- Soap Central