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05/29/1997 Hayley & Mateo Spread The News Of Their Marriage

"Because of the loan he'd given her, Stuart told Skye that he lost ownership of WRCW. Skye's face paled. She worried that her father would find out that she was the reason that Dimitri got control of the station and began laying plans to avert the discovery. Stuart managed to coax part of the truth out of Skye: She didn't need the money for a lawsuit, she was being blackmailed. But that was all the farther that Skye would go with the story. Perhaps, Skye suggested, if they were able to raise $500,000, Dimitri might consider Stuart's debt paid in full and give him the station back.

Maria and Edmund arrived at the hospital. Too bad they didn't arrive earlier, Hayley smiled as she waved her newly placed wedding band. Maria and Edmund were extremely happy for Hayley and Mateo and weren't concerned that they missed the wedding. They were simply happy that Mateo and Hayley didn't waste any time in getting back together. The doctor wanted to examine Hayley and Maria, being a doctor, was allowed to stay in the room. The doctor gave Hayley a good review and hinted that she might be able to go home in a few days. The police called the hospital room trying to find Mateo. Maria took a message for her brother and later told him that the police located Tanner's car and wanted Matt to identify Tanner's belongings.

After the men left. Maria and Hayley talked about married life. They also mused at the type of woman that Isabella had picked for Mateo: A woman with a little white lace apron, a pearl necklace, and someone who grinds her own corn to use in tortillas.

Adam accused Dimitri of swindling Stuart in order to obtain the station. Dimitri claimed that he didn't do anything that Adam hadn't done to Stuart in the past. Using Stuart's name as owner on the station was a devious way to cheat the IRS. Adam vowed to fight Dimitri's acquisition of the station, but Dimitri said that Adam will never get the station back.

Adam headed to the gallery to talk to Stuart about the sale of the station. Stuart apologized non-stop for letting his brother down. He even suggested that Adam have him declared incompetent so that he can regain control of the station. Stuart repeatedly called himself "stupid," and Adam finally stepped in to stop Stuart's self-mutilation. Adam said he would not treat his brother badly any more and insisted that Stuart was not stupid. But Stuart refused to part with the identity of the secret borrower. Scott overheard the raised voices and ran down the steps. There, he told Adam that it was Skye who needed the money.

Skye phoned the Virginia State Police to see if any news had broken on Tanner's case. When she learned that Tanner's car had been located, she made plans to head to Virginia, hoping that the money she had given Tanner was still in the car.

As she left for the airport, Skye bumped into Adam. He demanded to know what was so important to Skye that it resulted in her giving control of WRCW to Dimitri.

In Virginia, Edmund and Mateo learned the answer to Skye's question. No drugs were found in Tanner's car, but a suitcase full of money had been retrieved. Edmund and Matt turned their backs for one second and agreed that the money was definitely Skye's. Liza had overheard Adam and Dimitri's discussion and entered Dimitri's office. Dimitri was surprised to see that Liza had not tendered her resignation. When asked what Adam thought of her continued work at the station, Liza revealed that Adam did not know that she was still working at WRCW. Dimitri warned Liza about keeping secrets, but Liza said that Adam would find out about her work on her terms.

Scott arrived at the station a short time later to drop off a letter of resignation. He blasted Dimitri for treating his father so poorly and said that the transaction has left Stuart feeling sub-human.
Liza returned a short time later and asked Dimitri if he was up for a little dinner date.

Esther explained that it was wrong for Erica to allow Maria to believe that her baby is dead. She added that Edmund seemed like a "prince," completely the opposite of the way Erica had described him. The only possible explanation for Erica's behavior, Esther commented, was that Erica was using Sonya to get back at Maria for sleeping with Dimitri. Erica vehemently denied the claim. Now, Erica said, it was time for her to tell Esther the "whole story." Esther scratched her eye and said that Erica had told her the "whole story" before. Erica gave her word that this time she'd tell Esther the truth. And she did. She told Esther that she was going to return Sonya to Maria and Edmund, but overheard Maria and Dimitri discussing how it was better for the baby to be dead than alive. Do you think of Maria and Dimitri's affair, Esther asked, when you look at Sonya? Of course not, Erica smiled. Then why would Edmund? Men are different, explained Erica.

Janet arrived at Linden to clear the air. She told Erica that she and Dimitri were not dating and said that Dimitri was only trying to make Erica jealous. Erica said that she could care less about Dimitri. Janet also indicated that she was upset that her friendship with Erica had crashed. Friends don't keep secrets, said Erica. But Janet countered that comment by telling Erica that she's been keeping secrets about Sonya for months. Erica's face dropped. Janet said that she feels Erica did the right thing by allowing Esther to help raise Sonya. "Every mother has a right to know her child," Janet said.

Janet left and Esther raced down the stairs. Esther told Erica that Janet was a wise woman for saying that Sonya deserves to know her mother. She empathized with Erica for missing Bianca, but said that Bianca knows that Erica, not Barbara, is her real mother. "You're wrong this time, Miss Kane," Esther frowned. Erica was left to mull her decision to take Sonya. For the first time, Erica seemed convinced that everyone was right: Sonya should go back to Maria and Edmund."

- Soap Central