Browse By Year



"Things slowly returned to normal for Hayley and Mateo. Hayley was released from the hospital and she and her new husband hopped a plane bound for Pine Valley. There were to be no more catastrophes or accidents as the plane made a perfect landing at the Pine Valley International Airport.

Kevin noticed that Kelsey was less than thrilled by the rapidly approaching senior prom festivities. She explained that it her gloom and doom attitude had nothing to do with Kevin. She did admit that it's a little upsetting going to the prom with "a hot guy" who doesn't feel any romantic feelings for her. What Kelsey longed for was someone to love. Kevin nodded, understanding exactly what she meant. He said that one day they'll both find someone special.

Scott told Laura that he told Stuart about their post-prom plans. While Stuart didn't encourage them to jump in bed together, he was supportive of their decision and urged them to be responsible. Laura confessed that she had not talked to Brooke yet. She said that Brooke had been immersed in chaos ever since Christina's return and worried that her news might push Brooke over the edge. But she realized that it was important for her to talk to her mother about her sexual activities. And both Scott and Laura stated that they had taken precautions by purchasing protection.

Amanda scolded Trevor for yelling at Janet. She said that Janet was concerned for Trevor's safety in Central America and that Trevor was wrong for yelling at Janet. Speak of the devil and devil shows up for dinner with a bottle of temptation. Janet phoned Amanda to tell her that she scored two tickets to Annie. The tickets were Amanda's and she could take whomever she wanted to the play. It should've come as no big surprise that Amanda asked Janet to go with her. Amanda looked out of the corner of her eyes and saw Trevor listening intently to the conversation. She told Janet that she'd need to call her back. Amanda told Trevor about the tickets and said that he could join her and Janet at the play if he buys himself a ticket. Tim took Amanda and Jamie to the mall for some ice cream. After they left, Trevor called Janet and reminded her that she cannot take Amanda on social engagements without make arrangements with him first. Janet apologized and said that she didn't order Amanda to go with her. If it'll smooth things over, Trevor can go in her place.

Amanda stopped by a flower stand at the mall and purchased flowers for Janet. She had a card reading "I'm Sorry" attached to the flowers. She didn't want to drop them off at Enchantment so the man at the flower stand offered the deliver them free of charge. Later Amanda told Jamie that Janet would think that the flowers were from Trevor and that everything between the two adults would be smoothed.

Janet sat at her desk and had mental flashbacks of her encounter with Trevor upon his return from El Salvador. As she daydreamed, the flower delivery arrived. Janet read the card---that just had "I'm Sorry"---and, as Amanda had hoped, realized that they were sent by Trevor. At the moment, Trevor arrived at her office with his teeth showing like an agry dog. Janet rose to her feet and offered Trevor an apology.

Gloria told Ruth that Dimitri has a tendency to push himself on people. As they talked about him, Dimitri entered the staff lounge. Gloria accused him of spying on her, but Dimitri claimed his presence was strictly business---there was a hospital board meeting. A nurse burst into the room and said that both Ruth and Gloria were needed in the emergency room. Bianca was en route to the hospital after suffering head trauma from a horse accident.

Erica arrived before the ambulance (apparently Bianca's accident occurred in a remote area of Wildwind and it would take extra time to transport her to the hospital). The only neurologist within a page's range turned out to be Maria. Reluctantly, Erica agreed to let Maria treat her daughter. But when Maria arrived at the hospital, she wasn't so sure that she should work on the case. She explained that her cold relationship with Erica would leave her subject to law suits by Miss Kane. Maria did agree to help out, though.

Erica lashed out at Dimitri for allowing her daughter to be injured. He said that he had no idea that Bianca had gone riding and assured his former wife that he never would have allowed Bianca to go riding without supervision. Dimitri then pulled Gloria aside and told her that he wants Bianca to have round the clock supervision and will double any nurse's salary who wants to volunteer their help.

An MRI showed nothing "catastrophic" and Maria upgraded Bianca's condition from critical to serious. Joe made arrangements for Erica to spend the night with Bianca at the hospital and while everyone stood outside Bianca's room, Dimitri slipped inside to check on Bianca's condition with his own eyes.

Erica went to Maria and thanked them for putting aside their differences with her long enough to treat Bianca. Maria asked Erica why she suddenly trusted her abilities. After all, when Sonya needed medical attention after her brush with Dimitri's speedy car, Erica wanted nothing to do with her."

- Soap Central