"At the hospital, Angie was irate that Jesse was too embroiled in Zach's cover-up to attend Natalia's academy graduation that evening. Jesse said that he couldn't make it because he had to protect Zach's family from a big mistake. "Again, at the expensive of your own," Angie seethed.
At police headquarters after graduation, Frankie complimented Natalia, who beamed with excitement about the new badge on her uniform. When Frankie commented that her pinning was a big deal, Natalia sullenly replied that it wasn't to their father. Frankie assured an unconvinced Natalia that Jesse had to have been doing something very important, and the two joked about a cadet's antics during the ceremony. Frankie invited her for a beer, but Natalia said that her first shift was that evening. Upon leaving, Frankie warned her not to write him any tickets.
Brot approached Natalia to show off the new uniform that he'd received after passing his entrance exam. He congratulated her on her badge, and she said it had been a long road to receiving it. Brot remarked that it wouldn't be long for him, because his military experience had exempted him from some of the courses. Just then, an officer handed Natalia a gun and assigned her to transport security. She stared gravely at the weapon, hoping that she'd never have to use it.
Frankie went to work and told his mother that the graduation had gone well, except for the part where Jesse hadn't shown up. When Angie seemed tense about it, Frankie worried that Jesse had missed the graduation because Madison had returned. Angie insisted that she was just busy, and Madison was long gone. Frankie took some of her caseload and left.
In Kendall's hospital room, Aidan suspected Erica had bailed him out so that he'd be indebted to Kendall. Kendall admitted that she needed Aidan's help, and it would require him to break every condition of his bail. Aidan wondered if Kendall understood what she was asking of him. Kendall knew that it was illegal, and Zach would feel betrayed; however, she couldn't bear the alternative. Aidan said if they did it, there was no turning back.
In the corridor, Erica forbade Jesse from disrupting Kendall's rest, and Jesse questioned Erica's motives behind posting Aidan's bail. Erica felt that Aidan deserved a medal, not jail time, for trying to get the truth out of Annie. Jesse called Aidan's kidnapping plot idiotic and reckless.
Later, a guard told Jesse that a lawyer was visiting Kendall. When Aidan exited the room, Jesse growled, "Counselor?" The guard announced that they would transfer Kendall in thirty minutes. Jesse ordered Aidan to cease whatever plan he was concocting. Aidan left, saying that Jesse worried too much.
Outside Emma's room, Zach asked Ryan to look after Ian, but Ryan demanded to know why. Zach reluctantly replied that he couldn't care for Ian himself because he'd be in prison. Ryan pressed Zach to tell him what was going on, but a frustrated Zach replied that Ryan was the only person that he could trust. Zach asked if Ryan would keep Ian until they got Annie. Ryan wanted Annie put away more than anything and agreed to help for Emma's sake, not Zach's.
In the hideout, Kendall's double scuffled with Liza, bashed her over the head, and escaped. Liza called Zach, worried that because the double was at large, the authorities would discover that Kendall hadn't been imprisoned. Zach cryptically said that he had it under control, and they didn't need the double anymore. Liza wanted to help, and he asked her to check on Ian.
Zach hung up on Liza and called the D.A. to meet him at the hospital. Erica overheard the call and asked what Zach was up to. Zach asked if she'd talked to Kendall. When Erica replied that they'd discussed bailing Aidan out, Zach grimaced and boarded the elevator.
When the elevator doors opened on Kendall's floor, Zach saw Aidan and said, "Whatever she asked you to do, the answer is no." Aidan said that Kendall wanted to ensure that he hadn't given up on the Annie situation. Zach dismissively replied that Ryan was handling it. Aidan huffed that he'd gotten closer to the truth than any of them, and everything would have worked out if Adam hadn't shown up. Zach ordered Aidan to stay out of it.
In Kendall's room, Jesse pleaded with Kendall to talk Zach out of his false confession because it wouldn't help anyone. Kendall reasoned that their plan would save their accomplices from jail time. He worried about her sons, but she was resigned that Ryan would have to care for them. Jesse stated that Kendall had lost it the last time Zach had falsely confessed to a crime and wondered what had changed. "This time, there's no way out," Zach said as he entered.
Jesse left, and Zach demanded to know what Kendall was planning with Aidan. She insisted that she was enlisting Aidan's help so that Ryan didn't have to handle Annie alone. Kendall didn't want to spend the little time they had left fighting. Zach climbed into her bed to hold her, and she said it was unfair that they'd lose each other after they'd just found each other again. She made him promise that no matter how long it took, they'd be together again. Zach said he'd never accept anything less.
Jesse encountered Liza in the corridor, and she informed him that the double was missing. She found it strange that Zach wasn't upset about it and hadn't mentioned it to Jesse. When Jesse also seemed oddly calm about it, Liza suspected that Zach was planning something. Jesse replied that she'd get her answers after Kendall and Zach said their goodbyes.
An officer notified Jesse that transport security had arrived, and Jesse alerted Kendall that it was time to leave. After a tearful goodbye with his wife, Zach went into the hallway and asked Liza to give his love to Ian. Zach said he was headed to a meeting with the D.A., and Liza asked what was going on. Zach walked away, replying that he was protecting the people that he loved.
Back in Kendall's room, Aidan knocked out a guard as the guard prepared Kendall for transport. Aidan and Kendall took the elevator to the ground floor. When Jesse and some officers spotted them, Aidan took Kendall hostage. With his gun drawn, Aidan said that if the cops moved, Kendall was dead. Jesse ordered the officers to stand down.
Liza pursued Zach to his meeting with the D.A. Before Zach could explain the reason for the meeting, they heard officers yelling about an escape attempt. Liza and Zach took off in the direction of the standoff, where Jesse was telling Aidan that things didn't have to escalate. Aidan whispered to Kendall that they would run on the count of three. Just as Aidan reached three, Natalia slipped up behind him and fired her gun. Aidan dodged downward, and Kendall slipped out a side door. Zach yelled her name.
At the Chandler mansion, Adam comforted Annie, promising her that he'd pull strings with a judge to get her in to see Emma. He assured her that she wasn't alone, and he wouldn't let the truth damage Emma. Scott entered to say that he'd gotten the judge to draw up a court order granting Annie access to Emma. When Adam questioned Scott's motives, Scott replied that he'd done it for their family and added, "We all want the same thing."
Adam left the room as he called to thank the judge. Annie thanked Scott for his help. She wondered if he desired revenge for his father's death. Scott resentfully replied that he couldn't seek revenge or justice without hurting more people. Annie said that she pondered the "what ifs" of that night every day of her life. Scott contended that no matter how many ways the evening could have played out, Stuart still would have been dead.
Scott wondered what path Annie would have taken if she could do it again. Annie reasoned that Emma wouldn't be in a coma if Annie had left with the girl that night. Scott countered that if Annie had left, she wouldn't be marrying Adam. She acknowledged that she was lucky to start her life over with Adam. Just then, the court papers arrived, and Scott offered to accompany Annie to the hospital. Annie said he'd done enough. She kissed his cheek and left.
Adam returned, thanking Scott for his support. Adam worried about Emma, saying that if her memories surfaced, they'd cause irreparable damage. Scott toasted to that never happening.
Erica visited Emma and wondered what it would take for Emma to wake up. Though Erica offered the child a room full of stuffed animals and a serenade from her favorite singer, she figured the best reason for Emma to awaken was to hug her father. Erica said that Emma's father would fulfill her every wish if she'd just wake up.
Ryan sat at Emma's bedside later, telling her that Ian would live with them. Ryan begged her to wake up for him. Annie entered, handed him the court order, and said she had every right to be there. Ryan quipped that it had to have been cramped quarters for the judge who lived in Adam's pocket. Annie said Ryan couldn't keep her from her daughter. "We'll see," he said.
Frankie and Angie entered and asked Emma's parents to wait outside during Emma's neurological check. Annie and Ryan moved to the corridor, where they bickered about their love for their daughter. Ryan challenged Annie to prove her love by confessing. Ryan didn't know why Emma would want to wake up after being burdened with her mother's murderous secret. He said that Emma might wake up and smile again if Annie did the right thing."
- Soap Central