Browse By Year


09/29/2008 Adam Recants

"Babe and JR were at the Comeback with Krystal. Babe announced that she and JR were thinking about getting married in the mansion's garden. Krystal wondered if they should steer clear of the mansion, especially since JR wanted Tad to be his best man. Opal entered the bar. She looked very distraught. She sat down with JR, Babe, and Krystal and portended destruction. JR laughed and asked her to read her tarot cards to see if she saw anything about their upcoming wedding. Opal reluctantly flipped her cards. She said that it was fate that JR and Babe were together. After JR and Babe left, Krystal demanded to know what the cards really said. Opal predicted that the Carey women were in big trouble. Krystal looked worried.

Greenlee called Kendall, who was at Fusion, to let her know that Ryan had been arrested. Just as Kendall told Greenlee that she would meet her at the police station, Zach approached Kendall and asked her where she was headed. She lied and said that she was meeting Greenlee for a drink. He gave her an incredulous look and she realized that Zach knew she was fibbing. She admitted that she wanted to go to the police station to bail out Ryan. Zach urged Kendall to mind her own business. She claimed that she wished to support her friends, but Zach thought she wished to meddle.

Adam was interrogated by a cop. Adam recanted his story that he misplaced his gun in Annie's bedroom. Instead, Adam told the cop that Annie was crazy and stole the gun from his locked cabinet.

Jesse questioned Ryan about why he took Emma away from Annie. Ryan explained that Annie was dangerous and he needed to protect his daughter. Ryan further stated that Annie was scheming to take his daughter away, so she could get revenge for him falling in love with Greenlee. Jesse said that he would have to investigate the case more because he did not know if Ryan or Annie were a danger to Emma.

Annie demanded to see Emma. A cop told her that Emma was with a social worker. Annie pleaded to see her daughter, but the cop would not allow it. Annie then saw Greenlee and blamed her for Emma's situation. Greenlee pleaded with Annie to drop the charges against Ryan because he was a good father, but Annie refused. Annie asked how Aidan felt about Greenlee constantly coming to Ryan's rescue. Jesse saw the two women fighting and broke it up.

Jesse interrogated Annie. He informed her that Adam changed his story and she looked shocked and nervous. Still, she affirmed that she had no idea how the gun got into her room. Jesse explained that until he could determine that Annie and Ryan were fit to raise Emma, the little girl would remain in foster care. Annie was horrified and begged Jesse not to keep Emma with Child Services. Jesse said he had no other choice, but Annie had an idea.

Kendall received a call from Jesse asking her to come to the police station. Kendall and Zach rushed to the station. Jesse informed them that Annie wanted Emma to go home with them, instead of staying in foster care. Kendall and Zach agreed to take the little girl.

Annie, Ryan, and Greenlee watched as the cops brought Emma to Kendall and Zach. Annie and Ryan said goodbye to their daughter. Emma stated that she wanted to be with her parents. They told her that she was having a sleepover with her brother, Spike. So, Emma left with Kendall and Zach. Annie turned to Ryan and proclaimed that she would die before she let him raise Emma.

Ryan and Greenlee went back to his penthouse. Ryan was upset with himself because he let Annie get out of control. He felt that she was unstable and he wished that he had gotten her psychiatric help while they were still together. Greenlee grabbed his face and affirmed that he was not to blame. They looked into each other's eyes as they their faces got closer.

While Kendall made Emma's bed, Zach spoke with the girl. He told her that Kendall got lonely being the only girl in the Slater family. He explained that Kendall was very excited to have Emma, another girl, to keep her company. Zach asked Emma to do him a favor and let Kendall spend time with her. He suggested that Kendall read her a story. Emma said nothing. He stated that Emma was loved very much. Then, Kendall came into the room and Emma announced that she was ready for her story. Kendall smiled at Zach.

Annie went to the mansion to confront Adam. Adam confessed that he told the cops she stole the gun. She threatened to tell Kendall and Greenlee that he was plotting to take over Fusion, if he did not protect her. He calmly said that no one would believe her. Just as JR and Babe entered the house, Adam told Annie to pack her belongings and leave. JR and Babe were appalled. Adam stated that Annie was no longer welcome. JR pulled his father aside and asked him to reconsider. Adam said that she could spend one more night in the mansion.

Annie was outside getting fresh air. She felt that someone was watching her, so she went inside. She noticed that someone opened the back door and then entered one of the secret passageways. Annie went into the passageway to see of there was an intruder. Just then, the door closed behind her and she screamed.

Frankie prescribed Taylor a mild sedative to help with her nerves. He told her that she had to tell her therapist about the meds. Taylor agreed.

Taylor met with her therapist for the first time. She was cool, calm, and collected during the session, thanks to the pills Frankie gave her. Taylor told the doctor that she was not scared of anything and that she was anxious to get back to Iraq. However, Taylor never told the therapist that she was on medication.

Taylor met Jake and Amanda at the Comeback for a drink. Taylor bragged about how well her session went. When Amanda went to the restroom, Jake asked Taylor if she was on drugs. She denied being altered, but he knew better. He warned her that the drugs were just a temporary remedy for her problems and that the therapist would see through her act eventually."

- Soap Central