"Ryan informs a stunned Greenleee he's dead serious about wanting a divorce. Across town, Kendall is taken aback when Erica confides that she may have to call off her wedding. Meanwhile, Sam finds an agitated Lily huddled in the woods and the two commiserate about their problematic parents. At the police station, Maddie shrilly accuses Zach of roughing her up but Maria advises her daughter to quiet down. Though Jamie orders Adam to get away from his mother, Brooke assures her son she can handle their guest alone. Sam explains to Lily why he's going to hide out until he can put together a plan to rescue his sister. Revealing how dangerously low his blood pressure had become, Adam thanks Brooke for browbeating him into seeing a doctor in time. Greenlee rages at her father for meddling in her marriage, then wheels around and warns Ryan she will never divorce him. Maria thanks Zach for preventing her children from leaving Pine Valley. Jamie is surprised to encounter Amanda Dillon at the Chandler mansion. Ryan reminds his exasperated wife how leaving her is the only way he can protect her from his inevitable family legacy. Kendall is forced to referee another quarrel between Jackson and Erica. Zach privately asks Maddie to cut her mother some slack for a change. Lily uses her analytical skills to help a grateful Sam. Brooke urges Adam to make a real effort to mend his hateful ways. Kendall lays down the law to her mother and Jack. Greenlee finally convinces Ryan to reconsider."
- Soap Central