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"Cleanup was underway at the Martin's, with Jamie and JR having a heart-to-heart talk outside as Adam confronted Babe, and Brooke fretted to Tad about Jamie telling JR that he had slept with Babe.

Adam admitted to Babe that he'd shown Jamie the file about her past and told her that JR had a right to know what kind of slut he was married to. She admitted she'd called the police about his whereabouts the night Michael had disappeared, and Adam vowed she would not share another family dinner with them. Babe wept, and Brooke rushed to her rescue and listened as Babe shared her fear of Adam. Brooke was sympathetic then confronted Adam about using Jamie to do his dirty work. She berated him for not letting JR grow up and for not accepting Babe. Adam reminded Brooke that Babe had slept with Jamie and every naval officer in San Diego. She warned Adam that he'd better stop trying to run JR's life and let him love his wife.

Jamie tried to tell JR that something had happened with Babe, but JR refused to let Jamie share any information he'd gotten from Adam and said he knew that Jamie only wanted Babe for himself. JR was angry and accused Jamie of acting like a kid, but Jamie only told JR that Babe was not as innocent as JR thought. JR told Jamie to stop acting like Adam, but Jamie kept trying to tell him the truth. Jamie reminded JR that he loved him, but JR pushed Jamie away and said to stay away from him and Babe. JR got Babe, and they left in a rush.

Tad tried to talk to Jamie, who could only say that JR hated him.

At home, JR asked Babe if Jamie had hit on her and she said yes, but nothing had happened. She said Jamie kept looking at her, and she'd had to tell him how much she loved her husband. They kissed, and later, Adam knocked on their door, but JR slammed the door in his face after telling him Jamie wouldn't help Adam spread his lies about Babe.

At the Valley Inn, Derek arrested Kendall for the murder of Michael Cambias. Ryan rushed to Kendall's side as Greenlee looked on jealously. Derek and Justin were stunned to hear about Kendall's pregnancy but not as stunned as Jack was to hear that he'd been taken off the case and was suspended indefinitely as D.A., by order of the governor. Allen Singer announced himself as Jack's replacement and said there would be an investigation by the ethics committee.

Maggie and Lena tried to stop Bianca from rushing to Kendall's aid, and even though she wanted to help her sister, she collapsed and had to rest. Ryan offered to get Kendall the best lawyer, but she was suspicious of his motives. Kendall, Greenlee, and Ryan argued over the fortune, Fusion, and friendship, and Kendall told Greenlee that Greenlee could have Ryan for herself. Erica was actually sympathetic toward Kendall and referred to Kendall as her daughter, but Kendall was hateful in return. Reggie suggested that Mary could get in good with Jack if she'd confess to the murder. Mary turned the tables and suggested that Reggie was the guilty one.

Greenlee approached Erica about a plan to save Kendall and Jack. Erica reminded Greenlee that she wanted nothing to do with her, regardless of paternity. Ryan called Bianca from the bar, and she went to meet him. He wanted to talk to Bianca about Kendall's pregnancy. Ryan apologized for his behavior at the grave but eventually asked her if Kendall could pass a DNA test. Bianca said yes and later confided to Maggie that Ryan had figured out that Kendall wasn't pregnant and Bianca was. She said that his only motivation was to keep Kendall out of jail.

Mary talked to Greenlee and told her to let Jack, Kendall, Erica, and the rest go. Mary said that no matter how many times they rejected Greenlee, Mary would always be there for her. Greenlee was less than enthused by Mary's outpouring of maternal affection.

David and Erica went to her house, where they were upset to see the mess caused by the police search. They took comfort in knowing the police could not have found anything. Erica also expressed her concern about Jack and Kendall and said she knew Kendall was innocent. She then told David about her conversation with Adam, who had seen everything that night and had promised not to tell anyone. Bianca went home and asked them if they were planning to let Kendall go to prison for something they had done.

When Jack absorbed all the news, he decided to become Kendall's defense attorney. He met Kendall in the jail and promised to get her out soon and find the best defense attorney, because he knew everything she had done had been for Erica and Bianca. She asked him to get a message to Bianca that nothing had changed. Later, Ryan went to visit her."

- Soap Central