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10/30/2001-10/31/2001 Bianca Consults A Lawyer

"Still furious with her mother, Bianca met with an attorney at the courthouse to see if she could declare herself legally independent. In essence, she wanted to sever ties with her mother. Erica overheard Bianca arranging a meeting with Frankie at the courthouse. Erica fumed when Bianca lied about her intentions, while Frankie attempted to dissuade Bianca from challenging her trust fund in a court of law. Chris did his best to distract Erica, but Erica remained consumed with Bianca. Suspecting Frankie of fortune hunting, Erica challenged Frankie to a battle for Bianca's affections.

On the beach, Mia and Ryan discussed their feelings for one another. As things turned more emotional, Adam called and summoned Mia to meet with him immediately. Mia tried to get Adam to back off so that she could spend more time with Ryan, but Adam insisted that she do as he requested.

Adam cheered when he learned that Ryan's father dealt drugs, but Mia dampened Adam's mood when she informed him that she no longer wanted to be his spy. Although Adam warned Mia against falling in love with Ryan, Mia did proclaim her love to Ryan.

In a parking garage, Dixie's suddenly-opened car door hit Liza in the belly, causing her to take a tumble. Dixie thought Liza was being overly dramatic until she learned that Liza was pregnant. Dixie took Liza to Seaview after Liza refused to go anywhere near Pine Valley Hospital and Dr. Clader's office. Tests showed that the baby was fine and that there had apparently been no damage done. admitted that Adam did not know, and that she wasn't certain who fathered the baby, but Dixie urged Liza to tell Adam the truth.

Seated on a bench in the park, Leo and Ryan discussed the fact that neither one of them had the father that they'd wanted. In the background, Chris overheard Ryan express his desire to find his dad."

- Soap Central