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"At the Cindy Parker Chandler Foundation Charity Auction, being held at the art gallery, Stuart and Marian thanked everyone for their generous contributions. The group toasted themselves for being able to provide many AIDS patients with medical equipment and care and they dispersed. David approached Adam and questioned why he hadn't called him yet. He reminded Adam that his offer was for a "limited time" and warned that he would soon press charges against his "thieving, pill-popping son." Adam retorted that he had no proof against JR but David slyly replied that "fingerprints don't lie." Liza approached the pair and David left. Adam explained that he was looking for an "answer" and Liza hoped he hadn't given him one yet. He replied that he had to do something to keep JR out of a "hell hole" but Liza reminded him that his scheming would put him in the exact same place. She explained that JR needed help with his drug problem but Adam told her not to worry and walked away. Wheelchair-bound, Hayley and Liza went to talk in the corner. Liza confided that JR was taking drugs and Hayley wondered if it was the "curse" of the family. She reasoned that Adam couldn't deal with the news and offered to help. She asked if he they had confronted him and Liza replied that they had and he had switched his story. Hayley confided that she thought JR was high the night of the accident and explained that even though he had tested negative from his urine sample, he may have switched his sample with someone else's. Hayley reasoned that she would get him talking and even if he lied to her, she would be able to tell because it was what she did when she used to drink. Liza stood and approached JR who was standing by himself. She told him that his sister missed him and wanted to talk to him.

Leo and Laura laid in her hospital bed. Laura confessed that she regretted not being able to have their first dance as husband and wife. Leo surveyed the tubes and machines hooked up to her and assured her that they could "figure something out." Gently, he lifted her out of bed and placed her feet on his. They slowly began to dance but there was no music playing. Sleepily, Laura smiled and assured him that she heard a song.

At the chapel, Brooke sadly looked at Erica. She asked Erica if she was just getting her hopes up but Erica replied that a gun shot victim had just arrived to the ICU. Brooke's tear-streaked face lit up and she ran for the door. Crying, Ryan entered the chapel at the same time. Brooke apologized for running into him and explained that a gun shot victim was just brought to the ER. Ryan cried and looked at her horrified as Brooke told him that Laura "had a chance" if this "gun shot victim (didn't) make it." He ran out and Erica told her that "shouldn't have happened." Brooke asked who the victim was and Erica replied that it was Gillian. Shaken, Brooke left to find Ryan. Bianca walked in and asked what was wrong. Erica assured her that it wasn't bad news about Laura but Bianca gingerly asked what was going on.

Laura recounted to Leo the first time she went home to Brooke's place for something to eat. Weakly, she told him that the glass of milk that was given to her was the "best thing (she) had ever seen." Leo offered to get her some milk from the nurses' station but Laura stated that she couldn't drink it. He jokingly told her that one sip on their wedding night wouldn't hurt but after that, he was going to "cut her off." Outside, he leaned against the wall and sighed. He spotted Zora and she asked how Laura was doing. Leo explained that she was tired and getting sicker. He asked her if she was getting worse but Zora didn't respond. She told him that Laura's heart scans had come back and the results were not good. She explained that the test rated how hard her heart was working and that it had sunk from to an 8 from a 45. Sadly, Leo asked how much time she had left.

Leo returned with a glass of milk and Laura slowly sipped it. She told him that it felt comforting, just like that first day at Brooke's house. Leo asked if that was how she felt with him and she replied that she felt even safer with him. She tried to talk but whispered that it was getting too painful. Leo assured her that his mouth was big enough for the both of them and began talking about their honeymoon. They envisioned being in Venice and Laura donning a beautiful wedding dress.

Ryan stood outside of Gillian's hospital room and watched her. Brooke cautiously approached him and apologized for what she had said. She explained that she didn't know Gillian had been brought it but Ryan angrily told her to go. She replied that they were both in pain and she knew what he was feeling and told him she was moments away from losing her second child. The pair cried as Brooke told him that she had "no right to ask" and wondered if he knew anything. He slowly replied that he knew only that it was "horrible." Brooke gingerly told him that Laura was getting sicker but Ryan angrily told her that Gillian was getting better because he could "feel it." He shouted at her to take Gillian "off (her) list" and went into her room. Jake walked out and Brooke asked if Gillian was getting better. As they watched Ryan with his wife, Jake sadly replied that the tests they had run earlier that day confirmed that she had no brain activity and that she was only being kept alive on life support. Brooke stated that Gillian wouldn't want Laura to die and Jake revealed that she had signed a donor card when she heard about Laura's situation. The only problem was that she hadn't drawn up a living will so Ryan would be able to cancel the donor card. He told her that Gillian's blood type matched Laura's and they would be able to determine a heart compatibility once they ran tissue tests. Quietly, he told her that if they moved quickly, they would still have time. "You mean before Laura dies," Brooke sobbed and rushed away.

Leo and Laura dreamed about their honeymoon in Paris and Laura promised that she would remember it forever. Leo left to get her some ice chips and Brooke approached him. She told him she had bad news and that he had to listen to her. She explained that Gillian had been shot and was in the ICU, but that her heart hadn't been damaged. Leo was shocked but Brooke told him this was Laura's only chance at a life. He asked if she had spoken to Ryan yet but she replied that it was too painful. He left to talk to him "before it (was) too late."

After hearing about Gillian, Bianca sat beside her mother in a state of shock. She confessed that once Travis had died, she didn't think she could ever go through the pain again. Erica wished that she could take all of her pain away but Bianca reasoned that life wasn't like that. She explained that you had two choices: you could keep everyone away and be alone or you could let people into your heart, love them and then lose them. Erica replied that once you loved someone, you were able to gain strength that you never had before and that it was this love that helped you get through tough times. Bianca stated that some people go through life without anyone loving them but Erica assured her this wouldn't be the case with her. Crying, Bianca asked her to "promise" and, as Erica hugged her daughter, she did.

JR and Hayley spoke in the corner. She asked him why he had taken the pill and he replied that he wanted to fit in. She asked him if it happened just that once and he assured her that it did. Hayley wondered why he would turn to drugs and JR explained that his life had been a mess since David ruined their family. She took his hand and made him promise that the next time he was in a situation like that, he would call her and she would come get him. "Are you gonna wheel yourself over?" he joked, but Hayley assured him that she would get there any way she could. She offered to take him to a meeting or a 12 Step program, unless he was afraid. JR nervously replied that would be fine and promised that he would call her. The pair hugged and Hayley whispered that she was very lucky to have him as a brother. Teary, JR got up and walked away. David approached him and asked if he was having fun. JR eyed him and informed him that they weren't supposed to "party down" at an AIDS benefit. David turned and walked towards Derek. Derek asked him if he was enjoying his freedom and informed him that his court date had been set. David nonchalantly replied that he wasn't nervous. "You make me nervous when I see you too close to a punch bowl," Adam quipped, as he approached David who was standing alone. David informed him that his court date had been set but wondered if he was really going to go to jail. Adam told him that relied upon whether he had mentioned JR to Derek but David slyly assured him that he hadn't. Again, Adam repeated that he had no proof against JR but David pulled out an envelope from his jacket pocket. He explained that he had gotten forensic experts to dust his room for fingerprints and that they had made a match with JR, whose file was already at the station. Adam looked nervous as David asked him if he was ready to reach an agreement and threatened to give a copy of the report to the police.

Jake watched through the window as Ryan talked to Gillian. He held her hand and cried as he reminded her of the promises that they made to one another. He told her they had too much to look forward to and that they had spent too much time apart when they broke up. Ryan sobbed as he reminded her of their wedding day when she promised to give her heart to him. He stroked her hand as he cried that he needed her heart and would never be able to give it away. "Don't give up on me," he sobbed, "because I'm not giving up on you." He asked her if she could hear him and begged her to open her eyes but she didn't respond. Ryan gently rubbed the side of her face and told her to take her time and that she needed to rest. Jake went into the room and asked to speak to Ryan. Gently, he explained that they had run several tests that proved that Gillian had no brain activity. Upset, Ryan demanded to know why she was then breathing and Jake explained that the machines were keeping her alive. He told Ryan that all the doctors and specialists were in agreement that "it (was) time." Ryan became angry, threw Jake out and locked the door. He returned to his wife's bedside and told her they would think differently if only they felt her warm hand. He took her hand and began to cry and stated that he knew she would never leave him. Suddenly, he turned around and saw Leo desperately watching him through the window outside.

As Stuart spoke to the crowd, Adam approached David and whispered that he would bribe "everyone from the judge down to the washroom attendant" to make him a free man only if he dropped his vendetta against JR. David replied that he had broken into his room and stole medication, but Adam was firm. David told him he had his word but Adam wondered what that was worth. "I guess you're just going to have to wait to find out," he replied and Adam walked away.

Brooke sat with Laura in her arms. Laura cried as she thanked Brooke for the "milk and for saving (her) life." Brooke sobbed and told her that she was the one who saved her. Brooke whispered that she loved her and Laura slowly asked if she knew that she loved her too. "Oh yes," Brooke cried and hugged Laura closer. The heart machine began beeping and Brooke frantically looked down to her daughter who was motionless."

- Soap Central