"At Chandler Mansion, Liza and Adam were slowly accepting the fact that their honeymoon wasn't quite going to play out the way it should. Adam had to leave his new wife's side to because he needed to speak to Dixie about JR and her unwillingness to put their son first. Liza kissed her husband goodbye, but warned him not to throw his weight around. Shortly after Adam left, Liza raced to the phone and dialed Tad's number. As had happened numerous times before, her call was routed to Tad's voice mail. Liza told Tad that David was on his way to the mansion and said that she would do her best to "bluff" her way through the meeting. A matter of seconds later, the doorbell rang, signaling David's arrival. When allowed into the house, David wasted no time in warning Liza to "stop messing with Leo." As David explained it, he believed that she and Tad were giving Leo a hard time about a tape from Ryan's yacht party. A tape, David insisted, that did not exist. David threatened to sue Liza for her antics, a move that more than raised Liza's eyebrows. Liza waited until David was done chattering on before asking him if he wanted to hear her account of what had transpired between her and Tad and Leo. David sat down in a chair and gave Liza the go-ahead to offer her side of the story. The expression on David's face made it clear that he wasn't going to believe anything that Liza had to say. Liza claimed that Leo had actually gone to her and Tad about the alleged tape and said that he'd sell it to them for $250,000. Liza said that Tad had had a marked interest in the tape and asked for a screening of the tape before handing over any money. Leo, she said, never showed up for the arranged meeting. "There is no tape," David said, repeating a phrase he had already uttered several times during his conversation with Liza. If that was the case, then someone, Liza smiled, was not telling the truth. "So who's really lying - you, Leo or me?" she asked. David was prepared to walk out of the mansion without addressing Liza's question, however, Liza managed to stop him in his tracks with just one word - Dixie. Speaking as the person who'd broken up Tad and Dixie's marriage the first time, Liza warned David that Dixie and Tad would eventually get back together. "Take comfort with what you have, which is a small corner of her heart," Liza said softly. "Tad has her soul." With that, David stormed out of the house. Liza scurried back to the phone and again called Tad. After reaching his voice mail, Liza stated that she knew something was up because David would never have showed up at the house if he didn't have something to hide.
Across town, Adam arrived on Dixie's doorstep as she was getting ready for the awards dinner. Adam told his former wife about JR's school-skipping. Dixie was upset that the school had not contacted her, but Adam explained that he felt better able to handle the problem than Dixie. Adam mused that never in his wildest dreams did he think that "of [Junior's] parents [he] should be the most stable one." Dixie didn't want to discuss her current personal problems with Adam. As she turned her back to Adam, Adam insisted that Dixie not ignore what was going on. Dixie headed off to get dressed and Adam seized the opportunity to use his cell phone to place a call to an associate. Later, Dixie returned and was slightly miffed to see that Adam hadn't left. Adam told Dixie that he'd spoken to someone at the Bieberhof Laboratories in Berlin and learned that there was an opening in one of their prestigious research fields. David, he said, would be the perfect candidate. Dixie rolled her eyes and told Adam that she knew what he was up to; he wanted to find a way to get David out of Pine Valley. Surprisingly, that was only half-right. Adam said that he had hoped Dixie would go with David to Germany of he accepted the job. That way, he explained, Dixie and David would carry on whatever it was they were carrying on and get it out of their systems. Adam was about to leave, but on his way out David arrived at the house. He mentioned the Bieberhof position to David, but David appeared quite icy to the offer. After Adam left, David turned to Dixie and told her that a position at Bieberhof was something that he wanted very badly. He mentioned that the two of them could move to Germany and start life anew. Dixie informed David that the move would not be what was best for JR. "I was not thinking about JR," David admitted. David hesitantly took Dixie's hand and prepared to escort her to the awards banquet.
In her former loft apartment, which she was now sharing with Jake, Greenlee was hurriedly trying on dresses for the awards dinner. Jake returned home and offered his opinion on which dress Greenlee should wear. As he helped Greenlee zip her the back of her dress, Jake listened to Greenlee chatter about how much fun they would have together at the banquet. Jake waited for a pause in Greenlee's ramblings to break the news to he; he already had a date for the evening. Greenlee tried to hide her shock that Jake was going to be attending the shindig with Patricia Trowbridge, one of the hospital's residents. She forced a smile as she talked up the benefits of going to the banquet alone. "I can play the field," she said, trying to sound happy. Jake headed into his bedroom to get dressed for the ceremony. While he was out of the room, Pat arrived at the loft. Greenlee quickly put on a bathrobe and stepped out into the hall to speak to Pat. She claimed that Jake had been called back to the hospital due to an emergency. Pat looked very disappointed and handed Greenlee a bottle of wine to give to Jake as a housewarming gift. Greenlee scurried back inside and was almost immediately hit by questions about who had knocked on the door. Greenlee claimed that Pat had sent a messenger over to deliver a bottle of wine and her apologies that she'd be unable to attend the banquet. Greenlee fumbled for a reason for Pat's return to work, ultimately claiming that she had to perform an emergency caesarean section on a patient. A knock sounded on the door and Greenlee again slinked out into the hall. Pat had returned so that she could write a note to Jake. Jake overheard her voice and called out to her. Greenlee knew that she'd been caught and allowed Pat into the loft. She gleefully shouted that she'd been playing a "belated April Fool's Day" joke on the pair. Neither Jake nor Pat were amused. Jake pulled Greenlee aside and scolded her for her behavior. He headed back to his room to finish dressing, but not before warning Greenlee that she'd better not try any more schemes. While Jake was out of the room, Greenlee struck up a conversation with Pat about shoes. Greenlee mentioned that she buys her shoes from an expensive boutique and stated that Pat probably shopped at the same store. Pat, however, said that she buys her shoes at an outlet. Pat then followed her statement up with a barb about how she doesn't want to become the type of spoiled rich girl who starts "frivolous" conversations about shoes. Greenlee tried to get Pat to back off of Jake by mentioning his divorce and other past troubles. Pat replied that she already new of Jake's past and implied that she wasn't troubled by it. Pat then fired off with a remark that she knew some friends in a psychology field that would love to have a crack at Greenlee. Greenlee was outraged that Pat was implying that she had some sort of mental illness. Jake returned to the room just in time to stop the conversation before it got even more ugly. Jake sent Pat ahead to the car so that he could have a few parting words with his temporary roomie. Jake blasted Greenlee for her need to be the "center of attention" as well as her need to always have a man on her arm. He warned Greenlee that if her antics continued, she'd be kicked out of the loft. After Jake left, Greenlee vowed that she'd prove Jake wrong; she'd show up at the banquet without a date.
The mention of getting married sent a shiver through Tad's body. "That's my dream," Leslie gushed. She told Tad that after all their "near misses" they now had a chance to be together. Tad took a deep breath and told Leslie that there was some truth to what she'd said. Tad told Leslie that he never knew how much she meant to him until her accident. Surprisingly, Tad told Leslie that he would accept her request to get married. Leslie jerked erratically ands grimaced in pain. Tad was obviously concerned for her health, but Leslie assured him that she'd be okay. Tad explained to Leslie that in order to get married, they would need to get out of their makeshift prison. Leslie informed Tad that she had the key to get out, but she didn't reveal where the key was hidden. As for her health concerns, Leslie said that she no longer cared if she died because Tad would be at her side. Tad walked back over to the door and tried to wrestle it open, but he had no luck. As his back was turned, Leslie reached down by the side of her bed and picked up a knife. When Tad returned his attention to Leslie, Leslie put the knife up to her throat. "We can die together," she said, speaking as though she were possessed. She recalled that she and Tad had worked on a high school production of "Romeo and Juliet" together. Tad hadn't remembered the play and tried to bluff his way through the trip down memory lane. Leslie had not appeared as Juliet, as Tad stated; she was a stagehand for the performance. "That pinch-faced Hillary Wilson was Juliet," Leslie snarled. Tad tried to cover for his mistake by telling Leslie that she, not Hillary, should have been cast as the female lead. Leslie grew suspicious of Tad's compliments and threatened to kill herself. Tad lunged for the knife and managed to wrestle it away from her. He then realized that the knife was nothing more than a plastic prop. While Tad was preoccupied with the knife, Leslie reached down and picked up the videotape that he had dropped. Leslie held the tape in her hands and threatened to destroy it. Leslie felt - and correctly so - that Tad wanted to use the tape to win back Dixie. Tad was quiet for some time. When he finally spoke, he admitted to Leslie that he still loves his wife. Leslie said that she wishes things had worked out different between her and Tad. "I should have said something!" Leslie screamed, revisiting a wish she had on the eve of her high school prom in which she planned to tell Tad that she loved him. Tad became surprisingly tender, telling Leslie that it was not too late to make her prom wish come true. Leslie appeared reluctant to accept what Tad was saying at face value, but after some thought she agreed to revisit what could have been. While Leslie looked through racks of old costumes, Tad continued his hunt for the key to unlock the door. His search came up empty. Leslie called out to Tad to tell him that she was dressed and ready to go. Tad turned and froze in place as he looked at Leslie. Leslie, wearing an old dress she'd found on one of the racks of clothing, stepped towards Tad with the assistance of a walker. Coupled with her overly made-up face and severely bruised body, the dress made the otherwise attractive Leslie a ghoulish spectacle. Tad was unable to move or speak as he looked on at Leslie. Then, somehow, he again displayed a tender side. He told Leslie that she was missing one thing. He then hunted around for a paper tiara, which he placed on her head. Leslie turned to look at herself in a full-size mirror. She became fixated on the image of herself, dressed for the prom that she'd never been able to attend. Leslie wanted to share a practice dance with Tad before stepping out together. She stumbled forward and buried her head in Tad's chest. Tad played along for a few moments before telling Leslie that it was time to leave. "Your limo awaits," he grinned. Pretending to have forgotten about the locked door, Tad casually mentioned that he needed the key to the door so that they could leave. "Do you know where it is?" Tad asked innocently. Leslie batted her eyelids, still heavily coated with bright blue eye shadow, and smiled at her prom date."
- Soap Central