"On their way to the skating rink, Erica and Bianca stopped midway into the park for a brief chat. Bianca told her mother that Sarah had called to offer her thanks for being supportive. Erica downplayed the praise she'd gotten for being understanding, saying only that she had been more understanding than Mrs. Livingston. Bianca stepped away to pick up some hot cider for her and her mother. When she did, Roger Smythe, who had been lurking about in the background, stepped forward and pretended that seeing Erica was a coincidence. Roger smiled suavely and told Erica that he'd delayed his plans to leave Pine Valley. When asked why he'd done that, Roger said that meeting Erica made him want to stick around. The pair chatted briefly about the difficulties in bringing up children before Erica dashed off to help Bianca with the cider. Shortly after Erica left, Greenlee appeared before her father. She asked him why he was in the park. Roger cleared his throat and said that he'd been looking for her because he wanted to apologize for his drunken ramblings the night before. Greenlee was stunned by her father's sudden desire to take back all the mean things that he'd said. Needless to say, she was skeptical about his sudden apology. Roger said that he understood that Greenlee might not want to buy into his apology. He informed her that he'd bee sticking around town a little while longer and asked that they try to spend some time together to get to know one another again. Roger left, leaving a stunned Greenlee standing by herself with a look of confusion and pain on her face. Erica wandered over and made a few cheap shots at Greenlee before heading off to the skating rink with Bianca. The Kane women's skating outing lasted only a few moments; they decided to find something else to do because the rink was too crowded. Erica suggested some "power shopping" and a trip to the Glamorama. Bianca nixed the ideas and Erica accepted that she and her daughter have different leisure activities. The two went their separate ways. Before Erica could get very far, Roger once again reappeared. He boldly asked Erica if she'd like to join him for some coffee. Erica declined, saying that she had other things planned. After a pause, she looked up at Roger and told him that she would he free later in the day.
In the attic of an old church, Junior rubbed a cloth binding that tied his hands together behind his back against an old iron grating. Before he could free himself, Leslie returned toting a plastic bag from a nearby convenience store. She smiled broadly and announced that she'd picked up some donuts, beef jerky and other assorted goods. Junior reminded Leslie that Adam is his father. He said that anything she wanted would be hers for the taking. Leslie shook her head and explained that this was not a "standard kidnapping." She explained that she'd taken Junior so that she'd no longer be ignored. Being the "other woman," she said, was not an easy thing. She told Junior that she'd grown tired of the whispering and glares. Junior bowed his head and told Leslie that he didn't realize how difficult things must be for her. He asked Leslie if she could free his hands so that he could feed himself a donut or two. Leslie nodded and reached down to untie his hands. She caught a glimpse of a smirk on Junior's face and realized that Junior was trying to pull a fast one on her. She immediately stopped what she was doing. A little while later, Leslie revealed a pocket tape recorder and told Junior that he was going to make a tape recording for Tad and Dixie.
Tad and Dixie returned home without finding any signs of their missing son. David showed up at the house and said that he was surprised that Junior hadn't returned home. Tad announced that he felt Leslie was responsible for Junior's disappearance. David asked that Tad not jump to any unfounded conclusions. The doctor suggested that Junior had run off because he'd learned more than he should have about his mother's personal life. The two men nearly came to blows and had to be separated by a police officer that had been stationed at the house. The officer told Tad that the police department was handling Junior's disappearance as a runaway case. Until evidence surfaced that Leslie might be involved, that would not change. Dixie told Tad that someone needed to tell Adam about the situation. Tad asked that Dixie go with him, but Dixie wanted to remain behind. Tad wasn't too thrilled with the idea of leaving Dixie and David together, but he agreed to go to the police station and talk to Adam. As he left, he whispered a warning to David, telling him that it would only be a matter of time before everyone in town learned of his role in the Libidozone fiasco. After Tad left, David asked the policeman for some time alone with Dixie. He agreed. Once the coast was clear, David took Dixie in his arms and offered her a comforting hug. Dixie composed herself and headed to another room to look for some of Junior's things. She was going only a matter of a few moments when the phone rang. Leslie was disappointed to hear David's voice. David told her that Tad had gone to tell Adam about the kidnapping. Leslie sighed deeply and said that no one else had to have gotten involved in the situation. She blasted David for turning against her and warned him that she was going to take him down.
Liza visited Adam in his jail cell and told him that Barry was working on getting the charges against him dropped. So far, Barry had gotten all of the misdemeanors dropped. The felonies were another story. According to Liza, Barry was arguing that Adam would never have set fire to the trash can or attempted to flee with Hayley if he had not been unjustly accused of criminal activity. Things were going pretty well until Tad arrived and announced that Junior was missing. Adam reached out, grabbed a hold of Tad and out him in a stranglehold. It took Barry and a police officer to pry Adam off of Tad. Adam said he was furious that Tad's inability to control himself from having "sex with a lunatic" had put his son in the crossfire. Adam ordered Tad to continue searching for Junior. Tad lowered his head and walked away. Later, Barry returned and told Adam that he had some good news for him. Adam would, he said, be released from jail. However, the judge had decided that Adam's past record of disregarding the law could not be overlooked. Because of this, the judge had imposed "house arrest" on Adam. Barry said that Adam would be taken back to his home by the marshal's office and then be outfitted with a special monitoring device. If he were to leave his home, he would be re-arrested and held in a jail cell until his court date.
Ryan left Gillian's side for a moment to ask Jake for an update on her condition. Jake said that Gillian had lost a lot of blood and that the next few hours would be critical. Ryan returned to the room and resumed his watchful vigil by Gillian's bedside. Joe and Jake conferred about Gillian's case. Jake told his dad that Ryan had accused him of putting the baby's needs before Gillian's. Joe pursed his lips and said that Jake would never jeopardize someone's life in that way. Jake, however, wasn't so sure. Back inside the room, Ryan whispered that his personal incredible dream was to see Gillian's beautiful eyes again. Gillian started to stir, mumbling about the fate of her baby. Ryan's silence led Gillian to the conclusion that she had lost her baby. She apologized profusely, blaming herself for the death of her child. Jake walked into the room and assured Gillian that nothing she'd done had caused the baby's death. Test results showed that the pregnancy had been an ectopic pregnancy, or one that had occurred in the Fallopian tube instead of the uterus. What Jake did not reveal was that Gillian had lost functionality in that Fallopian tube and that her chances of becoming pregnant in the future would be greatly decreased. Jake moved to reassure Gillian that nothing she could have done would have prevented the same fate for the baby. Ryan followed Jake out of the room and apologized to him for his earlier outbursts in which he accused the doctor of not caring about Gillian's health. Jake tried to stop Ryan from saying anything further, but Ryan continued his apology. Ryan returned to the room, but Jake remained outside. Joe wandered over to him and told him to head home and get some rest. Jake nodded and agreed that it was time for him to go home, however, he said that he would not be returning. He ripped off his hospital badge and handed it and his stethoscope to his father.
Tad returned home and told Dixie that his visit with Adam went about as well as expected. Dixie decided to take another trip to see if she could find her son. David feared that Dixie might encounter Leslie and asked that he be allowed to go along with her with. Dixie agreed and the pair headed off together. A little while later, Leslie phoned the house again. Tad was relieved to hear her voice and asked if she had Junior. Leslie confirmed Tad's suspicion and swore that no harm had come to the boy. Leslie then offered to return Junior to Tad - but with some conditions. She told Tad that she wanted to meet with him alone. Leslie warned that if she saw anyone with him, she could not be held accountable for any harm that came to Junior. Tad agreed and Leslie told him to meet her in the attic of the old church. Tad stormed out of the house, perhaps arousing the curiosity of the officer that had been stationed outside."
- Soap Central