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"Leo phoned the Pine Valley Police and told them that Wade Randall had threatened Greenlee. Then he called Bianca and asked her to keep Erica away from the house. "I'd rather not deal with your mother's dramatic input right now," Leo said. Bianca agreed.

Marian and Stuart tried unsuccessfully to get out of the attic. Marian couldn't believe what Stuart had been through at the hands of Arlene -- first, she hit him with her car, then she tricked him at the Queen of Hearts Cafe, and then she locked him in the attic.

Arlene ran out of the New York hotel room looking for Adam and ran into David comforting Dixie in the hallway. "Oh, you poor thing," he said to Dixie. "I heard Tad and Liza all the way down in the lobby." At the same time Tad was very angry with Liza for using him to make Adam jealous. Liza denied it all. "You put me on the payroll because your psychically possessive husband hates my guts," Tad accused. Tad asked her if, after everything he had put her through, Liza could possibly still love Adam. She looked ashamed.

David took Dixie back to her hotel room. Dixie wanted to confront Tad but David discouraged it saying she would only degrade herself. Dixie cried and said that Tad had promised her he would never be unfaithful again. David said "the man's a fool," and tried to persuade Dixie to allow him to take her back to Pine Valley.

"He practically raped me to father Colby," Liza pleaded. "How could I love him?" Tad said it may not be logical or healthy, but Liza just can't help herself around Adam. That's why Liza pretended she and Tad were making love. Liza said she was just having fun with Adam and his "90 proof bride." Tad pressed on. He wanted her to admit that she still loved Adam, at least to herself. Finally Liza admitted it. "Fine. I'm in love with him. Are you satisfied?"

Bianca stalled Erica by asking for dessert. While they waited, Hayley and Mateo came in. Erica asked for advice on Bianca's party. Bianca invited the two to join them.

Leo fixed Greenlee a drink to calm her wrecked nerves. Leo stumbled over his words and Greenlee turned the conversation back to their confession of love for each other. Just then, Lieutenant Frye arrived. Greenlee expressed surprise that Leo had called the police. She pulled Leo aside and gritted at him. "You're going to pay for this duPres."

Derek wanted information on Randall's connection with organized crime and his harassment of Greenlee. Greenlee played it off as Leo's idea of a practical joke. Leo wasn't having it and begged her to tell Derek the truth. "I don't know what I would do if anything happened to you, so please talk to the lieutenant" he said.

Dixie said she was not leaving the hotel until she talked to Tad.

Liza told Tad that although she hated herself for it, she still loved Adam. She admitted everything -- humiliating herself and using Tad to make Adam jealous. "I'm as bad as Arlene," she said. Liza felt she was doomed to always love Adam, and Tad held her and tried to comfort her. Just then, Dixie walked in. Liza looked up. "It's not what you think," she said. Tad turned around to discover Dixie and David.

"Hi, honey," Tad said. "What is Dr. Hayward doing here?" Dixie countered, "I think the important question is what are you doing here?" Dixie asked for an explanation of why Tad was making out with Liza. Liza tried to explain that she was just trying to make Adam jealous. Dixie didn't want to hear it. David and Liza agreed to leave the two alone. Dixie demanded an explanation.

Bianca blabbed on and on as she and Erica shared dessert. Then she excused herself and Erica confided to Hayley and Mateo that she had arranged for O-Town to play at Bianca's party, and that Ashley Angel is going to ask Bianca to dance alone in the spotlight. Hayley questioned the decision, but Erica was adamant that it would be perfect.

Leo pled with Greenlee to talk to the lieutenant. "Come on Greenlee, you need the protection." Greenlee recalled Randall's threatening words. Greenlee, however, would not talk to the policeman, who warned Greenlee to keep away from Randall. "You're no match for him," he said. She persisted. "I have nothing to tell." Derek left.

Greenlee immediately turned on Leo. She was terrified that Randall might find out that Leo had called the police and take it out on her grandfather. Leo said he would rather see Greenlee in jail than to be hurt by Randall. She didn't know what to do, so Leo suggested that she stay with him at Erica's. "I can't let anything happen to you," he said. They kissed.

Erica and Bianca came in and Leo told Greenlee to hide. Leo greeted them with a phony smile and Erica immediately focused in on the wine glasses and an earring she found on the floor. She knew right away it was Greenlee's. "It looks like her," she said, "cheap and a little bit tacky." She warned Leo that he'd better not sneak Greenlee in the house because it would send Bianca the wrong message. She reiterated that Leo was not allowed to entertain any woman in the house. He agreed. Erica said good night to Bianca and before leaving the room said loudly "Oh Greenlee, I'm leaving your earring on the table, don't forget to pick it up on your way out."

Arlene dashed into The Valley Inn and asked Hayley and Mateo if they had seen Adam. They said no. She turned to leave and ran into Frank, the contractor. "I've done my part to sabotage the Col-Mar Tower," he said, "now it's your turn, pretty lady." She said he would have his money soon, but money was not on Frank's mind. She opened her raincoat to display her negligée and told him he would have to take a raincheck. Then she dashed out unaware that Hayley and Mateo had observed the whole thing.

David chastised Liza for breaking up Tad and Dixie's marriage. She denied it and said Tad wouldn't do anything even if she wanted him to. David told her that Adam had fled the hotel with Arlene in hot pursuit. Liza left.

Tad begged Dixie to believe that nothing had happened between him and Liza. "Trust me," he said. He told her he was a changed man and that he would never do anything to hurt her again. He told her she walked in on an innocent hug. He tried to convince her that Liza found out that Adam was in the next room and wanting to make him jealous so had tried to make it sound like they were having sex. Tad explained that he walked in and found Liza kicking the headboard. Dixie said that Liza's shenanigans must have worked because she saw Adam run out of the hotel. Tad said "After everything we have been through, it would kill me if you thought I had been unfaithful." Dixie said she believed Tad. "You'd have to be pretty stupid to make up a story like that," she said. They kissed. They were both tickled to be in a beautiful hotel together. Dixie explained that she had accompanied David to New York to surprise Tad. Dixie ran out into the hallway and told David that she and Tad had made up and that she was going to stay with Tad. "Are you sure you're all right?" he asked. She explained that she was fine and ran back into the room and into Tad's arms. With the door opened, David looked on at the loving scene.

Leo asked Bianca to help him hide Greenlee in the house for a few days. "Out of the question," Bianca said. On second thought, maybe they could hide Greenlee in a part of the house that Erica never goes into. "I've got it," Bianca mused. "The laundry room." Leo escorted a disbelieving Greenlee to her new quarters.

"Did you see Arlene flash that guy?" Hayley asked Mateo. The two cannot believe that Arlene would have an affair right under Adam's nose. Hayley determined she was going to find out what Arlene is up to.

Stuart began to feel guilty because Adam's life has turned bad. He remembered that Adam had set up Marian to try to protect Stuart. "All my life Adam has protected me, when I should have been the one protecting him," he said. Marian agreed. Stuart realized he must tell Adam everything is okay between them.

Adam stumbled into the Col-Mar Tower construction area. He thought about the many times he'd seen Liza and Tad together and he almost started to cry. "I swear I will bring down Col-Mar Tower and Liza and Tad with it!" he said. He took a crowbar and started to destroy everything in his path, including the electric circuit board. As he did this, a fire broke out."

- Soap Central