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05/14/1999 Janet Pretends To Be Vanessa's Assistant

"Who set fire to her broomstick?" - Myrtle

"Raquel reached for the phone to call Edmund for help, but fell out of her bed in the process. Ryan arrived just in time to help her. Meanwhile in the park, Mateo found Max sitting dejectedly on a park bench. Max asked if his dad was mad at him for running away. Mateo replied by telling Max he'd call Raquel so that she doesn't worry. Then they'd have some hot dogs. Raquel heard from Mateo and thanked him for finding Max. Ryan told Raquel that he had a check that required Mateo's signature. She told Ryan to leave it on the table and be on his way. Ryan, however, pulled up a chair and decided to keep Raquel company. Raquel was unappreciative of his attempt to be chatty and again asked him to leave. Ryan questioned why Raquel was being so cold towards him. Raquel said that she'd a "good friend" of Gillian's to which Ryan countered that he was too. She continued on, telling Ryan that Gillian doesn't want the divorce and accused Ryan of being blind. The nurse returned, and Ryan quietly left, pondering Raquel's words.

Back in the park, Mateo and son were munching on their hot dogs while Mateo reminisced about his father. Max said he was ready to talk about his running away. "I was sad and mad," he told Mateo, who said that's how he felt too. Sad because Max is and mad because he can't make him feel better. "But you're my dad, you can do anything!" Mateo told him he can't make Max's dreams come true about he and Raquel getting back together. Sometimes dreams don't come true, he said. He struggled to find words to explain why he no longer loves Raquel. "Your shoes - you wear them every day and they fit great, then there'll come a day when they don't fit any more ... So you move on to the next pair, until you find a perfect fit. And that someone will stay with you and grow with you forever." Max said, "It's hard growing up." Mateo told him the next time he feels like running away, "Call me and we'll get a hot dog." They hugged.

At the hospital, Gillian was unwinding in the solarium with a book on neurological diseases when Dr. Steve Clark introduced himself and tried to put the moves on her. She brushed him off and told him to take a cold shower. In true royal fashion, Gillian warned the first-year resident that if her husband were there, he'd be challenged to a duel for her honor! Trevor had observed the exchange and laughed aloud as the doctor scampered away. Trevor hadn't just dropped by for the show. He'd come to drop off the divorce papers. Gillian was shocked that the papers had been drawn up so quickly. Trevor chirped that it's "the American way---a no frills wedding and a no-fault divorce." Gillian suggested that they delay moving forward until Ryan signed the papers. Trevor was silent for a few moments before informing Gillian that Ryan had already signed on the dotted line. Trevor issued some very cold, yet prophetic words to the princess. He told her that she'd gotten exactly what she'd asked for. He handed her a pen. Pen in hand, Gillian asked how Ryan looked when he signed the papers. "Not turning cartwheels," Trevor told her. "I'll tell you what I told him, if you're having seconds thoughts, sit on it, take your time." Later, as she sat alone with the papers in her hand, she looked up to see Ryan standing there.

Vanessa was holding court in Erica's office. While she yacked on the phone, Janet sat nearby studying a ledger of recent Enchantment expenses. "Somebody's got to watch you," Janet replied when Vanessa asked her how long she planned to be there. On her way out of the office to tend to some important Enchantment business, Vanessa bumped-literally--into Myrtle. Janet sat Myrtle down and told her how she suspects that Vanessa is sabotaging Erica's life. That, she said, was the reason that she'd contacted Myrtle. Janet said that's why she called Myrtle. She tells Myrt about Vanessa's tips to Jerry Reeves. But Erica won't listen to any warnings, Janet said. They decide they have to get proof. "If we can't put our heads together and find a way to blow Madame B out of the water.. then we might as well give up our union cards." The two women knew that it would not be easy to unearth Vanessa's underhandedness. Finally, they concocted a plan that would hopefully yield them the results that they wanted. Janet phoned Jerry Reeve's office and pretended to be Vanessa's secretary. The first tip that something was up happened almost immediately. Jerry's secretary told Janet that Jerry had been expecting a call from Vanessa. Before she could connect with the reporter, Vanessa returned to the room and asked what was going on. Myrtle, who had feared that her con skills might be rusty after so many years, quickly hustled Vanessa out of the room. Janet managed to get Jerry to a say that he appreciated Vanessa's tips on Erica. Little did he know that Janet was taping every word of the conversation. Armed with the tape, Janet and Myrtle confronted Vanessa and played the tape for her. Vanessa's composure showed signs of cracking. Janet warned Vanessa that she would play the tape for Erica if she didn't pack up and leave Pine Valley within forty-eight hours. Vanessa replied that Erica would be suspicious if she suddenly leaves. Janet and Myrtle left saying nothing more. After they were gone, Vanessa found the financial folder that Janet had left in the office.

Meanwhile, Erica told David that she still has questions about the accident. "There's no point to hide anything, is there?" She demanded that David tell her "everything" about the accident. David and Erica continued to argue about whether she can handle the truth about the accident. David reminded her of her reaction when Vanessa first told her of her facial damage. He claimed that Erica's little trip from reality was a sign that her system was not ready to handle the full emotional impact of what had happened. David admitted that he'd been afraid that he wouldn't be able to save Erica's life at the accident. David hadn't just dropped by to give Erica a bouquet of flowers; he was there to redress her wound. Erica looked very unsure about letting the doctor touch her face, but she reluctantly agreed to head up to her dressing room so that David could do his work. The unwrapping and dressing was done showing Erica's face shown only in profile - her good side. As David put on a pair of protective gloves, Erica had yet another flashback of the events leading up to the accident. She placed her hands over her face in horror and again she looked wary of letting David anywhere near her. After the cleansing and redressing process was complete, Erica asked David why she should trust him rather than Vanessa or Adam. Adam and Vanessa, said David, are "pathological liars." The use of the word "liars" sent Erica's blood pressure skyrocketing. "I hate liars," she growled. David had no idea that she was actually referring to him. David told Erica that time will heal all wounds, and this will all be like a bad dream. As he turned away from her, Erica picked up a gold-backed mirror and hit him on the head with it."

- Soap Central