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04/01/1999 Erica Blames David

"As much as they might have wanted to see Jack strangle Braden, Tad and Derek stepped in to pull apart the two men. "You raped my sister!" Jack screamed as he and Braden were finally separated. After he regained his breath, Braden demanded that Jack be arrested for assaulting him. His pleas for justice fell on deaf ears. In the back of the courtroom, Tad and Dixie and Mateo and Hayley muttered amongst themselves about what Braden had done to Kit. Tad was one of the first to admit that Kit had been telling the truth about her assault-even if she did finger the wrong man. As Braden again asked that Jack be brought up on charges, Trevor stepped forward to point out that Braden was not in the position to make demands. Mateo shook his head in disgust as he reminded Braden that he'd just confessed to raping Kit. Braden threw his hands in the air and denied that he'd done such a thing. He look towards his brother and asked for Ryan to back him up. Ryan was silent for several minutes. "Kit said no," he said breaking his silence. "It was rape." Jack renewed his effort to have Braden arrested, but he had to know that rape charges would never stick. Unless Braden suddenly confessed to sexually assaulting Kit, it would be a matter of Kit's word versus that of Braden. And swearing under oath that Ryan had raped her was not going to bode well for Kit. Slowly the gallery of spectators filed out. Braden was free to go, something Jack had a hard time stomaching. Gillian lingered behind yearning for a reconciliation with the man she loves. She knew that Ryan had previously told her to stay away, but she was unable to turn her back.

Liza never had anticipated that a clinical procedure would turn into such a hassle. Adam urged Liza to sign a legal document that stated that Jake was the father of her child. Liza was puzzled by Adam's willingness to, as she saw it, give in. Adam explained that he did not want to "fight to the finish if Colby is the prize." The door suddenly swung open and Barry Shire entered the room. Liza smiled slightly and informed Adam that she'd asked the attorney to meet with them. Adam's nervousness was apparent. Liza started the session by telling Barry that Adam had told her "everything." Barry swung around in his seat and cast a look of disbelief in Adam's direction. "Everything?" he asked. Adam cleared his throat and explained that "everything" referred to his attempt to land Jake a job in Los Angeles. Liza hoped that the meeting would produce a way that she and Adam could block Jake's court battle. Barry had to be the bearer of bad news and inform Liza that the eyes of the law see things a little differently than she does. Liza mistakenly assumed that Jake could not have any tests run on her amniotic fluid without her permission. Legally, however, Liza had signed a release paper before undergoing the procedure. Her signature transferred ownership of the specimen to the hospital. The attorney summed up his view on things by announcing that he did not see any way they could legally block Jake from taking action.

Vanessa looked down her nose at her son and demanded that he give Erica some privacy. David took a deep breath and ordered his mother out of the room. Erica insisted that Vanessa was her guest and asked that she be allowed to stick around. David walked towards the telephone and placed a call to security. If Vanessa wasn't going to leave under her own power, he was going to have her forcibly removed. Finally, Vanessa agreed to leave. Once alone, David was forced to listen to Erica blame him for her troubles. If someone had come forward sooner to tell her about her injuries, she said that she never would have made a fool out of herself in front of the media. In that short time, Enchantment stock had plummeted. "This is not vanity," said Erica over her concern for her appearance. "This is who I am." She likened the loss of her beauty to David losing a hand. Without it, David would not be able to continue as a surgeon... his livelihood would be taken away. David worried that Erica was letting her feelings bottle up inside and he urged her to let her emotions free. Erica, however, looked coldly at the doctor and told him that he would never see her cry. David bowed his head and walked out of the room. Erica slowly walked around her room and gathered up her belongings. Vanessa returned briefly and asked Erica if there was anything that she could do for her. Erica shook her head and softly replied that she was okay. Vanessa promised to keep in touch and left Erica alone. Erica looked brokenheartedly at a picture from one of her modeling shoots. She gently rubbed her hand across the photo and broke into tears.

Jake and the lab technician headed to the area that the hospital stored its amniotic fluid samples. They figured that there was a glitch in the computer system and that the specimen was probably right where it belonged. Upon further investigation, they learned that the specimen had been signed out by another doctor. While on his rounds, David received a page that "Dr. Martin" wanted to see him in the laboratory. David tied up a few loose ends before making his way to the lab. There he was surprised to see not one, but two Dr. Martins waiting for him. David tried to make light of his apparent Martin bonanza, but Joe was unamused. Joe told David that he knew he'd taken Liza's amniotic fluid specimen out of the lab. "Do you want to tell me why?" Joe asked pointedly. From behind David, Liza's voice suddenly asked, "I'd like to know the answer to that."

Alone, Kit sat at the boathouse contemplating her next move. Tad walked along the path towards the boathouse. When he arrived, Kit jumped back in fear.

Adrian dropped Dixie off at Chandler Mansion so that she could spend time with Junior. The two spoke for a little while about everything that had happened. Before letting Adrian leave, Dixie jokingly asked Adrian to remind her not to allow Junior to take up espionage as a career choice. After Adrian left, Dixie walked into the parlor area and found a note from Winifred. Junior had headed to the Dillons' to play with Amanda. The two youngsters were teaching Smokey, the dog, to read minds. "Don't ask," Winifred wrote in the note. Winifred seized the opportunity to head to a square-dancing class. Alone in the sprawling mansion, Dixie decided to catch up on a little rest. Before she could get comfortable, the doorbell sounded. Dixie walked to the foyer and opened the front door. Standing outside was Braden. Dixie smiled nervously, her body trembling."

- Soap Central