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10/21/1998 Camping With Harold

"It'd been several weeks since Stuart shuffled off on his fishing trip with Adam, Scott, and Junior. He returned home and found an enormous gift box in the middle of his livingroom. Lit candles illuminated the room and cast a delicate shadow upon a bottle of champagne chilling in a silver bowl. Curiosity got the best of Stuart and he scurried over to the box for a closer look. A sign on top of the box urged him to open the box immediately. Stuart lifted the lid and found his surprise---a mermaid! The mermaid was actually Marian in a green costume and a long, curly blonde wig. Marian purred that an evil wizard had cast a spell upon her and transformed her into a hideous fish-like creature. Only Stuart's kiss, she said, could change her back into a woman again. Stuart told Marian that he'd been homesick for the first time in his life while away in Canada. Marian missed Stuart terribly, too. Marian told Stuart that she realized that she really did love him. Stuart also expressed that he had strong feelings of affection for Marian, but he was unable to tell her that he loved her. Marian lowered her head slightly and told Stuart that he didn't have to tell her how he felt about her because she knew how he felt already. Stuart grinned and told Marian that he wanted to show her how he felt. The two inched closer together and shared a kiss.

Tim found it hard to concentrate on his homework when he knew that his days with Harold were drawing to an end. He got up from the sofa and lugged his way to the window. Trevor was also having a hard time staying focused. When he plopped down in his chair, he sat on one of Harold's squeaky toys. Janet slowly walked down the steps and instantly picked up on the depressed vibe coming from Tim and Trevor. Trevor told his wife and son that he had to head over to Wildwind to talk to Mateo. Trevor pulled Janet aside and asked her to talk to Tim while he was gone. Before Trevor could dash off, Amanda wandered downstairs claiming to be unable to sleep. She said that Harold was still in the backyard because he refused to come inside. Amanda said that she couldn't get comfortable knowing that Harold was outside. Janet and Trevor explained that Harold would let them know if he wanted to sleep indoors---just like he grabs his leash when he wants to go for a walk. Amanda nodded her head and headed back to bed. After Trevor left, Tim told Janet that he knows why Harold didn't want to come inside. Animals, he said citing something he'd learned at school, crawl off to be on their own when they are near death. Harold must know that his days were numbered, Tim said softly. Janet gave Tim a hug and told her that she knows Harold's illness must be hard for him to face. The two headed out to the kitchen to tidy up---and to get a late night snack. With no one around to watch her, Amanda scurried back downstairs and headed outside to check on Harold. Janet eventually noticed that her daughter was missing and began to panic. Amanda returned a few minutes later completely unaware that she was "missing." She told Janet that she wanted to say goodnight to Harold. Janet didn't want to scold her daughter, but at the same time she didn't want to condone Amanda's antics. Amanda came up with a surprising request. She asked if she could pitch a tent and camp out in the backyard with Harold. Surprisingly, Tim, who usually doesn't like Amanda's schemes, agreed that the sleeping outdoors might not be such a bad idea. Janet reluctantly agreed to the plan and said that the en tire Dillon clan could sleep outside. The kids gathered up the sleeping bags and headed to the backyard. Janet scribbled a note for Trevor to let him know that they were outside. Janet walked to the desk and looked sadly a picture of Natalie. She picked up the photograph and told Natalie that they were going to need her help very soon.

In New York, Tad explained to Dixie that he did not want them to move forward without knowing whether or not they could fully commit to one another. Dixie wondered if Tad was doubting their love, but he quickly explained that he was one hundred percent certain that they loved each other. But was love going to be enough, he asked pointedly, if something else in their relationship went awry. Would they still run out on each other? Dixie admitted that she could not take another heartbreak like that. Again, neither one wanted to go on the record stating that they could make a solemn vow not to make a mistake that could sour their relationship. Dixie came up with an idea to test their staying power. She recalled one of her favorite films, "An Affair to Remember." In the film, the romantic leads were madly in love but unable to commit to one another. This, of course, sounded oddly like Tad and Dixie's situation. In the film, the couple decided to spend six months apart to think about their relationship. They picked an exact time and date that they would reunite---and said that they would meet on the observation deck at the Empire State Building. If one of them did not show, it was a sign that that person had decided that they could not commit to the relationship. Tad refused to take six months to reach a decision. Dixie suggested that they take six days---but even that was too long for Tad. He said that he could make up his mind in twenty-four hours. Dixie was surprised that Tad needed such a short amount of time, but she didn't question him. They agreed to meet on the top of the Statler Building in exactly twenty-four hours. There were two reasons that they didn't pick the Empire State Building: One, the observation deck was closed at that time of night and, second, they didn't want to copy off of the movie. Dixie made it clear that she would not hate Tad if he decided not to show. Tad, in turn, agreed that he would harbor no ill-will towards Dixie if she backed out. It almost appeared that they'd both decided that they were going to be there---and that they doubted that their counterpart would be there. Dixie jokingly asked Tad if they could still make love before adjourning for the night. Tad bit his lip and said that making love could make things worse than they were. He didn't even want to kiss Dixie goodbye, but he couldn't fight the urge. As he turned and walked away, he muttered "Damn" under his breath. Dixie smiled and said goodnight to Tad. Tad also said goodnight, both hoping that goodnight would not turn into goodbye.

When Raquel made an appearance at Wildwind, Mateo hoped that his marriage to Raquel had finally come to an end. Raquel handed over a carefully folded piece of paper to Mateo and he hurried to open it up and inspect it. There was nothing on the dotted line: Raquel had not signed of on the marriage. Raquel told Mateo that she could not give up on the dreams they'd shared. More importantly, she could not forget another important paper on which she'd signed her name---their marriage license. She'd reminded Mateo of their wedding vow that said that their love for one another was endless. Mateo rolled his eyes and explained that he was "just a kid" when he'd made that vow. He was in love with Hayley now and that, he said, would not change. The conversation was briefly interrupted when Sammy scurried into the room. Sammy was looking for Edmund, but Mateo was more than happy to fill in. He told Sammy that if he went up to bed he'd be along in a little while to read him a bedtime story. Raquel looked on as Mateo and the young boy interacted. When Sammy headed off to bed, Raquel praised Mateo's method of dealing with Sammy. Mateo smiled and said that Maria would be very proud of Sammy. Mateo rejoined the conversation where he'd left off. Raquel wondered why Mateo had never asked her what she'd been up to during their time apart. She tried to will him into asking, but Mateo didn't get the chance to ask because Trevor stepped into the room and ordered him to keep quiet. Even if Trevor hadn't interrupted, it didn't look as though Mateo really cared much about what Raquel had been up to. Trevor told Raquel that she would have to speak to him, not Mateo, if she had something to say. Raquel announced that she'd obtained an attorney through legal aide. Her attorney, she said, would prevent her from being "bullied" by Trevor. Raquel became belligerent and said that she would never be forced into signing a divorce decree. Raquel stormed out of the house leaving Trevor to scold his client. Trevor explained that Mateo could not spend any time alone with Raquel. Mateo sighed and praised Raquel as a "sweet girl" who would never do anything to hurt him. Trevor disagreed. He recalled that Hayley had overheard Raquel talking to someone she believed to be a boyfriend. Mateo argued that Raquel does not have a boyfriend. Trevor was certain that Raquel must be hiding something---"something big."

Raquel entered her room at The Pine Cone Motel with a frown. She looked across the room and suddenly a smile emerged on her face. "You came!" She chirped. "I am so happy to see you!""

- Soap Central