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"Mike was furious with Jack for dumping Erica. He wasn't quite as blasé as Erica when referring to the way that he and Erica has said goodbye. Neither man knew that Erica was eavesdropping from the hallway. Erica waltzed into the room and asked the two men to stop fighting. Erica looked longingly at Jack and told him that their relationship was not over. Jack chuckled slightly and told Erica that she could not force him back into a relationship. Mike quietly left as Erica and her on-and-off fiancé bickered. As he left, Mike secretly blew Erica a farewell kiss.

Even the toughest and most agile of secret agents can have their moments of klutziness. On his way out of Cortlandt Manor, Adrian tripped over a duffel bag Tad had left in the foyer. He came down pretty hard on his ankle rendering him unable to walk. Opal quickly scurried to Adrian's side and did her best to ease his pain. Opal didn't want Adrian to move around on his injured foot, so she asked him to stay with her at Cortlandt Manor. As Adrian rested, Mike entered with some important news. He told his partner that now that the stolen paintings had been returned, he had decided to return to active duty. That meant that he would be leaving Pine Valley---for good. The two exchanged their farewells and Mike headed off into the sunset. Soon after Mike left, Palmer made his much anticipated return and found Adrian relaxing in his chair.

At Wildwind, Dimitri figured out that Edmund was working on a plan to get Jack to submit to a DNA test. Edmund was somewhat reluctant to spill the beans, but ultimately he did unveil his grand scheme. Edmund told Dimitri that Kit was going to be going public with her story. In short, she was going to be holding a press conference to tell the world that she is Christine Montgomery. Dimitri tried to warn Edmund that he was pushing the envelope---and possibly pushing Jack further away from Kit, but Edmund was determined to move forward. In an odd display, it almost seemed like Edmund was once again reliving the time when he had to prove that he was really Dimitri's brother. Edmund and Kit scrambled off to WRCW to put the wheels in motion. Mike arrived a short time later and told Dimitri that he was leaving Pine Valley. He also asked Dimitri to keep an eye on Erica because he could see that she and Jack would not be together much longer.

At WRCW, Liza pulled the statue Adam had sent her out of her desk drawer. She looked at the statue and recalled the happier times she'd spent with Adam. She paged through her address book and stopped at Adam's entry. She told herself that she should call Adam and thank him for the gift, but she worried that calling Adam would somehow set herself up for more grief. Tad entered the office and caught a glimpse of Liza's anguish. Liza admitted that she was thinking about Adam. Tad rolled his eyes and told Liza that even thinking about getting back together with Adam was a huge mistake. Tad changed the topic, bragging about the way that he had recovered the stolen paintings. He smiled broadly as he mentioned that he'd managed to impress Dixie. Tad and Liza learned that Edmund was holding a press conference, The pair scurried down the corridor towards the exit.

Edmund informed the press that Pine Valley's very own district attorney would soon be served with a court order demanding that he undergo a DNA test. Edmund had just finished introducing Kit as "Christine Montgomery" when Tad burst in front of the cameras and denounced Kit as a worthless con artist. Dimitri filed in and helped disperse what had turned into a media circus. Kit worried that she might be doing the wrong thing. She had little time to think about what she was doing. Tad approached her and blasted her for trying to scam Jack. Kit flashed an angry glance and looked coldly at Tad. She dared him to go to Edmund and tell the truth about why they were at odds.

Back at The Valley Inn, Erica insisted that she still loved Jack. As proof of her love, Erica said that she'd confronted Kit about her claim to be Christine. Jack couldn't believe his ears. Suddenly, Liza and a cameraman burst into the room as Jack was served with a court order to undergo a DNA test. Jack turned angrily to Erica and accused her actions of pushing Kit into legal action."

- Soap Central