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"In keeping with his efforts to distract Brooke from the trial, Dimitri drags her home to share dinner with the entire Wildwind-residing clan. In the living room, Gillian finds Ryan sprawled out on the sofa. She slowly saunters past to make sure he gets a good look at her low-cut, black and grey dress. Of course Ryan gives her positive feedback on her outfit, asking if she wore it just for him. Gillian wonders what if it is, and replies that it would make him a very lucky man indeed. Just as he leans in to kiss her, she slips away.

Trevor and Janet return to her room at the Valley Inn to find that all Janet's belongings are packed and ready to go home! Trevor points out that they now have time for 'more honeymoon' before they are expected home, and gleefully ruminates over the whole family being together 'in our house.

Meanwhile at WRCW, Liza is in a rush to leave so she can get to Adam's dinner party in time to defuse whatever maniacal plot Adam surely must have cooked up. She gives instructions to a sound guy then bolts for the door, insisting that nothing will keep her from attending the party. Just then she smells smoke.

Adam stalks around the huge private dining room, checking to make certain that all preparations are in place and the evening will go as planned, as Stuart and Marian arrive. Adam informs the couple that Liza has a situation to attend to at WRCW, but will arrive shortly. Just then, Tad appears, bearing an invitation to the party. He demands to know exactly what Adam is up to. Adam confronts his hired hand, who insists that Tad's name was 'on the list.' As Marian and Stuart dance, a waiter approaches and offers some caviar. Marian is startled when 'Carl' calls her by name, and seems to be even more startled when she sees his face. She declines and waves him away, abruptly steering Stuart away. Just then, the bass player for the quartet catches Marian's eye. He mouths the words, 'hello babe,' and winks at her.

As they gaze around her hotel room, Trevor wonders if she will miss living at the hotel. Janet tells him that she will not miss dining alone, or spending her evenings watching television alone. A big messy house with kids, a dog named Harold, and her favorite man on the planet sounds just like paradise to her. In fact, the only thing she would admit to missing about hotel life is the little chocolates on her pillow.

Gillian continues to purr and coo at the hapless Ryan, who is clearly feeling like a very lucky man, when suddenly the doorbell rings. Gillian hops away from Ryan and exlaims that this must be the arrival of her special guest - Scott! Poor Scott realizes too late that he's just entered the lion's den. Gillian drapes herself around him and says how happy she is to see him when a bell dings. Scott wonders aloud if the bell means dinner, or round two! All are seated for dinner (Ryan at one end of the long table, Gillian with Scott at the other) and the first course arrives. Scott comments on the good food and Ryan makes a sarcastic remark about Scott's 'witty repartee.' Eugenia decides to change the subject by suddenly declaring that her Alexi once shot a man dead. Edmund hurries to change the subject, asking if anyone had read any good books lately. Scott gave the title of a mystery novel and Gillian wondered aloud why Americans like mysteries when true crime is ever so much more interesting. Once again, everyone tries to change the subject at once. Brooke jumps in with a comment about the 'elephant in the room,' referring to everyone's fear of offending her with all these mentions of crime. Finally everyone relaxes and talks about other things while Brooke and Dimitri lean against each other and giggle.

As Trevor carries Janet over the threshold to 'paradise' she smells something suspicious. Amanda appears and confesses that the dinner she'd tried to make for them didn't quite make it. They are making burritos in the microwave instead. Amanda shows off a banner that she and Tim made on the computer, reading 'Welcome Home Trevor and Janet Dillon.' Tim finds some tape while carrying Janet's belongings from the car, and the banner is hung. Suddenly Trevor realizes that he can still smell something burning. There goes dessert. Amanda, clearly ecstatic over Janet's arrival, babbles on about how she has made space in Trevor's closet and the drawers in the bathroom so that Janet will have places to put her things. Janet reminds Amanda that today is report card day, but Amanda is surprisingly reluctant to hand her's over.

At WRCW, firefighters inform Liza that there was no actual fire, just a smoke bomb. They warn her that such things are usually planted to cause a diversion so that a theft can occur. As soon as Liza hears the word 'diversion' she knows who is at fault. Adam!

Slowly, Marian realizes that she knows all the waiters. Clearly unsettled, she drags Tad on the dance floor while Stuart and Adam step outside to talk. Stuart tells Adam how happy he is. He speaks of how Marian listens to him and is interested in the things he has to say. A flicker of what might have been remorse almost crosses Adam's face. Just as Marian is telling Tad what Adam has done, the door opens and the room suddenly fills with men - all shapes, all sizes. Marian declared that she was 'drowning in a sea of ex-lovers.' Stuart greets the newcomers, but tells them that this is a private party. The man in the front of the crowd shows his invitation and asks if Stuart is Adam. Upon hearing his name, the man crows that the two of them have something in common - Marian! Before the man can clarify his relationship to Marian, she rushes over and drags Stuart off, telling him that she wants to leave. Just then Liza arrives, and Tad rushes her back out the door to inform her of what is happening. Stuart, not understanding Marian's distress, wants to be introduced to her old friends. He is thrilled that Adam chose to surprise her by filling the room with her old buddies. After hearing the full story, Liza confronts Adam, who snidely insists that 'you can judge a person by the company she keeps.' Just then, an oblivious Stuart declares that it is picture time. He shoves Marian next to Adam and encourages all the other men to crowd in behind them, then snaps a Polariod while Marian squirms.

Amanda reluctantly hands over her report card, which contains a warning for her spelling grade. Janet and Trevor point out that Amanda's placement in advanced classes does not mean that she doesn't have to work hard on her school subjects. Amanda promises to do better next year, but Trevor thinks she should do better starting tomorrow. Amanda wails at the thought of being sentenced to summer school.

At Wildwind, the dinner progresses with Gillian continuing to hang on Scott's every word and gesture. She asks him if he'll be staying at the dorm this summer, since it will be so convenient for her to come over for tutoring sessions. She asks if Scott remembers the time she spent the night with him. On that note, Ryan declares that enough is enough, and drags his bride out of the room. With such an unceremonious ending, dinner is over. Brooke and Scott stay at the table and talk about Laura and Jim, and how Scott wishes he could have helped Laura.

In the living room Gillian calls Ryan a caveman, and he retorts by labelling her a dimwit! Ryan swears that her scheme to make him crazy will never work. When Gillian questions Ryan's response to the situation, he insists that it is only because she is embarassing herself.

The Dillon family decides to order pizza rather than risk another attempt at cooking dinner, since the burritos did not survive the microwave. After some discussion, it is decided that Amanda will not have to go to summer school, rather her family will help her with her spelling over the summer, playing the 'spell check' game.

Liza offers to take Marian home, but she wants Stuart to leave with her. Stuart wants to know what's wrong, but agrees to escort Marian home. As they start to leave, Marian is faced with the hoarde of men between her and the door and almost swoons. Adam demands that Marian tell Stuart who all these men are, or he'll do it himself!

Scott says goodnight to all at Wildwind, except for the newlyweds who are still battling in the other room. Brooke walks him out. In Brooke's absense, Edmund corners Dimitri and accuses Dimitri of trying to play the hero to Brooke's 'damsel in distress,' just as he'd previously done with Gloria. In the living room, Gillian continues to taunt her new husband, until he finally heaves her over his shoulder and heads up the stairs.

Tad and Liza both encourage Marian to leave. Instead she squares her shoulders and declares Adam the winner. She tells Stuart that she doesn't remember most of the men in this room, and further, doesn't want to remember any of them - she met them while she was drunk. Marian then tells Stuart that she has slept with all of these men - and more! Adam all but glows in triumph while Stuart simply stares at Marian, obviously shocked."

- Soap Central