05/27/1998 Janet's Wedding

"Even in the face of danger, Erica remained true to form. She demanded that her abductor tell her where he was taking her. Mike slapped his head and realized that the bad guys must have tapped the pone at Linden and overheard Jack's limo arrangements. Mike demanded that the driver allow Erica to go free since presumably it wasn't her that he was after. The driver said nothing. His only response was to press the accelerator and send the car speeding down the road. Erica remembered that she packed her cell phone. She secretively slipped the phone out of her purse and attempted to make a call to the police. Mike looked rather annoyed. The car suddenly stopped and the driver turned around to face his captives. He pointed a gun at Mike and ordered Erica to hand over the phone---or Mike would be shot. The gun then was pointed at Erica. This time the abductor demanded that Mike fork over his gun. Mike claimed that he wasn't carrying a gun, but the driver knew better. Mike knew he'd been foiled and bitterly gave up his weapon. Mike vowed that he would get Erica out of the mess in one piece.

Work summoned both Liza and Tad to WRCW. Both had been invited to Janet's wedding, but neither seemed in the mood to toast true love. While the two exchanged small talk about upcoming programming changes, Adam entered the office. Liza, whose had her back to the door, did not see her former husband enter the room. She knew only by Tad's frown that something was going on behind her. She turned and jumped slightly when she came nose to nose with Adam. She nervously asked if he'd dropped by to speak to her. Frigidly, Adam issued a resounding "no" and informed Liza that he wanted to speak to Tad. Liza left the office allowing Tad an opportunity to lay into Adam for treating Liza so coldly. Adam didn't really seem to mind the manner in which he treated Liza. He moved on to a new topic, asking Tad if he'd seen or heard from Camille. Tad told Adam about Hayley's encounter with Camille. Adam felt at least mildly foolish when he learned that Liza had gotten injured while trying to capture the elusive woman. Adam spoke very poorly of Camille, a woman he felt was out to attack his entire family. Adam announced that he wanted Camille taken care of and that he never wanted to see or hear from her again. Tad couldn't understand how Adam could have so much loathing for Camille, the daughter of the woman he claimed to have loved so dearly. Adam told Tad about the offer he had made to Camille in Pigeon Hollow---an offer that would have allowed Camille to be a part of his family. Tad reached for a large cardboard envelope on his desk. The envelope, he told Adam, contained the results of the DNA tests performed on the body found in Joy's grave. Adam showed little surprise when the results proved that the body could not have been Joy. While Adam ranted and raved, Tad slowly walked towards him. He urged the tycoon to stand still. He then swatted Adam's head, indicating that a huge spider had been crawling on his head. Adam cautiously thanked Tad for rescuing him from the bug. After Adam left, the truth behind Tad's bug tale came out---he hadn't swatted a bug, he'd grabbed a strand of Adam's hair. He rushed to the phone and called his brother at the hospital. He asked Jake if he could help him run a DNA test. Down the hall, Ryan dropped by Liza's office and was grilled on life at Wildwind. Ryan stated that things were going well, but that Hayley and Mateo seemed to be having problems. He said he felt sorry for Hayley because she'd waited by Matt's side for so long only to have him emerge from his coma with a grouchy attitude. Liza warned Ryan that he'd better not have his sights set on Hayley. Adam entered the room, but he hadn't heard any of the conversation. Ryan mused that he could toss "this guy" (referring to Adam) out of Liza's office if she wanted. Adam warned Ryan that he'd be permanently ejected from the station if he so much as wrinkled his lapels. Ryan walked away. Liza somehow knew that Adam had dropped by to ask her how her injuries from her grapple with Camille had healed. She was right. She told Adam that she didn't buy into his concern especially after the way he'd treated her so coldly before he could out about her injury. Adam agreed that his concern didn't look too sincere. He told Liza that he wanted to figure out "what kind of woman" she really is.

Erica and Mike were carted off to an unknown location. They were ordered to go inside an old, abandoned storage facility of some kind. Mike whispered that he was going to create a diversion so that Erica could escape. Erica nodded and waited for her cue. Without warning, Mike slugged his abductor and tried to gain the upper hand. He yelled for Erica to run and she frantically dashed towards the door. By the time she reached the door, the tide had turned in the brawl. The abductor was now yielding an oar and flailing away at Mike. Erica's eyes nearly popped out of their sockets when the mystery man got control. Disregarding her own safety, Erica forgot about gaining her own freedom and grabbed one of the other oars that rested against the wall. She snuck up behind the abductor and beat him several times with the oar! He fell onto a cot and Erica jumped on his back and did her best to suffocate him with pillow. Mike told her that she done enough and urged her to get off of the man's back before she harmed him. It was a peculiar request considering that the man had abducted them at gunpoint. Erica ignored Mike's instructions Mike actually had to pull Erica off of their captor. Erica broke free of Mike's hold and stomped on the abductor's foot! Immediately thereafter, the man pulled a gun on the pair and contemplated shooting them on the spot. He opted to tie them up instead, but warned them that they had only a few hours until he would finish them off. The man tied Erica and Mike belly-to-belly with Erica on top of Mike. After the gunman left, Erica wiggled around in an attempt to loosen the ropes. Every move made the rope's grip tighter. Mike asked to remain still. He thought about a possible means of escape. He urged Erica to move slightly to one side. He cooed in pleasure, telling Erica that "that feels good." He quickly cleared his throat and explained that it felt good because the ropes had gotten a little looser. After several minutes of wiggling, Erica determined that she and Mike were going to have to spend the night toed to one another. Outside the makeshift prison, the abductor removed a wig---the abductor was really Adrian! Limping from Erica's stomping, Adrian swore that Mike owed him in a big way.

The crowd of spectators gathered in the chapel's foyer to observe what was happening. Trevor took a few seconds to explain to the crowd that Janet had hired Axel to pretend to be interested in her. Janet confessed that her plan had gotten "a little out of hand." She apologized to everyone and announced that there was not going to be a wedding. Trevor told her that she was wrong. Despite Janet's pleas, Trevor knelt before her and asked her to marry him. Janet said nothing. Opal's twang broke the silence. "Oh c'mon, Janet. You've got to say something before his knees wear out!" The crowd chimed in for Janet to accept the proposal. Janet looked at Trevor and told him that they needed to talk. The pair went into an adjoining room where they were joined by Mateo, Hayley, Amanda, Axel, and Tim. Janet told Trevor that Brooke's murder trial must be clouding his mind. Janet shook her head and breathily told Trevor that she couldn't marry him because of reasons he'd never understand. "It's the vow," Trevor said in frustration. Janet was amazed that Trevor knew about the bow---even more so than knowing that Trevor knew she'd hired Axel to pretend to be her ex-husband. Janet cast a piercing glance at Axel and scolded him for telling Trevor about her vow to Natalie. Janet told the group that her refusal to marry Trevor went beyond the vow. She explained that she'd talked to Natalie in church the night before and that Nat had told her that she was supposed to go through with her marriage to Axel. Hayley stepped in and urged Janet not to let true love pass her by. "Love is precious," she remarked. "Don't ever take it for granted." Amanda told her mother how Trevor had arranged the entire wedding so that he could end up marrying Janet. Janet heard Natalie's voice telling her to "do everything as Trevor had planned it." She then realized that Natalie must have known about Trevor's plan to pull a fast one on her. Trevor confirmed her suspicions, at least partly. He told her that the plan had always been for him to end up as the groom. Janet turned and looked towards the ceiling. She saw Natalie's image encouraging her to marry Trevor. "Take care of Trevor," Natalie smiled. "You're going to have a wonderful life." With tears in her eyes, Janet accepted Trevor's proposal. Trevor and Janet shared a kiss until Hayley pointed out that they were supposed to wait until after the I Do's before they could kiss. Hayley helped Janet apply some touchups to her makeup. Amanda realized that something was missing from the ceremony. Harold pawed his way into the room and Janet immediately worried that the dog would attack her. Harold slowly walked over to Janet before bowing his head and taking her train in his mouth. Their past now a part of the past, Harold was showing Janet that he was okay with her plans to marry Trevor. During the unplanned recess, Jack told Dimitri that he found out that Mike was a retired government agent. Dimitri claimed that he did not know that Mike was no longer in service, so to speak. Since Erica was still a no-show, Jack determined that Mike was somehow involved in her failure to appear. He reminded Dimitri that he once had claimed to trust Mike with his life---but was he willing to entrust Erica's life to Mike? Dimitri refused to answer. He replied that Jack must trust Mike or he would have surely called for the police to track down Erica and Mike. Jack nodded calmly and told Dimitri that he was correct. He told Dimitri that his relationship was strong enough to survive Mike's challenge. Once the ceremony began, everything went very smoothly. In any wedding, the part that provokes the most anxiety is the "speak now or forever hold your peace" portion. No one said anything, however, Harold did bark in an apparently unrelated vocalization. Trevor told the minister that he and Janet would recite their own vows even though neither had planned what they were going to say. Trevor told Janet that he was not sure when he first fell in love with her. What he did know was that he saw things in a different light whenever she was around. In Janet's vow, she told Trevor that she knew exactly when she fell in love with him---the first time she ever laid eyes upon him. "Of course my timing was wrong," she joked. She commented that she was overjoyed that she'd finally undergone a "metamorphosis" that allowed her to become a woman that he could love. Amanda felt left out of the process and recited a few vows of her own. She pledged to go to bed on time and to keep her room clean---or at least to "try really hard" to keep it clean. Tim had picked out ring for the occasion and even had them engraved with Trevor and Janet's names and the date of their union. Without hesitation, the minister proclaimed them husband and wife. The two shared a passionate kiss as the onlookers applauded them. The traditional walk out of the church took a Trevor-like turn. Instead of the usual post-wedding theme, Trevor had the organist play "Sugar Pie Honey Bunch."

- Soap Central