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"Jackson's presence made both Jake and Joe uneasy. Joe called the incident a "hospital matter" and asked that Jack allow him to handle the investigation. The matter had been a hospital matter. Jack informed them that he was called to find out if there had been any criminal negligence involved. Jake agreed to answer Jack's questions, but he urged his father not to stick around. Jake explained what had happened---or at least what he was sure of. He said that he had administered a blood thinner to Adam's IV, but that somehow another medication had also been administered. Jake refused to offer any theories on who he thought might have tampered with Adam's IV. Jack suspected that Jake was hiding something from him. He speculated that his previous inquiry into his "friend's" phony transcripts might somehow pertain to the mix-up. Jake denied that there were any ties. Jack watched Jake's mannerisms and listened closely to everything that he had to say. When Jake had finished talked, Jack came to realize that Jake was telling him the truth. He promised to go to bat for him against Adam and make sure that his license was not revoked by Adam's tirade.

Acting purely out of the goodness of her own heart---and quite possibly out of guilt---Allie dropped by Adam's room to discuss the medical mishap. Allie's defense of Jake was paid little mind by Adam. He assumed that Jake had charmed her into bed and therefore she felt some sort of devotion to Jake. Allie assured Adam that a full investigation was underway to find out exactly what happened. Needless to say, Adam wasn't overly encouraged by the fact that Joe was overseeing the investigation. Adam told Allie that Jake had tried to kill. His failed attempt, Adam groused, was further proof of Jake's incompetence. The attempt on his life, Adam growled, was brought on by Jake being upset that he'd lost Liza to him. Allie argued that Jake was not hung up on a lost love, but Adam didn't believe her. Scott entered the room and Allie, unable to handle dealing with the difficult patient, exited. Adam immediately pressed his nephew for news on Liza. Scott refused to be a go-between. Since that got him nowhere, Adam began telling Scott about Jake's attempt on his life. Scott didn't buy into the murder conspiracy theory and accused Adam of harboring a grudge. Jack entered the room and all fell silent. Adam drooled in anticipation of hearing news of Jake's arrest. The announcement never came. Scott could see that things were going to heat up, so he slipped out of the room before things got too hot. Jack told Adam that there was no proof that anyone acted maliciously---it appeared to be a simple mistake. If Adam couldn't win on one count, he decided to shoot for another. Perhaps it wasn't a mistake, he implied. Maybe it was sheer incompetence. That one didn't go over too well with Jack either. Adam felt that he could prove malicious intent by showing that Jake wanted to steal Liza from him. Jack ended the conversation by telling Adam that he was not going to file any charges against Jake---now or in the future.

Gillian asked Ryan who he was running from. All Ryan would say was that a stranger was chasing him. He planted another kiss on her just as Liza entered the room. The intrusion ended the spontaneous kiss. Liza was appalled by what she saw and reminded the pair that her office was not a cheap motel or a drive-in. She then noted that Ryan had work to do and asked that Gillian remove herself from WRCW property. Liza was called away on business, but she told them that they'd better not be engaging in any hanky panky when she returns. It took but a minute for Gillian to realize that Ryan lied about being pursued by a stranger. Gillian stroked Ryan's chest gently before taking hold of his tie and slowly strangling him with it. Ryan managed to break free of her stranglehold and still had enough air left in his lungs to offer an apology. He claimed that when he saw Gillian from the doorway he felt an uncontrollable urge to meet her. Out of view from the kissing bandit, Gillian reached out and grabbed a pair of scissors. She hid them in her hands as she asked Ryan if he wanted to know what happened to the last man who stole a kiss from her. She snipped off Ryan's tie as she yelped that she "cut it off!"

When Liza returned to her office, Gillian had already vanished. Ryan, however, still hovered over some files. She looked at him strangely and asked him why he was wearing only half of a tie. Ryan chuckled to himself and stated that it was a fashion statement. Ryan changed the subject and asked how Adam was doing. Liza's voice was soft as she told Ryan that Adam had suffered a legitimate attack of some sort. She thanked him for prodding her into visiting Adam. Still Ryan couldn't understand how Liza could show such concern for her husband, yet seem so nonchalant. Scott returned with an update on Adam's condition. Ryan left to allow them to talk in private. Liza was furious when Scott told her about Adam's crusade against Jake. She grabbed her coat and stomped out of the room.

Down the hall, Kelsey wandered into Tad's office looking for Ryan. He asked her how her plight to win Scott's heart was going. She told him that she'd barely had any impact on Scott. She told him that she needed to make herself unavailable to Scott. For that, she smiled deviously, she'd need a man. She used glowing terms to describe the type of man that she'd need---handsome, witty, tall. She leaned over and stared Ryan in the eyes. Ryan knew what she was implying and quickly turned her down. His mind was quickly changed, however, when Scott and Gillian strolled into the room. Gillian gave Ryan the cold shoulder. Scott, knowing nothing of the two's encounter only minutes before, introduced Ryan to Gillian. Scott and Gillian got quite amorous as they discussed their plans for the evening. When they left the room, Kelsey told Ryan that she could never ever compete with the likes of Princes Andrassy. Not so, replied Ryan. Kelsey has a secret weapon in her arsenal---him!

Liza's encore appearance in Adam's hospital room sent Adam head over heels---figuratively, of course. He told her that seeing her made him feel better. She asked him if his doctor's had given him an update on his condition. Adam beamed as he told her that all of his vitals were back to normal. Liza was happy to here that---because then she wouldn't feel bad for letting him have it. She blasted Adam for attacking Jaker. She pointed out that his charges could bring an end to Jake's medical career. She downplayed any notion that she and Jake were an item-they weren't. And neither were she and Adam. She noted that Adam is always claiming to be a changed man. If he really is, she stated harshly, Adam will drop the charges and get over his bruised ego. She turned and walked away without waiting for an answer.

Brooke told Mateo that Jim owned the suitcase that the transportation board had located. Mateo assumed that somehow the explosives had rubbed off onto Jim's luggage. Brooke explained that forensic testing proved that the explosives were inside the luggage---and that there was no "rubbing off." Mateo wondered what kind of man would deliberately take a bomb on board a plane---especially a plane that he was on! Brooke related the loan shark story to Mateo. The tale reeked of lies and Mateo didn't believe a word of it. Mateo naturally wanted to know why the loan shark was no longer on Jim's heels. She told him that Jim had used the reward money to pay him off. If the loan shark was out of the way, Mateo suggested that they contact the police. Brooke handed over the file that contained the dirt on Jim's past. Brooke asked Mateo if he'd be willing to look into Jim's past and see what he could dig up. Mateo nodded enthusiastically and vowed to "get them." They turned around and saw that Jim had let himself into the office. He asked whom they planned on "getting." Mateo quickly developed a wonderful lie. He said that he and Brooke were working on getting more people to contribute to his sister's memorial fund. Jim told Brooke that he was headed to the darkroom. She nodded and sent him on his way. Brooke made copies of Edmund's file so that Edmund wouldn't notice that the originals were missing. She told Mateo that she wants to keep their private investigation a secret. Mateo picked up on the uncertainty in Brooke's voice and realized that she had doubts about Jim's story. She tried to get Mateo to promise that he'd back off of the case if he found that Jim had ties to any big crimes figures like the mob. He told her that he plays hardball and that he will not back off for any reason. Jim returned to the room and was greeted by a smile from Brooke, but cold stare from Mateo. Jim questioning Brooke on Mateo's expression after Matt dashed off. Brooke explained that Mateo is slow to warm up to new people. Jim told Brooke that he couldn't get her off his mind and that he had to take a break from his work. He talked endlessly of how happy she makes him and how thankful he is that she believes his story about the bomb. He pulled her close to him and stroked her hair. He spoke of how happy their lives will be together. Brooke's eyes and mouth drooped and a morbid expression emerged on her face.

David pulled Allie aside and asked her why she reacted so peculiarly when she found him giving Adam his injection. Allie claimed that paranoia had made her overreact. David insisted that he would never deliberately put a patient's life at risk. Allie nodded and brushed off her former lover. She met up with Jake and the two discussed their next step. Allie told Jake that she'd spoken to Adam, but that she thinks it had little effect. Allie worried that Jake might face a malpractice suit and felt compelled to tell Joe the truth. Jake made her swear that she'd keep quiet. Joe entered the room and asked if he could speak privately to his son. Joe faced the hardest decision of his career: Suspending Jake from duty until after the investigation had been completed. Jake accepted the news, but not happily. He was upset that he was being suspended without proof of guilt. Jake returned to the locker room and told Allie that he'd been suspended. Again Allie wanted to tell the truth. She tried to get Jake to join her for a drink, but he told her that he'd rather be alone. It was a cold shoulder that made Allie feel even worse about something she'd already felt she'd been responsible for. Jake left the room and David entered a few seconds later. He asked Allie how she was dealing with the news. Allie rose to her feet and locked the door. Without any warning, she ripped open her blouse and exposed her nearly naked torso to David. "This is why you came to Pine Valley? You want it? Then come and get it!""

- Soap Central