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"Amanda tumbled to the bottom of the well along with other debris that littered the mine site. She remained unconscious for quite some time, but did finally come to. It was difficult to tell if her legs were pinned under some of the wooden planks or if she was just too sore to get to her feet. Either way, she uttered no sounds and then slipped back into unconsciousness.

Jamie passed on dinner and told his father that he'd rather have a hot fudge sundae instead. Tad tried to explain to Jamie that one has meatballs or hot dogs for dinner, not ice cream. To make the situation more difficult, Gloria chimed in that she's like a sundae, too. Tad conceded defeat and order three sundaes. Trevor pulled up a chair and asked if he could have a few words with Jamie. Trev told Jamie that Amanda had run off and asked if he knew of any "Secret places" that Amanda might visit. Jamie shook his head and asked if Amanda was going to be missing for ever. Gloria said that Amanda would be found. Trevor then said that Amanda was upset when he picked her up from their playdate and wondered if Jamie might now why she was mad. Jamie again shook his head.

Janet's nerves were shot. She paced frantically around the house and asked Jack why Amanda had not turned up. Jack did his best to calm her down, but there is nothing that can be done to soothe a mother when he child is missing. Derek said that his men were on the case and were scouring the area. Someone fumbled at the door. Janet ran to the door and called out Amanda's name, but it was Tim returning from wherever it was he had been. He asked her why Janet was in his house and after learning that Amanda had disappeared, he accused Janet of somehow being involved. Derek followed up on a lead and learned that a five-year-old "Jane Doe" had been rushed to the hospital with multiple fractures. Derek phoned Trevor and told him to meet them at the hospital.

Matt and Hayley had the night off and opted for a romantic dinner---alone. Hayley celebrated that Tanner was not home and before Mateo went off to cook in the kitchen, she started simmering up a few things with Mateo in the living room. As he had done before, Tanner burst into the apartment and iced the romance. He apologized for the interruption, but said that the store did not have any fresh cilantro. Mateo was upset and told Tanner that he needed the herb for his dinner creation. Tanner headed back out to find some fresh cilantro. He did return a short time later with the herb and said that he would be leaving so that Mateo and Hayley could have some time alone. Mateo refused and order Tanner to stay and dine with them. Anita called and told her brother that someone was outside their house and trying to get in. She said that Isabella was not home and that another house in the neighborhood had been burglarized recently. She did not see anyone outside the house, but said that the interloper had been throwing pebbles against the window. Mateo said that he'd be right over and instructed Hayley to sit tight at home while he handled the problem. Hayley went into the kitchen to take dinner out of the oven. Tanner reached into his jacket pocket and removed some small pebbles. A devilish look crept across his face.

Hayley and Tanner sat down for dinner. Tanner asked Hayley why she had been so "frosty" to him lately. She told him that he shenanigans in the plane were uncalled for and that it was not proper to try to flirt with the fiancée of your best friend. Tanner insisted that he was not trying to come between Halo and Matt and agreed with Hayley that Mateo should know what happened saying that Matt would "understand." After dinner, the two sat up for several hours talking. When Mateo called, he was surprised that Hayley was still awake. She said that she would be going to bed. Mateo said that he would be spending the night with Rosa and Anita because they were still scared. Hayley said goodnight to Tanner and headed off to bed. AS her encounter in the airplane replayed through her mind, she contemplated locking the door to her bedroom to keep Tanner out.

Janet, Tim, Jack, and Trevor arrived at the hospital and asked Joe and Ruth if Amanda had been brought in to the hospital recently. The Martins were surprised to learn that Amanda was missing and said that the girl who had been brought in was in surgery. Joe raced off to see if the unidentified girl was, in fact, Amanda. When he returned, the news was mixed. The girl was not Amanda, but that meant that Amanda was still missing. Jack suggested that they return to the house and wait for Amanda. Everyone headed off. Trevor looked back and saw Janet standing by herself. He walked over to her and told her to go back to the house with him because they should stick together.

Laura wanted to skip out on dinner so she could "study" at the library. Brooke managed to learn the details of Laura's meeting with Scott's friends. Pierce arrived for his dinner date with Brooke and Laura and his presence managed to convince Laura to stick around. She headed off to call Kevin and tell him that their study session was off. Pierce gave Brooke a passionate kiss. Brooke took a step back and told Pierce that she had been thinking about his "too fast or too slow" proposition and said that they are moving at just the right speed.

Phoebe arrived a bit late for the dinner, but when she did, Laura had questions for her. She asked Phoebe if she had ever been to Martha's Vineyard or Vale. Phoebe nodded, but said that she prefers Jackson Hole. Laura asked Phoebe how she became so "wordly." Phoebes replied that a person's lineage does not procure their "wordly" status per se, but the wanting to make something of yourself does. She pointed to Pierce as a perfect example---a hermit who transformed into a famous artist. Phoebe agreed to help Laura "refine" her manners.

Scott arrived and wanted to see how Laura was doing with her babysitting. Only she was not babysitting. Laura stepped outside to explain why she skipped out on her date with him, but Scott was not happy. He said that he has taken time out of his busy college schedule to be with Laura, but that she doesn't seem grateful. While his friends might have been born with "silver spoons" in their mouths, Scott insisted that he likes Laura and does not care of she comes from a high society background. He seemed to have enough of Laura's lies and left her standing in the cold by herself.

As she was drying a glass, Brooke broke the glass and cut her hand. Pierce honed in on the gash in Brooke's hand and suddenly had flashbacks of his military career. He said that he had a terrible migraine and had to leave. He raced out the front door leaving a lot of unanswered questions. Phoebe asked Brooke if she had said something to upset Pierce. Brooke shrugged her shoulders.

Laura later told Brooke that her relationship with Scott was over. Brooke assured Laura that Scott was not dumping her, but probably just needs some space. She added that Laura needs to think twice before lying to her boyfriend again. Laura headed for bed and Brooke headed for the phone. She phoned Pierce, but received no answer.

Tim went to bed on Trevor's request and Jack went home to catch some shuteye as well. Trevor agreed to let Janet wait with him for any word from the police. She made some tea, but her hands were so shaky that she nearly spilled the brew on Trevor. He took her hand and steadied it.

In the morning, Mateo returned home. Hayley heard him come home and asked him to join her in bed. He said that he cannot get back to sleep once he's awake, but did not mind spending time with his fiancée. Tanner walked into the living room and told Matt that he spent the night talking to a friend. Matt pressed for more details, but Tanner did not divulge any information.

Tad showed up at Trevor's with some late breaking information. He said that Jamie confessed that he and Amanda were watching a tape of The Cutting Edge during their playdate. The tape, of course, was one with Janet as a special guest.

At the well, Amanda woke up. She looked around and realized that she was trapped. In her loudest voice---which is as tiny as a mouse---she called for her daddy or Tim to come and help her."

- Soap Central