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"Angie attempted to look at a sample underneath a microscope. She became dismayed when her vision blurred repeatedly. She made note of her symptoms -- dizziness and disorientation were added to the list -- into her recorder. Her voice held a despondent note as she admitted she wasn't sure how she would get approval for the testing needed.

Jesse found Angie and asked if she had enough free time to allow them to catch up. Angie said that she was happy to try if Jesse could maintain her pace. They walked into the hall, and after Angie relayed some directives to a nurse, Angie turned her attention back to her husband. Jesse pointed out that Angie had missed Natalia's swearing-in as detective.

Angie apologized for being so absent and said that she would make it up to both Jesse and Natalia. Jesse said that there was no need, as Angie's family understood quite well what kind of stress Angie was suffering. Angie began to look at Jesse in an odd way, and Jesse asked what was wrong. Angie failed to respond, as she was distracted because she could no longer see her husband's face.

Angie was able to turn away quickly enough that Jesse's concern faded. He went off on another tangent, which Angie heard little of. Instead, Angie desperately tried to maintain a calm demeanor despite the fact that her vision had yet to clear up. At that moment, David walked into the room. Angie was forced to wait for an audio clue to tell her how the composition of the room had changed.

Both Jesse and Angie tried to get David to leave, but David insisted on talking to Angie. Angie finally told Jesse that David wouldn't leave until he said what was on his mind. Jesse agreed and left for work. Once alone, David ripped into Angie for spending money the hospital didn't have, and for her carelessness in attending to patients.

Angie blamed her rash decisions on the lack of money available to keep exam room supplies stocked. David insisted that Angie needed to work within the hospital's means. David also noted that Angie should be grateful that she hadn't contracted a disease by using life-saving measures without protecting herself. David left, and Angie staggered under the possibility that she had no one to blame for her symptoms but herself.

Frankie found his mother at the hospital and told her that he was headed to Krystal's to help celebrate Natalia's promotion. Angie declined to join him because she wanted to find information on Ramon, the patient she'd treated a few weeks before. Neither doctor could gain access to the records, so Frankie suggested they celebrate first and investigate later.

Angie sharply pointed out that she needed the information immediately. She saw Frankie's crestfallen face and apologized. She said that despite the early hour, it had already started to feel like a long day. Frankie asked why Angie was so fixated on the case, and Angie told him that the case felt personal.

After Frankie left, Angie continued on her quest for information. She was initially frustrated when she found herself blocked from Ramon's records, regardless of the methods she tried. Angie then had an idea, and took off down the hall to pursue her new lead.

At the station, Jesse passed on Angie's apology to Natalia for missing the ceremony the previous night. As Jesse expected, Natalia bore no ill will. Mayor Blanco showed up, and Jesse said that the mayor had arrived just in time. Jesse asked for everyone's attention, and officially presented Natalia with her detective badge.

Mayor Blanco, who had been distracted by work, absently shook Natalia's hand and offered half-hearted congratulations. Jesse asked for a private word with the mayor, and the duo stepped away from the group. Jesse wanted to know why the mayor couldn't be genuinely happy about the promotion. The mayor was more concerned about the vendetta that Jesse had against David. Jesse warned the mayor that her popularity would plummet once he was able to prove that David was behind Erica's plane crash.

Jesse rejoined the group of officers and revealed that it was time for a tradition to be honored. Jesse announced that all new detectives had to buy lunch for the squad. Everyone was excited except for Natalia, who was horrified at the expected lunch bill. The officers picked Natalia up before she could protest any longer, and carried her out of the station.

Frankie went to Krystal's and found the party in Natalia's honor. He raised a glass and toasted his little sister's success. Angie made an appearance and took Natalia aside to congratulate her. Natalia admitted that not everyone was happy for her, and told Angie about Mayor Blanco. Angie suggested that Natalia ignore the mayor and any other person who wasn't actively supportive

. Angie said that Natalia should do her job well, not only for herself but as a role model for any other woman of color who had similar goals. When Natalia expressed her eagerness to get to work, Angie was able to easily change the course of the conversation. Angie told Natalia that she was concerned about a former patient and asked for help to track down Ramon. Natalia was delighted at the opportunity and readily agreed.

Angie left soon after, citing that she needed to go home to retrieve her cell phone. Once she arrived home, Angie wandered about her bedroom. Angie was both alarmed and saddened when she couldn't clearly see a photo of her with Jesse.

Angie returned to the hospital a short time later, just as a patient started to experience distress. Angie ran into the room with a nurse but realized belatedly that she wouldn't be able to see the screen. Angie froze as the alarms went off around her, unsure of what to do. Jake arrived on the scene, so Angie told him that she'd had a drink at Krystal's and couldn't treat patients.

Jake sprang into action, which allowed Angie to leave the room. Her phone rang, and Angie answered it quickly to cover up the difficulty she was having navigating the hospital. Natalia was on the other end, and had a last known address for Ramon. Natalia said that Ramon had been staying with a foster family, and that the address found was the most recent information available. Angie thanked Natalia quickly and ended the call.

Natalia tried to pay the lunch tab, but Krystal told her that the meal was on the house. Natalia was shocked but delighted. Jesse walked in, and although Natalia was glad to see him, she told her father she had more paperwork to fill out. Brot walked her out and left Jesse and Frankie to fend for themselves. Frankie challenged his father to not be as obsessed with work as Angie was. Frankie suggested that he and Jesse spend the afternoon together, just relaxing. Jesse gladly accepted the challenge.

After they grabbed lunch, Jesse and Frankie found a bench to commandeer in the park. They were only there a few moments before David showed up. David told Jesse that he'd run into Mayor Blanco and heard about the conversation she'd had with Jesse. David warned Jesse not to try to take Greenlee or Marissa away from him.

Jesse pretended to be scared of what David was capable of, but refrained from any other reaction so that David would leave. When the former doctor exited, Frankie noted that David's motivation was the same as any other father and husband. Jesse realized that he hadn't thought of David in that light before.

Jesse decided to tell Frankie about the pregnancy scare Angie had. Frankie was stunned at the announcement, but relieved when he realized his parents weren't expecting. The men alleviated the uncomfortable feeling when Jesse spotted a football and they decided to toss it around for a while.

Angie found Ramon in the park, and reminded him of how they'd met. She told the young boy that she and the hospital staff had been worried about him. Angie said that she had some questions, and felt it was okay to ask when the boy remained silent. Angie asked how Ramon had fallen off of his bike.

As Angie waited for an answer, another boy showed up. The older boy said that Ramon was shy and that was why he didn't talk much. The boy asked Ramon if he was ready to leave. To Angie's alarm, the older boy pulled a white cane from behind the bench for Ramon to use.

Angie went back to the hospital and drew some blood from herself. She stained slides with droplets from the collection tube. She alternated between looking at the slides under the microscope and consulting with the various texts she had strewn about the room. Suddenly, Angie was sure that she'd isolated her affliction. She read some of the details and was horrified at what she would face.

Jake stopped by to check on Angie. Angie unlocked the room where she had been doing her research, and told Jake that she was fine. Jake wasn't willing to take Angie at her word, and said that Angie was off of her game. Angie tried to explain her reluctance to treat patients. Angie said that it wouldn't take much for David to fire her, and Angie thought that after a few drinks, it was best to leave the patient care to other staff members.

Jake asked if Angie wanted help with the testing and research she was doing. Angie stonewalled Jake and said that she needed to handle this particular case on her own. Jake acquiesced and said that he would be available if Angie changed her mind. Angie locked herself inside again, and turned on her recorder.

Angie announced a diagnosis -- endophthalmitis -- and made it clear that she had contracted it through carelessness. Because the disease had inconsistent reactions, all treatments were experimental and thus, not guaranteed. Angie went on to say that while there was a possibility that the condition could clear up on its own, permanent damage would be likely if it did not.

Frankie returned to the hospital later and found his mother. Angie questioned why her son had returned after his shift was over. Frankie said that he wanted to check on a patient, and they both knew where Frankie had gotten that drive from. Then, Frankie told her about the afternoon he'd spent with Jesse.

Later in the day, Jesse found Angie at the Yacht Club. Angie was mildly surprised that he'd been able to track her down so easily. Angie was enamored with all of the beautiful sights that surrounded the Yacht Club. Jesse wondered if he should leave Angie alone. Angie said that Jesse was the only person she wanted to see and talk to.

Angie tried to work up the courage to tell Jesse what she'd found out. Before she could utter a word, Jesse asked if they could leave the Yacht Club. He said that there was something that he wanted to talk to Angie about in private. Angie agreed to leave, so they went home.

Jesse confessed to his fear that they were letting other people and work take up residence in their lives. Jesse said that Angie would always be the most important person in the world to him. He wanted to be sure they made time for each other. He asked Angie if she would stay home and spend some quality time with him. Angie said that she would like nothing more. Jesse started to turn out the lights, but Angie asked that they be left on so that she didn't miss anything. Jesse gladly obliged and wrapped his wife in his arms, and they soon fell into bed together."

- Soap Central