
"Zach shows up at the park, and joins the Santos/Grey/Frye picnic. He introduces himself to Anita and tells her that Bobby invited him to the outing and promised to make an appearance himself. Clearly unsettled by the idea that Bobby is back in town, Anita tries to cover by making introductions to the family. Maria is equally disturbed and notes that when he stopped by Wildwind to get directions, they led out of town. He tells them he got Bobby's call before he got too far.

Reggie and Dani start kissing but are interrupted by lights and a loud voice yelling, "FREEZE!" Briefly blinded, it takes them a few moments to realize that it is actually Jamie. He says that he needs to talk to Reggie because it's important and can't wait. Reggie and Dani start to protest, but the choice is nullified when Livia shows up to drag Danielle back to the picnic.

Reggie tells Jamie that he'd better have a good reason for interrupting - and Jamie says he does: JR. He suspects that JR is the one that drugged Babe, and almost killed her.

Dani returns to the picnic escorted by Livia. Derek demands to know where she was, and Livia lies and says there is a long line at the bathroom. Unwilling to challenge his sister, he introduces Dani to Zach. Zach has been trying to make nice with Anita, but she can't handle him and walks away. Zach feels like he is intruding but everyone insists he stay. Dani is especially vocal (because he will alleviate her boredom) and starts to give him the third degree.

Bobby finally shows up and runs into Anita behind some bushes. He kisses her hello but she pulls away in a less than warm welcome. She is angry because he had been out of touch for so long. Bobby tells her that he did so because he wanted to make sure he had good news when he talked to her. Good news turned into great news, and by then he felt that he couldn't tell her over the phone.

Anita seems less than impressed, given the lack of details. Bobby wants to know what's wrong. As she tries to spit it out, Palmer and Opal walk up behind them, and Palmer wants to know what his wayward grandson has done this time.

An uncomfortable Anita stands by while Bobby tells Palmer that his debt will be paid off in full soon because his boss set him up to earn a lot of money. He drops the news that Zach has put him in charge of his East Coast offices, which will allow him to be in Pine Valley with Anita. Palmer thinks that is a great idea because his settling down is past due.

As Edmund and Zach make small talk, Maria flashes back to a time with Zach in a cabin. He had just returned from getting food and she is on a rug in front of the fireplace crying. He rushes to her side, concerned that something was seriously wrong. She eases his fears by saying that as long as he is with her, she is fine.

Maria snaps back to the present and is visibly shaken. She gets up and walks away but when she looks back Zach is staring at her. She walks behind the bushes and Edmund follows. He asks what is wrong, and she originally tries to blame it on too much caffeine. When that fails, she blames it on worrying about Anita with Bobby back in town.

With the Grey contingent gone, Dani swoops in for another shot at Zach. Pretending that he needs someone like her on his staff, she tries to score a job. Zach tells her that she needs to be 21, but that if she is still interested when she reaches that age - she can talk to him then.

Derek tells Livia about Edmund's crazy obsession with the overheard cell call. He tells her of Edmund's desire to tie up all of the police resources so that he can try to and figure out what happened. Livia tells Derek that she thinks it's a good idea and maybe he should rethink it.

Jamie tells Reggie that he thinks JR drugged Babe so that he could set her up - JR assumed that Babe would sleep with Jamie, but never saw the possibility of anything going wrong. Not only can Reggie not believe that JR would do something like that, but he can't believe that Jamie would think such a thing about his brother. Jamie admits that thinking such things makes him sick - and he invites Reggie to come up with a better idea.

Jamie continues by saying that with all of the other things that happened (JR wanting Jamie to have the first dance with the bride and Adam wanting Jamie to spend more time at the house hanging out with Babe), perhaps Adam is in on this plan with JR. Reggie says that if that's true, there may be more danger than they realized.

Jamie admits that he needs more information if he is going to prove that Adam and JR are behind the overdose. The key is the drug dealer, Seth - but Reggie doesn't think he will talk easily. They plan to do some "convincing" to see if Seth will open up.

After some thought, Derek tells Edmund that he can utilize the police database at night. They take off to the station and slowly the party breaks up. Zach is left waiting for Bobby and Maria is left waiting for Anita.

Increasingly nervous, Maria chatters randomly to fill the space. Zach reminds her of a time when they didn't speak unless they had something to say. Maria flashes back yet again to the cabin, where words were not needed as they shared an intimate dinner, and indeed an intimate night. Flashing back to the present, she looks at Zach and he leans in to kiss her.

As Bianca joins the crowd in the Chandler living room, Adam expresses his annoyance at both her and David's interruption. Demanding to know what it's about, David reveals true parentage as his reason. As Babe and Krystal look on, scared of what he will say, David announces that he really is Babe's biological father. Adam and JR are not impressed, but Babe and Krystal are pleasantly surprised to hear him say that he wants to get to know Babe and be a part of her (and "Bess"') life. Bianca is thrilled as well and says that they are more alike than they know.

While Tad is vocally suspicious, Adam tries to negate the connection by suggesting that Krystal may not want him in Babe's life. Krystal wisely states that Babe is an adult and can make her own decision.

Babe, thrilled at David's decision, decides to officially introduce him to "Bess", and Adam and JR are furious. JR makes a comment about how Bess has enough losers hanging around her just loud enough to for Bianca to hear. She confronts him about his inclusion of her in that group.

Once up in the nursery, Krystal voices her own doubts about David's intentions. Babe thinks that she is being a little over the top with her demands for explanations but David says it is understandable - Krystal would lay her life down to protect Babe. Krystal admits that she can't accept what David says at face value without a promise that he won't change his mind. They both are genuinely curious about why he made the choice he did.

David tells them that the bottom line is that he already lost one child and he can't bear to lose another. Giving him a hug, Babe says that Bianca was right when she said they had a lot in common.

David tells his new daughter that they can't have a repeat of the drug overdose at SOS and Krystal is immediately back in protective mode. However, Babe holds her own and says that while she has some old habits that need to stay broken (she used to smoke, and she sometimes eats too much ice cream when upset), drugs have never been and will never be one of them.

David takes a step back and relates the story of JR bringing "Bess" to the ER, and how JR insinuated that Babe partying hard was a regular occurrence. Visibly upset, Babe asks exactly what JR said. When David says that JR wasn't direct about it, Babe lets loose. She says that it never happened because JR loves her and would never say anything bad about her. She also said that if she could take on Adam, she sure could take on him. Krystal warns him about getting between a woman and the man she adores.

David, admitting defeat, says that he may have heard wrong because both he and JR were upset that night. He tells Babe that he has no intention of trying to break them up or trying to attack an innocent man.

JR tells Bianca that she is in a different category than David - and she agrees: David is Babe's father and Bianca is Babe's friend. Tad steps in for a frustrated JR and says that they just had a lot dumped on their shoulders with David's announcement and they were all just trying to deal. She suggests that they choke it down whatever way they can because Babe deserves to have a father and "Bess" deserves to have everyone who can love her around her.

Later, when things are cooled down in the nursery and Bianca has joined them, Krystal thanks David as he prepares to leave. He promises that he will be back to be the doting father and grandfather he promised to be. Once he leaves, Bianca asks Babe if she can talk to her alone. Krystal takes her leave, and Bianca gushes about how great it is that Babe is letting David in. She says that David has been lost since Leora died, and that if anyone can bring the love back into his life, it's Babe and "Bess."

Bianca tells Babe that all the bad things David has done are separate from who he is as a person. She tells Babe that once she has his heart, she won't be able to find a bigger protector - for her and the baby.

Later, when Bianca is gone, Babe tells "Bess" that she is glad that they are still together and that by her choices, they both have daddies they can be proud of.

Tad tells JR that they have to learn to tolerate David now that he is part of the family. JR tells him that won't happen because every time he sees David, he sees the man that killed his mother. He promises to do any and everything to keep David from his wife and child. Overhearing his last words, David strolls into the living room and says that JR will be fighting a losing battle. David is planning to model himself after Adam and rabidly protect his daughter. David tells the room that if anyone wants to try to hurt Babe, they will have to go through him to get to her.

He goes on to say that just by the short time he saw Babe with the baby in the nursery, he knows that she is a wonderful mother and the baby is in exceptional hands. Anyone that thinks differently should feel free to argue that point with him.

He leaves and Tad follows, asking what his exchange with JR was about. David tells him it's between the two of them - but if he wants to worry about something, keep an eye on JR.

Alone again, JR wonders aloud to his father what David knows and how close he is to the truth. He notes that if David is clued in to anything, Tad can't be far behind. He is still committed to getting Babe out of he and his baby's life - but he needs to change the plan a bit so as to keep David and Tad as much in the dark as possible."

- Soap Central