"Maggie seemed nervous and Bianca asked to know what she wanted from her. Maggie apologized for telling Bianca she loved her and left.
Reggie and Danielle went to the music store and Jamie made a date with a clerk there, but told Reggie he needed to talk to JR first about Babe because he has a bad feeling about them. Reggie watched jealously as another guy seemed to be putting the moves on Danielle and she lied about being a model. Reggie interrupted and warned Danielle the guy was really trying to sell her cocaine. Danielle pretended she'd known that and Reggie wondered if she could ever admit she's wrong. Maggie rushed in to see Jamie and asked how she can take back her declaration of love to Bianca. She expressed her confusion over her sexuality. Jamie assured her she'd done the right thing.
Babe rocked Bess to sleep, telling her how lucky she is to have a daddy who will always love her. She then tried to get JR to relax with her but he said he had to work and suggested Babe go out shopping or swimming without him. After she left, Adam warned JR to stop playing by the rules and get Babe out of Bess's life. Upstairs, Adam told Bess not to worry because if her dad couldn't follow through, her grandfather would. Brooke overheard everything from the doorway and demanded to know what he meant. Adam said he was trying to secure Bess's education and needed Brooke's help to get her into the Waverly School. Brooke said she'd stopped by with a list of charities that Adam can help. Brooke also commented about Mary and Adam was thrilled to hear her sound so jealous. Brooke said she was only happy that Mary was no longer chasing Jamie. Adam wondered if she was looking for donations for herself as well and called her love life a needy charity.
Bianca came over and asked JR about Bess. JR yelled at her about not keeping her promise to leave Bess alone. Babe overheard that and apologized to Bianca. She also told JR that Bianca was a part of Bess's life. Babe assured Bianca that JR would come around.
JR went to tell Adam that Babe has to go. Adam offered his help for his plan but JR said he could do it on his own. JR called the drug dealer, still at the music store, and said he needed drugs for someone else.
Greenlee offered Simone a company car to stop her from pouting over losing the trip to California. Kendall returned to announce she'd left Ryan in Las Vegas and was surprised to hear that Ryan hadn't been in touch with Greenlee. Kendall scoffed at Greenlee's concern about Erica and Greenlee warned her not to hurt Ryan. Kendall implied that lots had happened in Las Vegas between her and Ryan. Greenlee refused to take the bait and Kendall continued to goad her about the fake marriage. Greenlee was not amused to listen to her rave about Ryan and how guilty he felt about being with Kendall and that they'd slept together.
Zach sent one of his minions to follow Ryan and Erica to Pine Valley and get information about the Laveries' marriage. Zach was also informed that he'd just acquired an Atlantic City casino and said he'd been spending more time in the northeast.
David laughed in Krystal's face for claiming he is Babe's father. Krystal told him he was too drunk to remember and that she hadn't used protection and he must be the father instead of Ron. He said does not want Babe to raise Bianca's baby but Krystal wondered how he could break his daughter's heart like that. David continued to deny that he could possibly be Babe's father and suggested he run another DNA test to find out the truth. Babe came outside to give David a hug for reminding her not to go out drinking with her friends. David listened intently as Babe swore she would never leave Bess alone again. After she left, Krystal asked if David could really rip Bess out of Babe's life and David realized Babe was in on the secret. Krystal denied that Babe knew anything and David could only ask about Bianca's feelings over losing her baby. David said he was going to give hope back to Bianca and Krystal asked if he could do that, knowing it would kill his own daughter. Krystal said she didn't hand Bianca's baby to Babe, but she has lied to keep her there. David vowed nothing she could say would stop him from doing what needs to be done. He went inside and found Babe and Bianca."
- Soap Central