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"Juan Pablo asks Greenlee to go to Milan with him. He tells her of a small and spacious villa they could stay in that has a beautiful view and giant bathtubs that might even fit two people. As tempted as Greenlee is, she turns Juan Pablo down. She tells him that has to stay and strike a deal with Kendall. Juan Pablo tells Greenlee that he will ask her again and they share a kiss. Suddenly, they hear a knock on his door and Mary calls out his name. They sneak into the bathroom and she tiptoes inside, immediately going through Juan Pablo's drawers. Greenlee and Juan Pablo step out and demand to know why she is there. Greenlee jokes that her mother is there to tell her that maybe Juan Pablo is her long, lost brother. Mary doesn't take the joke lightly and tells Greenlee that she saw Carlos come in to Juan Pablo's room. Greenlee lies to cover Juan Pablo and Carlo's brotherhood by saying that she asked Carlos to deliver a note to Juan Pablo and that is why he was in there. Mary obviously is surprised that her announcement didn't cause Greenlee to rush back into her arms. Greenlee tells her to leave before she calls security and go find a rich man to sink her claws into. Mary scoffs at the tone that Greenlee talks to her in and leaves. Juan Pablo thanks Greenlee for covering for him and they go out to a carnival. They share cotton candy, corn dogs and some upside down rides. They grow closer to one another and share a sweet kiss.

Ryan takes a close look at Michael, examining his frozen stature. He hears a sound and hides behind some crates. When he realizes it is Edmund, he comes out and shows Edmund his discovery. Edmund asks Ryan if he called the cops. Ryan tells him no because he is worried that someone they care about will get arrested. Practically the entire town is full of suspects and Ryan doesn't want to see anyone get the rap for keeping Michael frozen. Edmund asks Ryan if he more concerned about Kendall getting arrested instead of everyone at Pine Valley. Ryan admits that he is worried about Kendall. Edmund says he can't rule her out as a suspect but that if she did murder Michael, she didn't do it alone. Ryan suggests that they just walk away from the scene because it doesn't seem right to punish someone for doing everyone a favor. Edmund agrees but also says they need to consider Bianca's feelings. She needs to know that Michael is dead and gone forever. Ryan agrees but asks Edmund not to mention he was there. Before Ryan goes, he asks Edmund if the police will be able to tell the exact date when Michael was murdered since he is frozen. Edmund isn't sure. Ryan leaves to go the sauna and meet with a man. They discuss a big "revealing" and Ryan wants to make sure everyone is invited with Kendall front and center. The man promises it will be exactly as planned and leaves.

The police arrive and question Edmund immediately. Edmund explains that he covering the Michael Cambias story for Tempo magazine and got an anonymous tip that Michael was dead and in the warehouse. He says the number was blocked and the person used a special voice machine to disguise their voice. The police ask Edmund if the freezer was locked when he got there. Edmund says yes and admits he broke into it. The police don't believe him and it doesn't help his story any more when they discover a second set of fresh footprints inside. Edmund says that maybe it was the killer because he came there alone. Jackson shows up and comes face to face with Michael. He looks at him in disgust and then says that he wished Michael had never been found.

Kendall thinks Aidan has nothing better to do with his time than bug her about Michael. Aidan laughs and says that can't figure her or her bogus story out. He calls it a draw and Kendall agrees, suggesting they also try to be friends again. Aidan says that she is married now, she's bad news, and he is leaving tomorrow for a special ops assignment. Kendall is shocked to hear that he is leaving Pine Valley and when he gets up to leave, she yells out, "No!" Aidan asks her again for the truth and she makes up another lie. Aidan notes that the special op assignment is easier to deal with than her stories. At least he knows who his enemies are in the special ops. Aidan leaves to go again and Kendall pleads for him not to go. She thanks him for his friendship and all the times he has helped her get through her problems. Aidan doesn't believe her and says, "Nice speech." He tells her than unless she can give him the truth, he doesn't want to her anymore of her rubbish. With those last words, he's out the door. The manager at the restaurant comes back with the wine list, ready to continue planning the big wedding reception. Kendall barks at him that there is no more party and she isn't in a partying mood. The manager walks off a bit fearful of her sudden change in behavior. Kendall makes a call inquiring if 'she" is awake. When that is confirmed, Kendall tells the person on other end, to make sure 'she" does not leave. Turns out, Kendall's 'she" was Lena. Kendall turns up at the hospital, whips past the nurse who bluntly says she is not allowed inside, and wakes Lena up from her sleep. Lena tells Kendall that she isn't sure if she should thank her for saving her life. Kendall doesn't care what Lena thinks and tells her what a 'selfish nothing" she is. Kendall goes on to inform Lena that she only saved her for Bianca-for the love they share and the fact that Bianca doesn't need any more heartache in her life. Lena admits that she is selfish, but she didn't know what to do because she feels so guilty for bringing Michael into Bianca's life. Kendall tells her to get herself together, take her pity act elsewhere, and get dressed because she wants to meet her at Enchantment to discuss a job. Lena says that Erica wouldn't ever allow her back at Enchantment. Kendall says that its not up to Erica anymore, its up to her and she wants to hire her back at Enchantment. Of course, Lena accepts the offer and praises Kendall, saying that even though most people look down on her, she thinks of her as an amazing woman with a heart. Kendall is obviously touched, but hides it well, and then leaves. She goes to the sauna-the same sauna Ryan is in but they have yet to meet!

David visits Erica and when Bianca walks in, she immediately asks David if he is there to see her. He tells her that he isn't there as a doctor, only as a friend and that "everything that happened today happened exactly as it should have." He adds that there is no reason they can't get back to their normal lives now. When Erica leaves to get everyone some water, David asks Bianca if she talked to her mother about the procedure. Bianca says not yet. David comforts her by saying that she doesn't have to tell Erica anything because it is none of Erica's business. When Erica overhears his last sentence, she asks what he means. David says that he is taking Bianca out to lunch next week and Erica isn't invited, that's all. Erica laughs and jokes that they won't have any fun without her, but is fine with it. She goes on to thank David for his wonderful support and friendship to both of them. David pulls out a bottle of pills from his pocket to give Bianca. Erica assumes it is antibiotics for the post operation. David suggests that Bianca take a pill now, so she scurries off to get some food to take with the pill. Once she is gone, he hands Erica her date book. Erica is relieved to get the book back and panics when David tells her that Aidan found it at Michael's house. David assures her that she will be fine because when Aidan when to Jackson to turn it in as evidence, Jackson ignored it. Erica thinks that Jackson still loves her because he protected her and immediately wants to run to him. David cautions her not to go to him yet because he is still the district attorney and she could put him a compromising position. David tells her to fill in the blank spots in the date book, as though she was keeping up with it and to use different colors of ink. Erica agrees to what David suggests, but admits that she hates being reminded of that night. There is especially one page in the book that reminds her of "the night he went away." David consoles Erica by telling her that her secret will go with him the grave and never come out of his mouth. Erica gets concerned about Bianca and David reassures her that Bianca is strong like Erica, so she will get through this tragedy. They share a hug. While Bianca waits on David and Erica to return, she looks through a photo album of her mother and her when she was a baby."

- Soap Central