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"The Fusion women, except Kendall, embarked on their quest for men at SOS in time to see the police investigating the fight between Henry and Carlos, which had turned into a barroom brawl. Maggie blamed Henry for starting it. Officer Lyman questioned Myrtle for injuries she had caused in the melee. Greenlee talked to Carlos, initially sympathetic about his bruises, but then she assumed the fight had been about her. Carlos called her self-involved, ego-tripping, and egotistical before launching into a string of Spanish insults.

Simone tried to stop their argument, and Greenlee tried to shoo her away. Greenlee sarcastically asked if the fight was because there was no worm in his tequila or because there was no salsa music. Carlos explained he had met an amazing woman, and Greenlee was incredulous that right after he dumped her, he had been out trolling for a four-year-old barfly. Maggie stepped up to identify herself and say she wasn't a barfly and hadn't been four for a long time. Greenlee couldn't believe Carlos thought Maggie was amazing.

Maggie was impressed by the compliment, but Greenlee explained that Carlos had only said it to make Greenlee jealous. Greenlee warned Maggie that Carlos was on the rebound and was willing to settle for whatever baggage sat next to him. The police told Carlos that Henry was not pressing charges, which infuriated Carlos, since Henry had thrown the first punch. Simone gave Carlos a "be polite to the policeman" speech.

Henry walked over to confront Carlos again, and Boyd stepped between them, suggesting Henry cool off and leave. Henry acted possessive of Maggie, and she reminded him she had belonged to him. Mia walked up to suggest Carlos and Henry leave before the management decided to press charges or ask them to pay for damages. Maggie and Henry argued some more, and Henry admitted he wanted to be back together with her. She told him to get over it.

Greenlee asked Carlos how he could hit on someone as innocent as Maggie. Carlos simply went to the bar and continued flirting with Susanne, the bartender. Greenlee asked how he could cruise both Maggie and the bartender. He told her that her outfit didn't scream "heartbroken." Carlos still felt Greenlee had used him, and he told her she'd never really wanted him.

Officer Lyman stopped by to talk to Carlos and make sure it was over. Carlos looked at Greenlee when he said it "sure as hell" was. Simone and Mia had watched the whole scene with interest. Greenlee loudly asked Susanne for a grande margarita and reminded Mia and Simone of the bet to find their own sexy men.

Henry and Maggie were still arguing outside, and his jealousy was clearly showing, as he accused her of wanting to flirt with any dog who would throw a drink down for her. Then the keyboard player walked out to give Henry his guitar and remind him of practice the next day. Maggie was furious. She accused Henry of having a double standard, and she left.

Jack went to Erica's and found Erica and Kendall cozy together, sipping tea. Jack had worried about Erica in the thunderstorm and was confused about the scene he walked in on. Erica explained she'd never been happier, and Kendall had helped her get through the storm. Jack told them about the real reason for his visit, as the bearer of the bad news that Michael Cambias had been released on bail, courtesy of his father who wanted to protect the family name. Erica couldn't believe the news.

Jack explained that because he had no proof of the threats Michael had made in jail, the judge wouldn't hold him. She was immediately worried about Bianca, thinking she was with Lena, and Jack said all the women who might be prey to Michael were going under police protection. He promised to keep the women Michael had threatened safe, especially his family, because he was afraid Michael would make good on his threats. Erica hugged him and went to call Bianca.

Jack and Kendall discussed Michael's arrogance, and she thanked him for protecting her. Jack thanked her for what she had done to help arrest Michael. Jack, Erica, and Kendall continued discussing Michael, with high hopes for him going behind bars and their futures being bright. Jack finally had to ask for an explanation of what had happened during the storm. Kendall said Erica had suffered a little meltdown, and Jack deduced that Kendall had gotten in the way, due to her fat lip.

Erica said she was sorry for hurting Kendall and that they had reached a new understanding. Kendall prepared to leave, with Jack asking her to call him if Michael tried to contact her. Erica said she would never forget what Kendall had done for her, and Kendall said she'd never forget what Erica had let her do. Jack was still stunned and wondered what the rest of the story was. Erica was radiant as she explained that she felt as though a weight had been lifted off her, and hopefully, finally, for good.

Jack urged caution and said Erica shouldn't trust Kendall too much. However, Erica insisted that Kendall had been very giving and helpful, and Jack thought the timing was perfect and that Kendall could be in the wedding party. Erica couldn't actually accept more than Kendall as a guest at the wedding.

Jack asked if Erica was really ready to start a relationship with Kendall, and she said yes, but she'd made mistakes and needed to take it slowly. Erica added that nothing could erase the fact that Bianca was the daughter Erica had built her life around. Erica admitted that one night could not erase all the distance of the past years of hate. Jack was hopeful that a door was open for Kendall to get the love she craved from Erica. Erica wondered why it was so important to Jack, and he said the child who had grown up without her was the one who needed her love the most.

A stunned Bianca sat motionless in Myrtle's living room, her clothes torn, her arms bruised, and furniture all askew. Tears slowly and silently fell down her cheeks. When the phone rang, she still didn't move, except to close her eyes. She listened to Erica leaving a message asking her to call her back right away, saying everything would be fine and no one would ever hurt her.

Bianca finally started blinking and slowly stood up and stared around the room. She turned on lights and started straightening things up. When she saw herself in the mirror, she had to look away. She saw the bouquet of flowers on the floor and slowly picked up a white rose and placed it gently on the table.

Bianca was next seen in the park, in a loose and sloppy outfit, carrying a trash bag. She had flashbacks of better times with Lena, then the night before with Michael as she put the clothes she'd been wearing in a trash can. She poured lighter fluid over them and nervously lit a match, but let it go out when Kendall walked up to ask what she was doing. Bianca explained she'd lost something -- an earring. Kendall offered to help look for it and asked where Lena was.

Kendall wondered if something happened with Lena, and Bianca coldly said it was none of her business. Bianca asked why Kendall was bothering her. Kendall said she had to tell Bianca about Michael being out on bail and how they would all be okay because Jack had ordered police protection. Kendall thought Bianca was acting strangely, and Bianca was very curt with her. Kendall couldn't leave without telling Bianca about being with Erica, the meltdown, and how Erica had needed Kendall.

Kendall was so proud and happy that she'd been able to help and they'd finally connected. Bianca wanted to know more. Kendall explained that Erica had relived the rape, and Kendall had helped her through it, probably because she was the only one who could possibly connect with her and help her get past the pain. Bianca sat in stunned silence. Kendall still thought something was wrong with Bianca but Bianca just said for Kendall to leave her alone. Kendall left the park, clearly concerned about Bianca. This time Bianca got the fire started and watched her clothes go up in flames.

Boyd and Myrtle got home to a living room that was neat as a pin. Lena entered, and Myrtle offered to wake Bianca up, but Lena said no, she'd just leave a note. Myrtle went to pour a nightcap, and they talked about the fight at SOS, which Boyd had broken up. Lena teased him about always going to the rescue and promised she'd keep Bianca safe. She wrote a love note to Bianca, talking about the future and saying Bianca was safe and loved.

Back at SOS, Mia, Simone, and Greenlee cried in their drinks about being alone and lamented the way their bet had started out. Simone noticed the cop who couldn't keep his eyes off Mia, and she had to explain it was the guard Jack had ordered for her. Simone then toasted to how pathetic they were, that the only male attention was from someone paid to give it.

Kendall swooped in to order champagne to celebrate. She gushed to the gals that the heat had ended, the rain had arrived, and the world was alive and beautiful. The others wondered what she'd been smoking. She explained her life had changed forever, and nothing would be the same for her or her family."

- Soap Central