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01/27/2003 Morgan Holds Aidan Hostage

"In their hide-out, Aidan continues to butter Morgan up and keeps enticing her to play chess with him. Aidan tries to warn Morgan that Julian is a very dangerous man. Aidan finally tells Morgan that, as a security expert, he has had access to all of Pine Valley's richest homes and had intended to rob them all when he had all the preparation work finished. Aidan tries to tempt Morgan to join him in his biggest scam of all, but she remains unconvinced.

Meanwhile, at Wildwind, Edmund is thrilled when Maria confides to him that much of her old medical training appears to be coming back to her. When Maria talks about resuming her studies at Pine Valley University, Edmund reminds her that there ARE better schools, but Maria expresses her confidence in Pine Valley University. Later, when Brooke stops by with some edits for Tempo, Brooke is also thrilled to see Maria studying and almost lets the cat out of the bag when she blurts out: "It worked!' Edmund quickly glosses over Brooke's exclamation and takes Brooke aside. Once Brooke and Edmund are alone, Edmund explains that he slipped a few drops of David's experimental drug into Maria's drink because Maria was unwilling to have anything to do with Hayward or the good doctor's plan to help Maria regain her memory. Brooke warns Edmund that the drug COULD be VERY harmful to Maria and urges her friend to think twice before continuing on his present course. After Brooke leaves, Edmund pitches the remainder of the vial into the trash. But, later, Edmund catches Maria calling Kendall to see if Kendall has heard from Aidan. Edmund asks Maria point blank if she is in love with Aidan. When Maria admits that she is NOT sure HOW she feels about Aidan, Edmund fishes the vial out of the trash and adds a few more drops to another drink, which Maria drinks.

At Laurie's Place, her father slaps her and she announces that Doug has gone too far this time. As Laurie and Doug argue, Laurie demands to know if Doug ever hit her mother and he denies it. Doug tries to apologize, but Laurie accuses him of keeping her working for him like a slave and using her mother as an excuse to beat her. Laurie finally announces that she has a new job and does NOT want to be late. So Laurie walks out, declaring that one of them needs to act like an adult! When Laurie arrives at work, Jamie is one of her first customers. When Jamie realizes that Laurie is having a bad day, and offers his sympathy - Laurie finally confides that she had an argument with her father and her Dad slapped her. Jamie urges Laurie to tell J.R. all about it, but Laurie refuses - pointing out that the LAST thing she needs is another fight between her father and J.R. As Jamie gives Laurie a comforting hug, J.R. arrives and sees them in a clinch. When J.R. demands to know WHY Laurie suddenly went off line while they were communicating, Laurie insists that it was because she had to get to work - and her Dad came in. Laurie tells J.R. again that they are finished as a couple. Later, J.R. confides to Jamie that he plans to confront Laurie about all the things she has been saying and clear the air, but Jamie tries to convince J.R. to let it go - because Laurie has told J.R. straight out that they are finished as a couple! Jamie urges J.R. to accept Laurie's decision and move on.

As Mia orders Chocolate Covered Brownies as a surprise for Jake, Jake is hitting the sheets with new resident Dr. Allison Waters in the Chief of Staff's Office. As Allison assures Jake that he should NOT feel guilty about getting it on with her, a knock at the door sends them both scrambling for their clothes. When Jake opens the door, he is relieved to find only his brother Tad. However, Tad quickly notices the disheveled appearance of their clothes and quickly guesses what Jake has been up to! As Tad reminds Jake that his brother has been there and done that - MANY times - Jake finally confesses that he has just been to bed with Allison - but still loves Mia! Tad is shocked when he realizes that Jake does NOT want to break up with Mia. Tad advises his brother NOT to tell Mia anything about his indiscretion if he wants to make it down the aisle with the woman of his dreams. Later, when Jake arrives home, Mia greets him with the Chocolate Covered Brownies, candlelight, and a skimpy nightie. However, as Mia gets all hot and bothered and announces that she plans to make up for lost time, Jake suggests that a shower would help him unwind from a tough day. However, as Mia dashes off to get the water hot, Jake calls Tad and begs his brother to page him. Tad quickly gets Jake's point. When Mia returns and wonders WHY Jake has not arrived at the shower yet, Jake's beeper goes off. Jake pretends that it is the Hospital and that he has to return to the Hospital. Mia believes him and Jake takes off.

While Maria and Edmund are toasting to a promising future, Aidan entices Morgan to kiss him and promises her that all sorts of delight would await her if she would only untie his hands. However, Morgan does NOT fall for Aidan's trick, but admits that she WOULD be interested in helping Aidan pull off one of his proposed scams. But Aidan has second thoughts when Morgan whips out a picture of Maria and informs her prisoner that Maria will be Morgan's first hit in Pine Valley!"

- Soap Central