01/02/2003 Kendall Offers Boyd A Job

"Kendall, Greenlee, and Trey unpack the cosmetics from the company Liza bought out. As Kendall and Greenlee try out some of the creams and lotions, Kendall comments that it is really good stuff, they should just repackage it with their own brand. Greenlee likes it, but thinks they can tinker with it and make it better. Kendall has a plan to hire Boyd, the chemist from Enchantment. Greenlee doesn't think they have a chance to lure him away from a big company, but gives Kendall the go ahead to try. Trey says that Boyd doesn't stand a chance if Kendall has made up her mind to get him. He mentions that even he thought Kendall was hot. That is, before he found out she was his sister. Greenlee is disgusted and prepares to meet her breakfast again. Kendall leaves and Trey playfully suggests that Greenlee is jealous of his one time attraction to Kendall. This makes Greenlee angry. She accuses Trey of once again trying to take Leo's place. Trey is hurt and leaves. As he does, a woman enters.

The woman introduces herself as Dr. Schwartz. She says Liza sent her. Greenlee knows that Dr. Schwartz is a psychologist and she wants no part of it. The doctor picks up some of the cosmetics samples and begins reading the Chinese writing on the packages. This gets Greenlee's attention and for a moment she is distracted until Dr. Schwartz asks if Trey was giving her trouble. Greenlee tells the woman to leave. She doesn't need anyone to judge her grief. However, the doctor is more interested in Greenlee's anger. What is it's source? She's angry at Vanessa, Greenlee admits. After all, Vanessa was the one who killed Leo.

Dr. Schwartz asks Greenlee what she felt like with Leo. Greenlee describes a feeling of completeness. They had a love that should have lasted forever. If only Leo had put her first, if only Leo had stayed away from his crazy mother, if only he had agreed to go to Paris with her, they would have had everything. Greenlee realizes she can never forgive him for that. When Dr. Schwartz offers to help, Greenlee flatly tells her no. Leo is dead and there is nothing they can do about it now. The doctor leaves and Trey returns. Greenlee laments on the fact that Trey is frightened of everything while Leo was afraid of nothing. Yet, Leo is the one who is gone.

At Enchantment, Erica hands Boyd a contract. In it, Boyd is given a 50% raise plus an extra two weeks vacation. On the next page, Boyd finds that he is getting a promotion as well. He will now be the Director of Product Development with an exclusive 3 year contract. Boyd happily signs. As he finishes, the phone rings. Kendall asks Boyd to meet her for lunch at the Valley Inn.

At lunch, Kendall makes her own pitch to Boyd. She offers him a position at Fusion. Boyd explains that he has just signed a new contract with Enchantment. He only accepted her invitation to lunch because he thought it was more personal. He tells Kendall that he is attracted to her and would like to ask her on a date. Kendall says she likes him too, but wishes he would give her his new formula that he created to revolutionize the cosmetics business. In the end, Kendall agrees to have dinner sometime.

When Kendall arrives back at Fusion, she tells Greenlee she was right. The plan to snag Boyd was a bust. Kendall expects Greenlee to jump up and down with joy that she was right and Kendall was wrong, but that doesn't happen. Instead, Greenlee curtly tells Kendall to go deliver some packages. Kendall leaves and Greenlee pulls out the card given to her by Dr. Schwartz. She dials the number and says, "You're right. I DO need help."

David glumly goes about his duties at the Front Street Clinic where he's been assigned to Triage. A patient named Reggie comes in with a pain in his lower abdomen. David examines him and is shocked to find Reggie has been stabbed. When asked about it, Reggie gives the lame excuse that it was an "accident." The head doctor comes in and tells David to handle it the best he can. David argues with her that this is not a superficial wound. It should be reported to the police. He is told that that is not the way they do things at the clinic. If they tattled on their patients, they wouldn't come in search of help. They need to gain the trust of the neighborhood.

When the police arrive looking for a suspect with a stab wound, the doctor refuses to give them any information. She tells them if they want to search the place, they have to come back with a warrant. The police leave. She explains to David that it is none of their business how their patient's get hurt. David doesn't understand, but goes about tending to Reggie's wound. He gives Reggie some antibiotics and tells him to change the gauze every day. Reggie gives him some attitude, but David reminds Reggie that if he doesn't take care of the wound, he'll wind up in the hospital where they'll be asking him some hard questions. David leaves to get Reggie some gauze and tape.

Anna arrives at the clinic waiting room in search of David. When the other doctor sees Anna, she accuses David of calling the police on Reggie. Reggie overhears this. He runs out of the exam room, grabs Anna, and holds a pair of scissors to her neck while screamin, "Everybody, stay back!"

Meanwhile, at Enchantment, Erica receives a flower delivery. Her assistant Val, is frustrated that the card was sealed, but he assumes the flowers are from Chris. At that moment, Chris arrives and asks who the flowers are from because he didn't send them. Erica claims they are a gift from a fashion magazine. When Chris asks her to dinner, Erica begs off claiming she has a full day of business appointments that she can't possibly break. Chris leaves as a woman named Lena arrives. Chris gives her a long look and asks if they've met before. She says no. Lena is applying for a job at Enchantment.

After the interview is over and Lena leaves, Val asks Erica why she lied to Chris. The flowers are NOT from a fashion magazine and she does NOT have any other appointments. Erica basically tells Val it's none of his business. Later, Erica shows up at the hotel door of a man. She gives him a beaming smile and assures him the flowers were beautiful. He invites her into his room."

- Soap Central