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"The news that Ilene Pringle was not a television producer sent a wave of terror through Ryan. He immediately asked Adrian for a way to get through to Ilene and somehow prevent the hit on Anna.

At the turret, Gillian looked longingly at the grounds through a window. At the entranceway, Ilene quietly pointed her gun in Gillian's direction. "Goodbye, Anna," she snarled.

Still under strict orders from Dr. Clader to take it easy, Hayley was beginning to go stir crazy. Mateo got the doctor's permission to take his wife for a night out on the town. Seated in a wheelchair, Hayley was wheeled into Sounds of Salsa. She gasped as she looked around at the newly renovated nightclub. Gone were the bright yellows and oranges; in their place were darker colors and more sophisticated furnishings. As Hayley continued to coo in amazement at the new look, Mateo explained his reasons for giving the club an overhaul. He explained that the new look more accurately reflected where he is with his life right now. Hayley gently teased him about moving into parental mode. Mateo seemed to regret that his father had never had a chance to see the club. He recounted how Hector had wanted him to be a lawyer. Hayley said that she was certain that Hector would be proud of Mateo's accomplishments. "Maybe," Mateo responded with a laugh. A few seconds later, Rosa burst into the club wearing a smile and a rather low-cut dress. Almost immediately, Rosa hit up her big brother for a waitress job at the club. Mateo was amazed that his little sister wanted to work in a nightclub. Rosa pleaded for someone to help her gain her independence. She bemoaned the rules of her mother's house - no television on the weekends, no phone calls after dinner and only one piercing her ear. Hayley tried to intercede by explaining that Isabella was only trying to protect Rosa. Mateo agreed, nothing that it has not been easy for their mother to raise a daughter by herself. Rosa rolled her eyes and grumbled that everyone wants her to "be a baby forever." Mateo noticed that a gaggle of men at the bar were eyeing up his sister. He became very uneasy and wrapped a jacket around Rosa so that she'd show less - or actually no - skin. Mateo explained to Rosa that she is too young to work in a bar. He then handed her a wad of cash for the taxi ride home and promised that he wouldn't tell Isabella about her trip to the club. Later, Mateo took to center stage to thank everyone for turning out for the club's grand re-opening. After musing that he hopes everyone returns often to spend all of their money at the club, Mateo turned serious, wishing that everyone is lucky enough to find someone as special as Hayley is to him.

Across the way, Greenlee and Jake sat at table sipping champagne. Greenlee likened the outing to a birthday, saying that the night would make the "end of stodgy Jake." When a pager sounded, Jake obviously thought that the hospital was trying to contact him. As it turned out, it was actually Greenlee would was being paged. She rolled her eyes and muttered that everyone who works for Erica is on-call "24/7." Greenlee excused herself. She was gone but a few seconds when Pat Trowbridge appeared by Jake's side. Jake smiled broadly and invited Pat to join him at the table. The two had very little chance to talk because Jake was paged by the hospital. After he excused himself to call in, Greenlee returned to the table and sat down next to Pat. Pat sighed heavily and muttered that she and Jake had hoped that Greenlee was gone for the night. Greenlee remained upbeat in spite of the obviously jab. She chirped that she and Jake have been having a good time together lately. She praised Jake's "inventiveness" in bed and referred to herself and Jake as "bed buddies." Pat was greatly turned off by the idea that Jake and Greenlee were supposedly sleeping together and rose from the table. Jake had overheard what Greenlee had said, but his efforts to stop Pat from leaving failed miserably. Pat angrily told Jake that she was not up for a game of "musical bed buddies" and stormed off. Jake returned to the table and listened as Greenlee tried to chalk off her remarks as a joke. Instead of lashing out at Greenlee, Jake grabbed Greenlee and pulled her in for a passionate kiss. After their lips parted, a stunned Greenlee asked Jake why he'd kissed her. "You are going to rock my world," Jake replied crassly. He rationalized that Greenlee must want to have sex with him or she never would have said what she'd said to Pat. Greenlee looked on in shock as Jake told her that he was going to give her a chance to "turn [her] lie inside-out."

"What did you just say to me?" Laura asked with a slight gasp. Leo repeated his marriage proposal. Leo called himself the "biggest, most selfish bastard on the face of the earth" and claimed that he wasn't really worthy of Laura. Comparing himself to his piano playing and life saving older brother, Leo felt that he had not accomplished anything of worth in his life. The time he and Laura had spent together was "a gift," he said softly, adding, "It was you loving me that made me a better man." Outside in the hallway, Bianca approached Brooke after having dropped by Brooke's house and learning that Laura was back in the hospital. Brooke admitted to Bianca that Laura's condition was quite serious. The pair entered Laura's room and Leo quickly scrambled off to parts unknown. Laura gushed about Leo's marriage proposal. Both Bianca and Brooke were surprised by the news. Laura asked for some time alone with Bianca and Brooke nodded in agreement. Bianca told Laura that she was concerned about Leo's sudden proposal. However, she did so in a way that didn't make it sound like she was against the marriage. Laura told Bianca that she feared that she wouldn't live long enough to ever have someone else propose to her. Bianca softly assured Laura that she would live many, many more years. "I've never been so totally happy," Laura replied. Laura promised that she would live on in Bianca's heart and soul even after her death. She apologized for the way she'd reacted when Bianca told her that she has a crush on her. "You are so amazing, beautiful and fine," Laura whispered. "And I'm honored that you love me." Laura asked that Bianca return to the beach every year on the same day to mark their "anniversary." Brooke returned to the room and combed her daughter's hair as the three of them resumed talking about the engagement. Laura admitted that she feared that Leo might reconsider and take back his proposal. The door swung open and Leo, panting heavily, fell to one knee. Bianca was concerned that Leo was so "out of breath." Leo corrected her, saying that he was "out of condition." Still breathing heavily, Leo moved to Laura's side and told her that he wanted to take back his marriage proposal. Laura's face fell. Luckily, Leo quickly explained that he wanted to do it over. He then produced a small ring box and asked Laura to marry him. Laura accepted Leo's proposal as Brooke looked on with tears streaming down her cheek.

At the main house, Dimitri tried to get Alex to join him for a stroll around the grounds. Alex declined, saying that she wasn't much in the mood to do anything. Dimitri tried to apologize for causing a rift between himself and his wife - but he refused to back down from his belief that Gabriel was nothing but trouble. Two guards dragged a kicking and fussing Gabriel into the parlor. They explained that Gabriel had tried to jump another guard for his gun. Despite Dimitri's objections, Alex demanded that she be allowed to speak to her brother. Gabriel rose to his feet, but suddenly collapsed and lost consciousness. Alex determined that Gabriel had been drugged and tried her best to rouse him. Some time passed and Gabriel eventually regained consciousness. Alex immediately hit him up with a barrage of questions about who had drugged him. Gabriel explained that a woman from Bryn Wydd - a blonde of about the same stature as Alex - had tied him up and told him that she planned to kill Anna. Alex showed Gabriel the note she'd found on the table and Gabriel confirmed her suspicions that he had not written the note. Dimitri ordered the guards to scour the grounds for Ilene. Before they could leave, Ryan burst through the front door with Ilene by his side. Ryan had a gun pointed towards the woman's head. Ilene remained quiet through Dimitri and Ryan's mini-interrogation. She said nothing. Besides the smirk planted firmly on her face, Ilene's only other expression was on occasional eye roll when someone mentioned how they had thwarted her efforts to kill Anna. Dimitri and the two guards escorted Ilene off so that she could be carted off by the police. Stella heard the sirens wailing in the distance and entered the room to find out what was going on. Alex said only that there had been "some trouble" and declined to elaborate on exactly what had happened. Ryan sighed in relief as he announced that he was thankful that Gillian was still aboard the Fidelity. Stella cocked her head to the side and informed Ryan that Gillian had been there; she had gone to the turret to pick up some of her belongings.

When Ryan arrived at the turret, he spotted Gillian lying quietly on the bed. She called out her name softly so as not to startle his slumbering princess. Quietly, Ryan sat on the bed next to his wife. He smiled slightly and gently stroked her hair. Still, Gillian did not stir. He gently took his wife's head and wondered if Ilene had drugged her. A crimson stain on the pillow signaled that something much worse had happened. Ryan cast a glance down to his hands and found them covered in blood."

- Soap Central