
"In Laura's hospital room, Erica told Laura and Bianca that she and Brooke had bonded. She explained that because of what they had both gone through with their daughters, they had decided to put their differences aside. Erica told Laura it was because of her they had been able to form that bond. An emotional Brooke turned to Erica with tears in her eyes, hugged her, and thanked her.

Laura promised Brooke she would never do drugs again -- ever. Brooke left the room, near tears. Erica followed her and offered her a tissue. Bianca and Laura looked at each other. They felt the bonding story was a cover for something else.

Outside Laura's room, Erica comforted Brooke. It was apparent to Erica that Brooke was doing the right thing for Laura. She agreed with Brooke that Laura would need hope before she was told the seriousness of her condition. Without that hope, Laura might not have the will to fight. Bianca stepped out of Laura's room. Brooke asked if Laura was okay, and Bianca replied that she had planned to ask the same question. She accused Brooke of lying to Laura and felt Brooke was holding something back.

Brooke tried to tell Bianca that she just didn't want Laura to worry. Bianca was skeptical. She asked if there was something to worry about. She reminded Brooke that she had seen Brooke take Laura's chart. She knew Brooke had been very upset then. Bianca asked if the news was so bad that she couldn't even tell Laura. Brooke shook her head no. Bianca wanted to know why Brooke wouldn't tell her then.

Erica stepped in to explain to Bianca why Brooke was not being up-front with Laura. She explained to Bianca that Brooke was terrified for Laura, but it was a justified fear because of what she had been through before with her daughter, Laura. Bianca was remorseful when she realized that and apologized to Brooke. Just then, a deliveryman arrived with a bouquet of flowers for Laura. Bianca asked if she could take them to her.

After Bianca returned to Laura's room, Brooke thanked Erica for covering for her. She didn't want Laura to know how serious her condition really was. Erica told Brooke they needed to find some way to help Laura so she would have hope and so Brooke wouldn't have to hide the truth from her anymore. They turned as Dr. Bryant and Dr. Joe Martin approached them. Dr. Bryant wanted to know if Brooke had spoken to Laura about her condition.

Brooke became agitated and told him she had not and wouldn't until he could give her some hope she could relate back to Laura. When Dr. Bryant told Brooke that Laura's heart condition was irreversible and that she was dying, Brooke insisted she would not accept that. Dr. Bryant told Brooke they had run more tests and had found that Laura's left and right ventricles were enlarged. The next step involved a more invasive procedure. Dr. Bryant received a page and had to leave.

Obviously upset, Brooke told Joe she didn't have confidence in Dr. Bryant. She felt he had nothing positive to say. Joe assured her he was a very competent physician. Erica then asked Joe to explain the procedure to them. Joe told them the procedure involved cardiac catheterization. This procedure introduced a very fine tube into the heart by means of a blood vessel. It would enable them to see the condition of the heart and find out if Laura was a proper candidate for a heart transplant. Unfortunately, Laura's heart had been severely damaged by the virus. Because of Laura's preexisting condition, the procedure would have an even higher risk for her.

Brooke wanted to know what would happen to Laura without the procedure. Joe didn't answer, but Brooke knew the answer from his silence. She told Joe to do it. Joe told her they couldn't just go ahead and "do it." Because of the risks to Laura, they would have to wait until she stabilized. He further explained that Dr. Bryant wasn't comfortable doing the procedure. Brooke asked if there was someone else who could do it. "Not anymore," Joe replied. "But David would do it, wouldn't he?" Erica asked.

Erica wanted to know if the surgery had been done on David's hand and how soon he could operate. Joe told her it had been done in the prison hospital. He told her David could not operate and that it was also very possible he would lose his license. Brooke wanted to know who Joe would have recommended if David hadn't gotten into trouble. His answer was David. Before they could discuss it further, Joe was paged and had to leave.

Erica stood up, looked at Brooke, and said there was only one thing left to do. Brooke wanted to know what that was -- and asked if they should break David out of jail. Erica replied, "Why not?"

Laura took the card from the bouquet and waved it under Bianca's nose, telling her to guess who the flowers were from. Opening the card, Laura read, "To Camille," from "your friend." Laura looked at Bianca and repeated, "Your friend." As Laura stared wistfully at the flowers, Bianca tried to lighten the mood in the room. She told Laura what she needed was and antidote for what ailed her, and if that didn't work, they'd have to operate -- perform a "Leoectomy." Playing the doctor, Bianca talked about Leo and his girlfriend, "Greensleeves." Smiling, Laura said they should give her the antidote so she could have Leo all to herself.

"Hasn't your mother told you about other fish in the sea?" Bianca wanted to know. Laura laughed and replied, "Every day! How about your mother?" "My mother doesn't want to think about the sea I go fishing in," was Bianca's reply. Bianca told Laura she would meet someone else someday. It just wouldn't be the same for Laura. Bianca realized Laura had more than a crush on Leo, and Laura agreed -- "Way more!"

At B.J.'s, Roger spoke on the phone with someone regarding Leo. He explained that Leo was marrying his daughter and asked if the person would like to help plan a surprise for the "happy couple."

Later at B.J.'s, Roger received another phone call from the mysterious person. He told them he was surprised to hear back from them so soon. The person had booked a flight and hotel and was anxious to help. Roger looked smug.

On the Fidelity, Leo was upset because he had been unable to reach the lawyer to sign the prenuptial papers. He wanted them done that night. Gillian couldn't understand why he was so worked up about it. They could do it later. Ryan and Gillian entered the room and thanked Greenlee and Leo for helping out. Greenlee thought it sounded kinky, and Ilene Pringle hoped it would be.

Ryan explained Dream Boat to Leo and Greenlee. A group of couples would set sail on the Fidelity. They would be put in certain situations to test the strength of their relationships. Ilene Pringle said Leo and Greenlee had "the look" to be one of the couples on the Dream Boat. Leo was skeptical, but Ilene told him there would be nothing to worry about if their relationship was built on trust. Greenlee stated there would be nothing to worry about. There were no surprises left in them. Leo didn't look very sure about that.

Finally, the Dream Boat was underway. Ryan and Gillian greeted the contestants and took them on a tour of the yacht. As they left the room, one man, Lars, lagged behind the rest and caught Greenlee's eye. He smiled and waved at her. Obviously recognizing the man, Greenlee was flustered, and she jumped when her cell phone rang. It was Roger with good news. The engagement party was all set.

Greenlee looked at Leo and told him her father was going to give them an engagement party. Leo grabbed the phone and told Roger not to give them the party. Roger said Leo was in no position to decline. Immediately, Leo hung up the phone. Adam burst in shouting that Ryan had lied to him. It was not an incredibledreams.com project but a TV pilot. He ordered everyone off the boat.

Ryan argued back and tried to explain the pilot to Adam. He had kept it a secret because he had known Adam would freak out. His plan had been to wait and show Adam the final product. If Adam didn't like it, Ryan said they'd pack it up and find someone else to go with -- someone with a vision of the future. Ryan felt he could make a bundle on the project. Adam said, "Then do it!"

Adam warned Ryan he would be keeping a very close eye on him. Gillian told Adam and Liza they should be one of the couples on the show. Liza agreed, thinking it might be fun -- but Adam said no. They argued the points until Liza suggested it could be "hot" -- for them. That intrigued Adam, and he told Gillian to count them in as couple number four. Adam said if he had to be in the show, Gillian and Ryan had to be in, also.

With that, Ilene Pringle started the introductions. Couple #1: Tonya, a health club owner, and Bob, a doctor; Couple #2: Lars, a consultant, and Phyllis, an entrepreneur; Couple #3: Leo and Greenlee, newly engaged and between jobs; Couple #4: Adam and Liza, the two most prominent businesspeople in town; and Couple #5: Ryan and Gillian, the skipper and his first mate.

The first game had couples dancing blindfolded. As they danced, Ilene Pringle directed her assistant to separate couples and switch partners. After the dance, they removed their blindfolds and got ready for the second game. They were handed a card with the name of a spot on the yacht. They were to go there and wait to see who would join them.

Adam wanted to quit. Liza convinced him to continue playing. She went off to find her spot and, of course, Adam tried to follow her. He was not a good sport. Greenlee wanted to tell Leo where she was going, but Ilene shooed her off. As Liza waited for her "rendezvous," Adam sneaked up behind her. She reprimanded him for not playing fair, when Bob walked in and asked if it was just them. Liza assured him it was not a threesome. She took Bob's arm and walked off, leaving Adam to go off on his own.

Sighing, Adam looked at his card and headed for the salon. His partner, Tonya, entered and smiled seductively at him. Then she walked up to him, grabbed him, and passionately kissed him. Leo ended up with Phyllis, who said she would like to end up in a stateroom with him. As they passed Ryan in the hallway, Leo asked for a raise. He looked trapped. In another room, Greenlee accused Lars of setting the whole thing up. She let him know in no uncertain terms, and literally spelled out, that she was getting married -- m-a-r-r-i-e-d.

At Wildwind, Alex and Edmund stepped outside the hunting lodge. As Edmund headed back to the main house, Alex spotted the guard dog lying on the lawn. She shouted at Edmund, and he returned. They were shocked that someone would kill such a beautiful animal. Edmund knelt and touched the dog, and he realized the dog was still breathing.

Edmund looked up as the security guard walked up to them. He told Alex and Edmund that the dog had gone off in that direction a while before. The dog was awakening, and Edmund told the guard to take the dog to a veterinarian to get him checked out. He then told Alex to wait for him inside the hunting lodge.

As Alex entered the lodge, she saw Anna sitting on the sofa, staring at the trunk. She was holding the broken recorder. Alex thought Anna had given up on the trunk. Frustrated, Anna banged the trunk with her hands and shouted she couldn't give up. There might be something in the trunk to help her find out about herself. Alex placed her hands on the trunk and told Anna there was something in the trunk to help her -- something hidden inside.

Edmund stopped and stared at Alex as he entered the lodge. She appeared to be in a trance as she sat in front of the trunk. He asked her if she was all right. At first, she didn't appear to hear him. Then she tore at the trunk, saying there was a false bottom in it. She pulled a rag doll from the trunk. Suddenly, both Alex and Anna had a flashback of Robin. Edmund wanted to know what had just happened.

As Anna held the doll tightly, they realize they had both had the same image of Robin. It was very upsetting to them. Alex believed it had something to do with Charlotte and being brainwashed. Edmund wanted to know if Alex had just gotten lost again -- if it was happening again. The emotional triggers from Charlotte's brainwashing hadn't lost their hold. Anna decided to leave Alex and Edmund alone. Alex expressed her fears to Edmund. She told him she was afraid -- for Anna.

Inside the tack room at Wildwind, Maddie offered Gabriel a cookie. He grabbed the entire package from her and began to eat them. While eating the cookies, he dropped the dog collar. Maddie picked it up and asked him why he had a dog collar. When he didn't answer her, she asked him if he couldn't talk or if he didn't have a tongue. With that, he stuck his tongue out at her. She giggled.

Just then, Maddie and Gabriel heard a door, and Maddie explained it was Mike, who put the horses outside when it was nice. She added that Alex had said that was good. Gabriel saw the picture of Alex on the desk and picked it up. After staring at it for a moment, he threw it to the floor. Maddie scolded him for breaking the picture and other things. Taking his hand, she told him she wanted them to go tell her daddy that he had broken the recorder. He jerked his hand from hers.

Maddie ran off, leaving Gabriel alone in the tack room. He looked around the room and angrily brushed papers from the desk. As he turned to pick up the picture of Alex, he didn't notice that some of the papers had landed in front of a space heater and were starting to smoke. While he stared at the picture, he heard a woman's voice say, "Get to Anna Devane!" He turned and saw the fire. Suddenly, he grabbed the wastepaper basket and dumped the contents on the fire. He stared into space while the papers burned."

- Soap Central