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"Ryan and Gillian are talking about their upcoming nuptials. Tad and Liza enter saying "the tape was a bust." Tad asks if David Hayward was there because that guy "gets around like a mouse." Tad thinks Hayward stole the tape. Leo enters David's office and says "that nurse was cute." David asks what he wants and Leo produces a tape and says "Merry Christmas, happy birthday...happy...whatever special occasion you are going to be celebrating for the rest of your life." David asks, "What is this?" Leo responds with, "Your salvation! So go ahead and pop It in. Don't bother rewinding; it's already cued up just for you." David puts the tape in and as the tape plays he sees himself putting the Libidozone in the punch. He immediately asks Leo where he got the tape. He tells Leo not to play games with him and again asks him where he got it. Leo teases him about where he got it and whether or not there are copies.

Ryan and Gillian are still discussing their upcoming nuptials. Ryan says that he has money set aside for this. They reminisce about their love. Gillian says that she is feeling "a little guilty" and goes on to say she feels she has hurt people. Ryan says that growing up the way he has has taught him that "life isn't perfect and no matter what you did, your heart was always leading the way...and believe me...Jake knows that." Gillian says that when they take their vows she wants the whole world to know how much they love each other. They decide to write their own vows. Later, Ryan returns with a flower for his princess. They discuss eloping but Gillian wants to share their wedding with the whole world and nixes the elopement idea. She tells him there is something else they don't have to wait for and the tells him that the doctor says that everything is "okay" for them to try to have a baby together. Ryan is concerned, but she reassures him that she is feeling wonderful. Gillian smiles devilishly and remarks that Ryan can make her feel "a little better" if he tries.

Tad and Liza arrive on the yacht and Tad presses Ryan for the location of the real WRCW tape. He insists that David is always "one step ahead" of him and wonders if the doctor sneaked onto the boat and stole the real tape. He also explains that somebody broke into Leslie's office and stole the evidence linking David to the Libidozone affair. Liza suggests that somebody must have recorded a "cheesy science fiction thing" over the tape. Ryan says knows that Tad would be crushed by that, but admits that it might be what happened. Tad gets upset and says that he was praying that the evidence on that tape was the evidence that he needed. ad continues to say that there must be some tape from that evening and apologizes for wrecking everybody's evening. Tad leaves. Following Tad's departure, Liza apologizes for his gruffness. Gillian says she believes Tad and Ryan concurs.

Meanwhile, David is holding Leo by the collar shaking him and asking if the tapes has been copied. Leo says he cannot remember anything when he is being physically threatened. David releases him and Leo coyly mumbles, "Let's see... did I make a copy of the tape? As far as I know that is the only copy, but I didn't say their weren't any copies." Leo explains that there might be copies of the tape at WRCW. David is amazed that the footage had been shot for Hayley's show. Leo responds with "You, my friend, either have the biggest cajones I have ever seen in my life or you are just careless. The next time you try to do something nasty, David, you should try not to get caught on tape!" David says that that the tape doesn't prove that he spiked that punch. Leo replies, "David, there you are fishing the flask out of the punch bowl." David argues that his flask didn't necessarily have to contain Libidozone. Leo goes on to explain that he meant what he said about not wanting to hurt David and never meant to blackmail him in anyway. David thanks him. Leo leaves David with the tape but on his way out says, "One last detail before I go. You might want to rewind it back a few minutes. You'll find there is a witness you might have to deal with." David asks who it is. Leo tells him "Alex Marick is on that tape watching you." David insists that he had nothing to do with Alex's disappearance, a remark that draws laughter from Leo. "Do you ever get tired of saying that?" Leo chuckles. After Leo leaves, David watches a portion of the tape and states "Unbelievable. Well, I guess I better get rid of this tape."

Later, David is standing outside Leslie's hospital room looking in. Jake interrupts him and asks him what he is up to. David says he would like to check on Leslie, but Jake doesn't want his colleague to go anywhere near Leslie. They argue and David says, "I saved the woman's life." Jake doesn't buy it. David says he doesn't want to start a scene and Jake asks David to leave.

Jake goes to check on Leslie. Greenlee shows up with a big "present basket" (chocolate truffle and caviar) and thanks Jake for his assistance and apologizes for her comments the prior evening. She explains that she wants Jake to have everything she likes in case they have dinner again. She admits she is not the nicest person in the world. They chat about the upcoming possible menu as Greenlee thanks him again...Leo overhears and sees Greenlee and Jake talking. Jake excuses himself to go about his rounds. Greenlee tells Leo "I'm sorry that you had to see Jake and me." Leo responds with "you are far from sorry Greenlee, you were preening. " Greenlee says, "I wouldn't want to hurt you Leo, but I have to move on." Leo asks, "Is that what you are doing? Maybe an upstanding guy like Jake can help reform a chronic liar like you. God knows I didn't do you any good." Leo tells her it was good seeing her again. Greenlee thanks him for helping her with the basket. Vanessa enters and says hello to the both of them. Leo informs his mother that Greenlee is dating Dr. Martin. He goes on to try to excuse Greenlee and it works. Following Greenlee's departure, Leo and his mother argue because Vanessa wants Leo to pursue Greenlee for her money and Leo thinks Greenlee is better off with Jake. Leo asks Vanessa how it is going with "Palmer the Great." Vanessa admits that she cares about Palmer with genuine affection, but even so she can't manage to get him to include her in his Will. Vanessa tries to remind Leo of "their plan" and Leo tells her that there "is no plan" before walking away.

Dimitri and Edmund help Anna into Ryan and Gillian's former love nest at Wildwind. Bart follows. Alex says they need to take Anna to the hospital and do some tests. Bart says Anna is not going anywhere. "Why not strap a target to her back and drop her at a bus stop?" He quips. Dimitri says that Anna is finally going to get the treatment she needs and that they all want to save her. Bart asks Anna if she knows where she is and she responds with, "Cinderella's castle." Bart explains to Anna that they are at Wildwind. Anna says she knows ands hints that she was just being humorous. Bart tells her she had a seizure on the plane and encourages her to rest. Alex reminds Bart that Anna is getting weaker by the minute the longer they wait. Bart refused again to let Anna be taken to the hospital. Alex says, "Fine we will treat her here." An argument pursues and Dimitri steps in to back up his wife. Bart admits that he doesn't have choice and concedes.

Edmund is at the ER and confronts Jake for his help and says, "I am in quite a bit of a jam here." He informs him that they have found Alex and that she is alive. Jake thinks helping Alex is against his better judgment but he is going to do it anyway. (David overhears). Jake goes to get the equipment that Edmund needs, leaving David to wonder what is going on.

Tad shows up at the hospital outside Leslie's room and Jake confronts him and reminds him that Joe has banned him from the hospital. Tad tells his brother that the tape he was going to use against David was a total waste of time; he can't prove that David drugged anybody the night of Ryan's party. Tad says Leslie is his only hope. Jake lets Tad in to see Leslie. Tad tells Leslie that he needs her to pull out of her coma and insists that he wants Hayward to pay as much as she does. Together they can make that happen, Tad says intensely. Jake makes Tad leave. After Jake and Tad leave, Leslie's finger moved every so slightly.

Alex is worried about Anna. Bart thinks it's a mistake that they brought her to Wildwind. Alex reassures him that they are safe. Bart doesn't want to depend on other people, but reassures Anna that he will protect her no matter what. Bart privately tells Anna that they cannot stay at Wildwind. "It's suicide," he grumbles and tells her that he knows of another safe house where they can go. Bart insists to Alex that they are all in danger and that he and Anna are leaving. Alex is fearful that Anna won't survive another move. As she issues her warning, Anna again passes out. Bart thinks that Anna had another seizure, but Alex chalks up the fainting spell to her sister's weakened state. Bart and Alex argue. Anna comes to and Bart apologizes. Anna tells Alex to not be mad at Bart and convinces Bart that they need to stay at Wildwind. Bart tells Alex "the ball's in your court, Doc."

Edmund returns to the turret with medication, but Dimitri is still at the hospital gathering more stuff. Edmund leaves to check on his kids. Alone, Anna wakes up. David walks in thinking the woman before him in bed is Alex. Anna quickly sits up and asks David, "Who are you? Did they send you to kill me?""

- Soap Central