
""That was about the bravest thing I've ever seen," a security guard gasped in awe. Alex was still unsure what had come over.

Becca reacted strangely to Scott's kiss, turning and taking several steps away from him. Scott apologized for his lousy timing. "I couldn't hold back," he smiled. Becca assured Scott that she wasn't upset. She looked down and realized that she'd lost the bracelet that Scott had given her. They searched high and low for the bracelet and, luckily, recovered it. They again shared a kiss and the spark from the lips caused the lights to power down. Actually, it was closing time at the mall. The parted and realized that they were being locked in the mall. They made a run for the exit, but the doors were already locked. They decided to make the most of their time together and had some pictures taken in a photo booth. Afterwards, they shared a dance courtesy of portable stereo that had been left behind in the food court. The music alerted a security guard to their presence and he quickly moved in to investigate. "I prefer dancing at SOS," the guard mused. He told the couple that they'd have to leave, but he agreed to give them a few extra minutes to finish dancing.

Adam told Liza that he didn't feel sorry for Jake or Gillian. When Jake learns that Gillian has been lying to him, Adam said that he was sure Jake would "throttle the princess with her own tiara." Liza left the room to check on Colby. While she was gone, Adam snuck into the safe room to check on Ryan. "My God, Adam," Ryan gasped. "What have you done?" To Adam is wasn't so much an issue of what he'd done, but rather what Ryan would do now that he knew the truth. Ryan quickly deduced that Adam had somehow managed to swap the sperm samples at the fertility clinic. He wasn't sure how it was done, but he knew Adam must have been involved in the trickery. Ryan started to lecture Adam on the illegalities of his actions, but Adam interrupted him and told him that he'd already been scolded enough for one lifetime. Ryan asked Adam why he'd felt the need to tell Gillian about Colby's paternity. Adam shook his head and explained that David had been the one to spill the beans. Ryan wasn't as much interested in why David was involved than he was in the disastrous aftereffects of the revelation. Ryan realized that Gillian learned the truth on the night of the car accident. Adam was uninterested in the banter and told Ryan that it was time for him to leave --- but not before he reminded him of his promise not to tell anyone how he'd found out the truth about Colby's paternity. Ryan blasted Adam for having claimed that he was telling him the truth because of his friendship with Hayley. He knew now that Adam was only looking out for his own selfish needs. "I guess that makes you more than just some man who works for my wife," Adam admitted with a smile. Adam returned to the study and learned that Liza had to head down to the station because of a water main break. Adam offered to watch after Colby, but Liza wasn't at all thrilled with that idea. Adam promised to be on his best behavior and, seeing that she had no alternative since Winifred had the night off and the babysitter had already gone home, reluctantly agreed to Adam's request.

Jake and Gillian were unable to separate. As they kissed, Eugenia wandered into the room and scolded Jake for not honoring the midnight curfew. "This is dreadful," Eugenia groaned. "I will not allow you to tempt fate." Eugenia cracked a smile to show her granddaughter that she wasn't too upset --- but that didn't mean that she was any less serious! Jake was on his way out of the room when a phone call rang through to the room. Eugenia picked up the phone and grimaced upon hearing Ryan's voice on the other end. "Any contact is out of the question," Eugenia snapped. "Concede --- let Gillian go." With that, the duchess hung up the receiver. Gillian asked Eugenia who'd called. When she learned that Ryan had been on the phone, Gillian asked her grandmother what he'd wanted. "Does it matter?" Eugenia asked. Gillian shook her head and said nothing more.

Leo instructed Paolo to "stoke Marian's fire." Leo again reminded his friend that they "never met." Paolo nodded his head and homed in on Marian's location. As Paolo walked away, Dixie wandered in and asked Leo who he'd been talking to. Leo claimed that he didn't know the man, saying that he was a tourist asking for directions. Leo flirted shamelessly with Dixie until Tad showed up. Leo smiled and said that he was alone in the bar because Pigeon Hollow's two most beautiful women were already spoken for. Tad and Dixie headed to a table and waited for Jake. Paolo approached Marian and told her that he'd heard that she was the best real estate agent in America. He poured on as much charm as he could in order to get Marian to agree to help him find a house. Jake finally showed up, still fuming over the court order that blocked him from visiting with Colby. Dixie decided that there might be a way to circumvent the court order. She offered to go to Chandler Mansion and speak to Liza. Jake was initially opposed to the idea, but Tad convinced him that there was really nothing to lose.

At the hunting lodge, Edmund tried to jog Alex's memory about where she might have learned how to pummel an attacker. Alex claimed that she'd reacted to an adrenaline rush, but Edmund believed that it more than a coincidence. Alex mused that she'd learned it at the mental hospital in Wale during a "self-defense for paranoid psychotics" class. Edmund stood behind Alex and tried to recreate the attack. He pretended to hold a gun to her. Alex, though, didn't feel the same way that she had at the mall. She nervously pulled away from Edmund and announced that she wanted to move out of the hunting lodge. The announcement came as a surprise to Edmund. Alex explained that she didn't want to be around anyone just in case she had another "episode." After all, she'd killed a man, pushed David down a flight of steps, and fended off a man with a gun. Edmund stepped closer to Alex and told her that she was family and that he wanted her to stay at the lodge. He made it be known that he wasn't being nice to her solely because of Dimitri's request for him to look after her; he genuinely cared for her and thought of Alex as family.

Adam held Colby in his arms and told her that soon she'd never have to worry about laying her eyes on another Martin. No sooner had the words come out of his mouth when Dixie strolled into the room. Dixie asked to speak to Liza, but she decided to settle on speaking to Adam. Dixie told Adam that she'd appreciate his support in convincing Liza to allow Colby to be present at Jake's wedding. Adam shook his head and grumbled that he'd do no such thing. Dixie blasted Adam for wanting to control everyone's lives. The conversation ceased when Liza returned. Dixie got straight to the point, telling Liza that she wanted her to allow Colby to attend the wedding. Adam stepped forward and apologized for his harsh words. "Colby shouldn't suffer because the adults [in her life] can't come to terms," he said softly. Liza, fighting tears, told Dixie that she'd grant her request - but only if Colby's fever broke by morning.

Back at The Valley Inn, Paolo convinced Marian to join him for a few martinis, but he was shoved to the back burner when Marian decided to call Stuart and tell him that she'd be a little late. Paolo stepped to the bar and secretly informed Leo that it might take him a day or two to crack Marian. Paolo returned to the table and arranged for a second house hunting session with Marian. He gently kissed her hand and headed on his way. Unbeknownst to Marian, Becca and Scott and wandered into the bar. Becca turned to Scott and asked her if he knew the man with his stepmother. Scott shook his head and looked on in concern. Leo overheard the discussion and, under his breath, announced that the game had begun. Dixie, meanwhile, returned to the bar and informed Jake that she'd gotten Liza to agree to let Colby attend the wedding.

Before turning in for the night, Gillian lit a candle to symbolize her relationship with Jake. "This is for us," she said softly. "The flame is our hearts." Gillian tucked herself into bed and turned out the light. A few seconds later, the door to the outside balcony swung open. A hand pulled apart the white drapes and entered the room. "Ryan," Gillian gasped. A cold wind blew through the room and extinguished the candle's flame. "How dare you!" Gillian squawked. Ryan told Gillian that he needed to speak to her. He told her that he now knew why she was marrying Jake --- because he was not Colby's father. Gillian's face fell. She told Ryan that his remark was "absurd," but Ryan pressed on. He told her that he also knew that she'd planned to tell Jake the truth the night of their car accident. "What changed?" Ryan asked Gillian. Someone, Ryan announced, had to tell Jake the truth. Gillian begged Ryan to keep the secret. Ryan shook his head and warned Gillian that Jake would hate her for keeping such a huge secret from him. Gillian disagreed. "Jake loves me," she said unconvincingly. Gillian sat down on the foot of her bed. Ryan kneeled on the floor before her and urged her to go to Jake and tell him the truth. If their love was meant to be, he said, Jake would still welcome her into his life. Ryan, though, knew that Gillian didn't truly love her fiancé. Gillian called Ryan a liar and blasted his fling with "Green Tea" or "Greensleeves." Ryan swore that he;d ended his relationship with Greenlee. Gillian, likewise, professed her love for the man she was still going to marry. "Whatever you say you feel for him cannot possibly compare to my love for you," Ryan said passionately. "It's you, Gillian. It's always been you."

Today's show featured "I Knew I Loved You," by Australian group, Savage Garden.

- Soap Central