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10/14/1999 Palmer Asks David About Bunny

"The day had long since drawn to a close, but there was still time for Mateo to show new-hire Tina how to whip up a few mixed drinks. Mateo went to the backroom to tend to a few things before locking up for the night. David wandered into the club, sat down at the bar, and asked for a drink. Tina informed him that she couldn't serve him any drinks because the club was closed. She apologized for not having locked the door. David looked at his watch and realized that it was much later than he'd thought. "It's too late to call," he said under his breath. "Your girlfriend, right?" Tina asked curiously. David was surprised that the young woman had been able to read his mind. Tina poured David a drink and told him that it was on the house. As David sipped his drink, he was suddenly hit in the head by a flying wig! "I see you're up to your old tricks," a woman hollered from nearby. "You brazen hussy!" Tina bowed her head slightly and said nothing. David knew that this was his cue to leave and headed back to the hotel. Mateo overheard the commotion and returned to the floor to see what was going on. The woman, who Tina referred to as Mrs. Florio, warned Mateo that he was getting himself into a heap of trouble by having Tina work at the club. "She's a criminal!" Mrs. Florio snarled. The woman claimed that Tina had tried to put the moves on her husband in order to get out of paying back rent. Tina admitted that she had fallen behind in her rent payments, but denied wanting anything to do with Mr. Florio. In an attempt to silence the frenzied landlady, Mateo grabbed a clump of cash from the register and paid her off. Mrs. Florio quickly stuffed the money into her blouse and stomped off. Tina thanked Mateo for coming to her rescue and promised to pay back every cent of the money he'd just spent. Mateo looked at some of the stuff piled beside the bar; there wasn't much but it was all that Tina had in the world. He offered to let her store her things in the backroom. Tina asked her boss if he'd mind if she spent the night in the backroom because she was now homeless. Mateo had a better idea. He offered to let her stay in Raquel's old condo. Adrian dropped by the club to see if Mateo had seen Junior. Upon learning that the boy had run away from home, Mateo offered to join the search party. Mateo knew that Hayley was probably worried about her little brother's disappearance and decided to drop by The Dillons' home to check on her. Tina was given directions and the key to the condo and Mateo headed on his way.

A new tooth kept Colby awake into the wee hours of the morning. Jake was going out of his mind trying to think of a way to soothe his daughter. "Oh, I'm a bad father," he groaned. A knock sounded on the door and Jake worried that he'd woken up one of the other guests. Gillian poked her head in the room and offered to give Jake a hand. She had dropped by to see if Jake had heard any news on Junior, but since she was there she also offered to help with Colby. Gillian told Jake that singing "Itsy Bitsy Spider" would scare Colby because spiders were pretty icky. Gillian waved her necklace in front of the infant and hypnotized her into a deep sleep. Jake sighed deeply and again voiced his frustration with the way Adam had run Junior off. Gillian said that her father was very much like Adam and that she was thankful that she had a loving mother. The phone rang and Gillian quickly picked up the receiver before Colby was disturbed. A look of disdain flashed on her face when she heard a female voice on the other end. Gillian sighed deeply and told Jake that "Kelly" was on the phone. Jake claimed that Kelly was a co-worker and probably calling about something at the hospital. Gillian walked across the room and tried not to listen in on the conversation. When Jake referred to her as "just a friend," Gillian was not at all happy.

Palmer told Vanessa that he'd come to look for her because he woke up and didn't see her in bed next to him. Vanessa said that she had to make a call and decided to make it from the dining area so that she wouldn't disturb Palmer's sleep. The call, Vanessa claimed, was to Bunny. Sure it was three o'clock in the morning---but it was early mid-morning in Europe. Palmer said that he wished he'd been around so that he could have spoken to her. He then scared Vanessa silly by saying that he wanted Bunny to fly in for a visit aboard his private jet. David returned to the hotel just as his mother and new stepfather were sipping some herbal tea. "Hello, lovebirds," he sneered. David had overheard the discussion about Bunny and asked his mother how her old friend was doing. Vanessa tried to steer clear of the conversation by asking Palmer to return to their suite and watch the sun rise. Palmer refused and sent Vanessa on her way. David stuck around and joined "Pops" at the table. Palmer pressed David for information about the mysterious Bunny. David clarified that the woman really did exist. In fact, she and Vanessa were a veritable "Thelma and Louise." Most of the trouble that the pair got into, said David, was Vanessa's doing. He started to tell a tale about how Vanessa was trying to steal some diamonds when Vanessa returned to the table and ordered her son to end his blasphemous tales. Palmer decided to return to his room, but Vanessa wanted to have a few words with her son. David asked Vanessa about "Aunt Bunny's" latest ailment. "Brain tumor," Vanessa replied. "Again?" David quipped. Obviously he knew that Vanessa wasn't being honest. Vanessa warned David not to interfere in her marriage. David wasn't frightened. Instead, he warned Vanessa that she'd better tread carefully or her marriage would be over.

Ryan and Hayley returned to Trevor and Janet's house. By now, Janet and the girls were fast asleep upstairs. Hayley began to blame herself for not being better in tune with Junior's feelings. She'd spoken to him at the gallery, but she had no idea that he was feeling so badly. Ryan tried to comfort Hayley. He turned to step three of the twelve step process---make a decision to turn our will and our lives over to the care of God as we understand Him. Hayley was surprised that Ryan knew the steps of Alcoholics Anonymous. Trevor phoned in, but sadly he had no good news. Ryan and Hayley decided to take a short breather before heading back out. Ryan went to the kitchen to brew some coffee and Hayley charged up the battery on her cell phone. Hayley raced across the room when a rap sounded on the door. She opened the door and found Mateo on her doorstep. She was surprised to see him, but glad nonetheless. Mateo told Hayley that Adrian had told her about Junior's disappearance. He said that he knew that she would be upset and didn't want her to have to be alone. "Thanks, but I'm not," Hayley replied. Mateo looked up and saw Ryan returned from the kitchen.

Adam looked up and realized that Liza had returned home. He wiped his eyes and listened carefully as Liza told him that Junior was still missing. She sat beside him on the sofa and urged him to try to get some rest. Adam wasn't about to sleep. He noticed that Colby wasn't with Liza. Liza told him that she allowed Jake to have her for the evening. Adam was noticeably shaken. "I want her here under this roof. I lost one of my children already!" Adam snapped. He took a deep breath before continuing. He told Liza that he had dreams for his children. He was marveled by all the possibilities in his son's future; it was nothing like the future he saw back in Pigeon Hollow. Liza understood why Adam wanted his children to have the best things in life, but she warned him that his zealousness was causing more harm than good. She forced Adam to confess that part of the reason for wanting Junior to attend Winchester Prep was its distance from Tad. It may not have occurred to Adam, but forcing Junior to attend boarding school wasn't going to strengthen their relationship. Instead she urged Adam to become more involved in the boy's life---attend a soccer game or two. "I thought," Adam started. "No, you didn't think," Liza replied curtly. Adam worried that Liza was going to leave him, but she quickly squashed those fears. She told him that she still believed that he was trying to be a better person. If she didn't, she said that she wouldn't still be married to him. Adam asked Liza if she's ever wished that Colby were his biological daughter. Liza nodded her head. "All the time," she confessed. Adam smiled happily. His glee would be short-lived. Liza told Adam that there was a reason why he wasn't the father of her child. Had he not reverted to his old ways, they might never have broken up. Besides, if Adam had been the sperm donor Liza said that she was sure it "would have been a disaster." Adam's cell phone rang and the millionaire raced across the room to retrieve it. On the other end, Derek phoned in with a report. "You're doing what?" Adam asked in shock. "Oh, dear God, no.""

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