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05/26/1999 Vanessa & Donald Discuss Their Book

""A rough evening" is how Mateo described the type of night he and Hayley were having. Raquel smiled and gently informed Mateo that young boys can be expected to make a mess if left unattended even for a few minutes. Mateo explained that Max hadn't made a mess---he'd destroyed the entire condo. Raquel was shocked to learn that her little boy had gone ballistic. She was even more concerned when she learned that Max had lied and said that the destruction was "an accident." Hayley stepped forward and told Raquel how Max had put his hands over his ears when she tried to talk to him. There was a reason for telling Raquel what had happened, but it was difficult for Mateo to come out and say what that reason was. He finally mustered up the strength to suggest that they all attend family counseling. Raquel was protective of her son, saying that she did not believe that a stranger could really understand her son. Hayley quickly noted that the decision to see a therapist in no way reflects on the type of parenting job that Raquel had done. Everyone, Hayley explained, needs help from time to time. Raquel was still unsure, but a first-hand exhibit of Max's troubling behavior would eventually convince her to green-light the therapy sessions. Max wandered out of his bedroom claiming that he was unable to sleep. Max refused to consider any sleep aids other than a bedtime story read by his father. Mateo tried to explain that he had to go to the club and close up. Max stomped his foot and demanded that Mateo read him a story. Hayley whispered that she would lock up. She felt that having Mateo leave would only cause more problems. Max fell asleep in his father's lap. Later after the boy was tucked into bed, Raquel expressed a fear that she was somehow responsible for Max's bad behavior. She worried that being laid up had caused Max to seek out other avenues of getting attention. Mateo assured her that that was not the case, bolstering his claim by reminding Raquel how much Max needs her. That need, he said, was the reason that he did not contest the terms of joint custody spelled out in their divorce agreement.

Jake paid an unannounced visit to Chandler Mansion to see Colby. In the future, Liza suggested that Jake phone ahead so that he'll know whether or not Colby is asleep. As has been the case with his past few visits, Colby was once again fast asleep. Liza told Jake that she was mulling the idea of sending a gift basket to David to thank him for delivering Colby. Jake took a deep breath before drinking a mouthful of water. After swallowing, Jake told Liza that he doesn't want David anywhere near his daughter. Adam entered the room and voiced his agreement. Liza burst into a fit of laughter. She never thought she'd see the day that Adam and Jake agreed on something. Liza left the room to take Colby to the nursery. While she was gone, Adam asked Jake if David had done something to arouse the renewed hostility. Jake wasn't forthcoming with the details, but he did admit that he'd come into new information about David. Try as he might, Adam was unable to get Jake to spill the beans. Jake explained that he would not tell Adam anything because he would only use it to stick it to David. Adam felt he had a right to see David run out of town. Jake, however, left without saying anything further. Alone, Adam placed an urgent call to Barry and asked him to have someone tail Jake. Adam was certain that Jake knew something that could be used against David. "With a little luck," Adam told his attorney, "the young Doctor Martin might pave the way out of this hell I'm in."

The meeting between Vanessa and Donald failed to yield any major developments for the book project. The purpose was more to lay down the groundwork for the book rather than to begin writing anything down. Donald was troubled by the degree of humor Vanessa was finding in Erica's pain. More troubling was Vanessa's lack of concern for her son. Vanessa explained that seeing her son as Erica's prisoner was enjoyable for her. Rather than explaining why, Vanessa said that the gory details might one day make it to the pages of another tell-all book. The book's beginning had not yet been written, but Vanessa already knew how the book would end. "All Gone," she said suggesting a possible title for the book. The title referred to the loss of Erica's "beauty, fame, and fortune."

Gillian took Eugenia> to Sounds of Salsa. Ryan greeted them at the door. Gillian claimed that she had no idea that Ryan was going to be working, but Ryan reminded her that he works at the club every night. Gillian made a point of telling Ryan that she was going to have a gentleman friend joining her later in the evening. The continued mention got the desired results: Ryan was going crazy. Things got even more heated when Eugenia showed off the new brooch that Gillian had bought her. Ryan wondered how Gillian could afford the expensive piece of jewelry. Unaware that it would cause problems, Eugenia told Ryan that Gillian had answered an ad in the newspaper and been given a pouch full of money. Eugenia excused herself to go to the restroom. While she was gone, Gillian asked Ryan if he was mad at her for taking the money. Ryan gritted his teeth and told Gillian that she could do whatever she wanted with the month. He, on the other hand, wanted nothing to do with it. Eugenia returned and Ryan stormed away. Jake showed up a little while later and was immediately given a mug of beer. Jake was surprised by the quick service. This was nothing special. Gillian had, after all, dropped numerous hints that her gentleman friend would need a beer when he showed up. Ryan headed into the back room and took out his frustration on some empty boxes. Not content to leave it at that, he hurled a roll of toilet paper against the wall. Hayley entered the room and asked him what was wrong. Ryan admitted that he was not having as easy a time with seeing Gillian with another man as he'd thought. Hayley warned Ryan about the dangers of keeping his anger bottled up. She had promised that she'd not dispense any advice about Ryan and Gillian's relationship and she kept her word. Back out in the club area, Jake knew that Gillian was using him to make Ryan jealous. Gillian apologized and told Jake that she really does enjoy spending time with him. She asked the doctor to dance with her. With a smile, Jake mused that they could always wait until Ryan returned before they started to dance.

"Now's your chance to get away," Erica said softly. David shook his head and told Erica that he'd promised that he would not try to escape. He walked back to the vise and placed his hands between the clamp. He then ordered Erica to tighten the vise's grip on his hand. Erica bowed her head almost subserviently and did as David requested. Unexpectedly, she cranked the turnkey in the other direction and once again freed David's hand. He asked her why she'd changed her mind. "Fight back!" he yelled. "Destroy me!" David reminded Erica that he was the one who'd caused the car accident. Erica nodded. She hadn't forgotten. Torturing David had made Erica realize something. No matter what she did to David, it would make the scars on her face go away. In fact, taking her anger out on David only made Erica feel worse. Erica told David that he was free to go. David didn't budge. He was concerned that Erica wasn't well. He also worried that Vanessa might inflict still more pain on Erica. Erica asked David if he planned on going to Liza and telling her the truth about Adam's part in her pregnancy. David said nothing. He gathered his belongings and simply walked away."

- Soap Central