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05/18/1999 David Wakes Up In The Basement

""Erica," grumbled Adam over the payphone. "Pick up the phone dammit!" Erica did answer his call, but she remained insistent that she could not talk. "I'm very busy," she said curtly. Before hanging up the phone, she and Adam did have an exchange of dialog. "I bought you a little extra time," she said proudly. Adam was relieved that David wasn't going to be breathing down his neck for at least another day, but there was something about the way Erica was talking that worried Adam. "What have you done?" he asked sternly. Erica shrugged slightly and told Adam that she had to go because she had a guest---and couldn't be seen as a "terrible hostess."

Panic struck Liza when she noticed a purplish growth on Colby during one of the baby's feedings. She was quick to point out the anomaly to Jake when he dropped by for a visit. Jake chuckled slightly and plucked the growth from the baby. The growth was harmless. Actually, it wasn't even a growth; it was a piece of lint from Liza's robe. Jake mused that he would save the lint for Colby's baby book and file it under "Mom's first conniption." As the pair chuckled, Adam returned to the room. "Did Colby tell a good joke?" he asked with a smile. Adam extended his hand in friendship to Jake. After the handshake, Jake broke the good news that Liza and Colby were free to go home. Adam promised to round up all of the presents and flowers so that he could take them home. Liza cocked her head to one side and told Adam that she was going to return to the loft since all of her belongings were there. Adam smiled and announced that he'd taken the liberty of having all of Liza's things moved from the loft to Chandler Mansion. Liza was furious with Adam for not consulting her first. Jake stepped in to quash the argument, saying that it was best for Colby to stay at either one place or the other. That, he explained, would minimize her exposure to germs. Liza apologized for her outburst and she and Adam were once again at peace. The happiness looked like it would be short-lived. Jake cleared his throat and asked the couple if they'd given any thought to visitation rights. Adam and Liza exchanged glances and muttered that they hadn't really thought about visitation. Jake pulled a piece of paper from his pocket. As he unfolded the slightly crumpled paper and explained that the paper was a copy of his work schedule for the next two weeks. Liza and Adam both reviewed the schedule and found no problems with the visits Jake had planned. Liza told the two men that she was "grateful" to both of them for caring so deeply about Colby.

Adrian dropped by The Martin house for a tuxedo fitting. He mentioned that he didn't need a fitting because he'd gotten a top-of-the-line designer tux while he was working for the government. Tad explained that an ordinary tuxedo---not matter how spiffy---wasn't going to cut it at the wedding. All the men, he stated, would be wearing white dinner jackets. Adrian was appalled. White before Memorial Day? He was aghast by the fashion faux pas. Things went downhill from there when Tad rescinded an offer of coffee to his brother. Tad figured that Adrian, a "my body's a temple kind of guy," would never partake in a cup of java. Tad continued his attempt to make small talk by asking Adrian if there was a wedding in his future. Adrian griped that he did not want to be treated like a guest on The Cutting Edge. The former spy spoke very coldly of his relationship with Belinda, saying that he wasn't sure if their relationship was going to work in the long run. Fortunately, Joe returned to the room and managed to end the bickering. Tad exited the room to place a phone call to the shop owner who was to have dropped off the tuxedos. While he was gone, Joe attempted to pick Adrian's brain a bit. He mentioned that Tad and Adrian were a great deal alike. The wise man that he is, Joe didn't say that in so many words. He tried to work Adrian into his story through references to the adjustments that Tad had to make when he learned that Opal was his biological mother. At first, Adrian seemed indifferent to the meaning in Joe's tale. He insisted that he was not having any adjustment problems nor did he dislike Opal or Tad. Joe called what Tad went through "quite a dilemma," noting that Opal wanted to smother her son with the love that she'd been unable to give him for so many years. Mr. Simms, the men's shop owner, finally arrived. Unaware that he had, Tad entered the room complaining about the "jerk" who still hadn't shown up with the tuxedos. Needless to say he felt like a bit of a jerk himself. Mr. Simms was an older gentleman with a medium build. He barked orders prompting Adrian to determine that he was a former military man. Mr. Simms handed the men their suits and Tad, Adrian, and Joe went to try them on. Jake finally arrived at the house and received a lecture from Mr. Simms for being late. Mr. Simms had made special arrangements to drop off the clothing. He was on his way to a fishing expedition and his shop was, shall we say, clothesed for business. One by one Joe, Adrian, and Tad walked downstairs, their faces grim. The dinner jackets that Tad had ordered had been replaced by a pair of retro sixties, sky blue, ruffled jackets and shirts. This was not the look that Tad was going for. Jake burst into laughter. Tad realized that the gentleman had misread his handwriting and brought the wrong suits. Joe appealed to Mr. Simms to return to the shop and get the correct order. Simms refused, reminding them that he was meeting some fishing buddies. Adrian stepped forward and spoke to the man in military jargon. He pulled Simms aside and fed him a cockamamie story about needing white dinner jackets for a secret government project. In the plot, Joe was a sergeant and Tad was a "lowly private" who nearly blew the mission in several occasions. Simms raced off to fetch the right clothing. The Martin men were amazed that he bought the story. Adrian cracked a wry smile and mentioned that Simms knew that it had to be a government operation---because no one would wear white before Memorial Day!

The women, meanwhile, gathered at Brooke's house for Dixie's bridal shower. Janet and Myrtle arrived as Phoebe, Belinda, and Hayley were already in attendance. The last to arrive were Opal and Alice. Opal silenced the otherwise giddy crowd by announcing that Alice was Adrian's mother. Alice set everyone at easy when she clarified that she was his "other mother." Janet pulled Dixie aside and thanked her for inviting her to the party. Dixie smiled warmly and told Janet that she believes that she's changed and noted that everyone deserves a second chance. The party went off without a hitch. There was plenty of food and games and, of course, wonderful gifts. Phoebe took the high road and presented Dixie with a Chinese bowl from the 1880s. Janet's gift, however, was something more "practical." Janet stood behind Dixie and announced that her gift came "from the year of the leopard." Dixie opened the box and found a pair of leopard-print panties and teddy. Dixie jokingly placed the panties on her head and danced around the room. Belinda asked Dixie if Tad was having a bachelor party. Dixie shrugged and said that she was sure the men were doing something for him. Hayley rolled her eyes when Dixie claimed that Tad would be offended if a stripper were hired to appear at the party. Janet suddenly perked up and asked the other women if they were feeling courageous. All eyes turned to Janet. Suddenly, Dixie began to blush and covered her eyes.

In the basement of Erica's new home, Erica might argue that she had problem with vermin. An unconscious David was tied firmly to some old concrete-and-metal apparatus. Erica strolled casually into the room with a cup of tea. She sat on a nearby crate, legs crossed, as David slowly regained consciousness. "We're under my house," said Erica when asked by David where he was. "Little did I know that one day I was going to put that laundry chute to use," she added with a bit of a laugh. Not only was David securely bound, but his right hand had been placed in a vice. With every squirm that he made, a little more pain was inflicted upon his fingers. David angrily demanded that Erica release him. He reminded her that his career and his life depending upon his hands. Erica slowly walked towards him. Finally, Erica told David that she knew how the accident had occurred. There was no ill patient; David had been rushing back so that he could crash Marian and Stuart's wedding. David claimed that Erica did not understand his motivation. Erica agreed with David that Adam's actions were reprehensible. Unlike what David had done to her, though, Adam had one thing in the plus column---he did what he did out of love for Liza. David told Erica that he would never breath a word of what she'd done to him if she let him go. Erica refused. Someone, David noted, would eventually come to look for him. Erica saw no reason why anyone would miss the doctor. David screamed for help, but there was no one around to hear his cries. "You're not a violent woman," David said as beads of sweat formed on his brow. Erica disagreed, though. "I knocked you unconscious and through you down the [laundry] chute and it doesn't bother me," she replied coldly. Erica told David that his pleas for help were most amusing. "One day you'll look back on this," Erica said quoting David's comments about her facial injuries, "and you'll laugh.""

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