"Keeping her promise to remain active in Enchantment during her recovery, Erica finished up some paperwork and prepared to call a messenger service to take the papers to her office. Vanessa offered to take the papers to Enchantment as a way of repaying Erica for her kindness. Erica reluctantly accepted Vanessa's offer, but quickly explained that there was no reason for Vanessa to feel obligated to her. Vanessa took the large yellow envelope from Erica and headed towards the door. Erica even allowed Vanessa to use her car. Outside, Vanessa bumped into Jerry Reeves, the reporter that had interviewed Erica at the high school. Vanessa apparently answered one of Jerry's many calls to Erica's house and gave him the impression that Erica agreed to complete their abbreviated interview. Erica knew nothing of Vanessa's meddling-and Vanessa wanted it to stay that way. She made Jerry promise that he would never bring up her name during the interview. Jerry agreed and slipped into the house. Erica was outraged to see the reporter and threatened to call the police. Jerry put his hands in the air and assured Erica that he'd come alone and without a camera. He explained that he hoped to get a brief quote or some other statement from her to finish up their interview. Initially opposed to the idea, Erica thought a few additional remarks might help steady investors' fears about Enchantment. Erica invited the reporter to sit down across the room from her. Jerry smiled hungrily and started his tape recorder. He became irritated when Erica rambled on and on about her confidence in Enchantment's stock's ability to recover from its recent drop. He moaned that he didn't want to hear about Erica's business; He wanted to learn more about Erica's injuries. Erica ordered Jerry to stop recording the conversation and subsequently ordered him out of her house. Erica muttered that she wishes she had died during her heart surgery because she was unable to endure the media's constant probing into her life. Jerry coldly remarked that Erica's death would be a brief blip on the media's radar. He implied that the story would have been in the news for one or two days. But the story about a top model being "horribly scarred" was a very juicy story. Jerry turned Erica's words on her, lambasting her for using the media to tout her many triumphs, but turning against them when they wanted to cover something less pleasant. Erica said that she did not want to be a "poster girl for disappointment and pain." Erica again ordered Jerry out of her office. As he was leaving, Jerry labeled Erica "another washed up celebrity."
The handyman at The Sleepy Hollow Inn wasn't the only person partaking in the first day of trout season. Stuart took Marian to the boathouse with the hopes of turning his wife into a master fisherwoman. Fashion came first in Marian's mind no matter where she happened to be. She begged Stuart one of his "feathers" on her cap. Stuart took of his hat and explained that his feathers were actually fishing lures. Stuart went on to explain all the tricks that fishermen use to catch the big one. Marian laughed devilishly when Stuart talked about "wiggling the worm." To pass the time while they waited for a fish to bite, Marian and Stuart briefly discussed their plans for Adam and Liza's wedding. Suddenly, the tip of Marian's rod bent and she screamed in horror. Stuart stepped behind his wife and helped her hold on to the rod. He urged her to slowly reel in the fish. The weight on the end of the line was enormous, leading Stuart to believe that Marian had caught the biggest fish in the lake. Slowly but surely, Marian reeled in her catch---a rubber boot. Marian was disappointed by prize and urged Stuart to toss the boot back into the lake. Stuart felt something inside the boot and looked inside for a better look. He reached into the boot and found a bright yellow pouch. Marian rolled her eyes and instructed Stuart to toss the pouch back into the water. Stuart, however, thought that they should try to find the owner of the pouch. He opened the velcro fastener and took a peek inside. His eyes nearly popped out of his socket as he removed a plastic bag filled with a huge stack of hundred dollar bills.
The doctors ordered a round of x-rays to determine the extent of the damage done to Raquel's spinal cord. Raquel pleaded with Mateo to accompany her. Mateo looked to Jake, who nodded his head slightly. Outside, Hayley was becoming more and more uncomfortable with the way things were going. She asked Gillian how things could have "gone south" so quickly. She explained that she and Mateo had been riding high after Raquel announced that she'd grant Mateo a divorce. Gillian assured Hayley that everything would work out in the end. Hayley, however, was fearful that Max had been traumatized by watching his mother get crushed by the scaffolding. Mateo returned to the waiting area and took a seat next to Hayley. He told her that he felt responsible for the accident because he had not been watching Max. Hayley also felt badly because she knew that it didn't take both of them to call Trevor. Mateo urged Hayley to return home and get some rest, but Hayley announced that she was going to stay by Mateo's side. It was unclear if Hayley wanted to be there to support her husband or to make sure that he and Raquel didn't grow closer---or perhaps it was a little of both. Jake appeared before the group and informed them that Raquel's injuries were not as severe as they'd thought. She'd suffered several "displaced vertebrae" and would have to remain in traction for some time. There was no nerve damage and no paralysis. Mateo and Hayley both breathed a sigh of relief. Jake mentioned that Raquel would need home care after she was released from the hospital, but he gave no timeline for her release. Mateo decided that it was time to call Max and let him know that his mother would be okay. When he did, Isabella informed him that Max was very depressed and was blaming himself for the accident. Mateo told his mother that he would get permission from Jake to allow Max to see Raquel. Elsewhere in the waiting area, Gillian was about to call it a day when Jake pulled her aside and asked her to stay. He explained that Hayley and Mateo could really use the support of a friend, much the way that he'd been there for her earlier in the day. Isabella and Max arrived at the hospital and, as Mateo had promised, Max was given special permission to see his mother. Max remembered playing basketball with Jake in the park and that seemed to lessen his fears a little. The group started walking towards Raquel's room, but Jake pulled Hayley aside and explained that she would not be allowed into the room since she was not a member of Raquel's immediate family. Inside the examining room, Raquel took her son's hand and gently kissed it. Max apologized to his mother for hurting her. Raquel did the best she could to assure her son that he was in no way responsible for what had happened. Jake stepped in and said that Raquel needed to get some rest. Max, however, didn't want to leave his mother's side. Mateo talked Jake into putting a second a bed in Raquel's room so that he and Max could spend the night at the hospital. Hayley overheard Mateo's request and bowed her head. She turned and slowly walked out of the hospital.
At Enchantment, Vanessa introduced herself to Val, Erica's secretary. Val seemed reluctant to buy into Vanessa's claims that she was a friend of Erica's. Eventually, though, Val accepted Vanessa's statement. Val pointed to a mountain of fan mail and told Vanessa that she was free to take the letter to Erica. Vanessa thought that it might be better to sort through the mail just in case anyone had written anything that might cause Erica more pain. Val offered to assist Vanessa, but she told him to go on his way because he had many more important things to do than sort mail. Instead of diving into the stack of mail as she'd promised, Vanessa took a bit of a detour---via Erica's desk. Vanessa sat down at Erica's desk and rifled through her drawers. Sometime later, she read over one of the letters Erica had received and dictated a response on Erica's behalf to a miniature tape recorder. Vanessa looked up momentarily and realized that Erica had been watching her.
Liza was summoned to The Valley Inn to meet with a "newsworthy mysterioso." Arriving at the hotel, Liza found the bar and dining areas immersed in darkness. She slowly walked through the dining room, but there was no sign of her interviewee---or anyone for that matter. A noise sounded from across the room, prompting Liza to grab a waiter's tray. The lights flicked on and Adam begged Liza to hold off her assault. Liza was furious with Adam for scaring her, but she was glad to see that he was back from his business trip. Adam revealed that he's rented out the dining area and the bar so that they could share a romantic dinner. Liza grumbled when she learned that Adam was "Mr. Mysterioso" because she'd cut out on her final Lamaze class. The pair danced as a private three-piece band struck up a song. Liza felt a bit embarrassed by her appearance and she grew tired of having Adam tell her that she was the most beautiful woman in the world. Still, as she danced in Adam's arms Liza couldn't imagine a more perfect moment. The tranquility came to an abrupt end when an intruder asked if he could cut in on the dance. Adam and Liza turned around and grimaced in the interloper's direction. David smiled arrogantly and refused the couple's request that he leave immediately. David presumptuously invited himself to join Adam and Liza for dinner. Needless to say, there was no way that Liza or Adam was going to accept David's self-given invitation. David claimed that his presence would provide "stimulating dialogue," but he ultimately did agree to leave. After dinner and another dance, Adam gave Liza a foot massage. Liza remembered that she was supposed to drop by the editing room at WRCW. After Liza excused herself, Adam muttered that he had some business to take care of too. Adam headed upstairs and knocked on David' door. David, who was enjoying a glass of brandy, let David into his room. Adam warned David that someone was going to knock the arrogant smile off of his face. He warned David that while he was "having fun with this," his fun was going to end."
- Soap Central