"Silence met Adam's proposal. He cocked his head to the side and begged Liza for an answer. It must have seemed like an eternity for Adam, but Liza did finally speak up. After Adam's confession of how he'd interfered in Mateo's custody hearing and blabbed the news of Dixie's illness to Junior, she had been given every right to walk out of Adam's life once and for all. For some reason, and so Adam observed, Liza was still sitting with Adam. "You can't cling to a loved one," Adam babbled, referring to his willingness to let Liza leave. Liza blinked her eyes and mused that Adam could always retire from mogul-dom and write greeting cards. "You still haven't left," grinned Adam. Liza struggled to get out of her seat and asked Adam if he was daring her to leave. Liza claimed that she was "fascinated by the way [Adam's] mind works." According to the former Mrs. Chandler, Adam is "selfish, greedy, and a fraud." Adam out on his best innocent face and told Liza, "Your love can help me change." Liza muzzled a laugh and told Adam that he needed a keeper, not a wife. "I love you, but I'm not crazy enough to live [with Adam's wackiness every day]," Liza commented. Adam suddenly became quite calm. He asked Liza to repeat what she'd just said. Liza fumbled for words, perhaps desperately trying to get around an admission that she'd just told Adam that she loved him. Alas, Liza smiled broadly and again told Adam that she does love him. "To hear you say [I love you] out loud means everything to me," Adam gushed. Adam went on to vow that he and Liza would be the happiest human beings alive once they were married. Sirens went off in Liza's mind; She had said nothing about wanting to marry Adam. Liza squinted and looked at Adam's face. She was not certain that Adam was "one hundred percent squeaky clean." Adam denied that he was keeping anything from her, but that didn't stop Liza from wondering. Liza informed Adam that she knew how he'd gotten into an argument with Stuart and Marian. Liza told Adam that she would not allow him to hold her mother's wedding "hostage." She went on to strong-arm Adam into doubling the amount of money he planned to spend on the wedding. In return, she promised to give him an answer to his proposal the night of her mother's wedding.
Mateo calmly told his son that sleeping together was not an option. Max stomped his feet and demanded that he be allowed to sleep with his mommy and daddy. Outside, Raquel laughed to herself as she realized the extent of the trouble she'd caused for Mateo and Hayley. Mateo told his son that he was going to take him back to bed. As Mateo opened the door, he found Raquel with one ear pressed against the door. Raquel lamely explained that she'd dropped by to make sure that Max hadn't disturbed Mateo and Hayley. Hayley sat on the bed---silent. Mateo nervously glanced at Hayley, fearful of what she wasn't saying. Raquel took Max to his bedroom, leaving Hayley and Mateo do discuss what had just happened. Mateo cautiously explained that he and Max had fallen asleep in the same bed. In the morning, he said, Raquel slipped into the room and invited herself into the bed. Hayley was unmoved by the explanation. She slowly walked towards the door after commenting that she wanted to get a spare blanket because it had suddenly gotten cold in the room. Raquel paced around the parlor, perhaps awaiting the fall-out of her little scheme. Hayley appeared and issued a stern warning to the other Mrs. Santos. She implied that Raquel's conscience was preventing her from getting any sleep. She asked Raquel what she'd hoped to accomplish by crawling into bed with Mateo. Did she want to seduce Mateo in front of her son---or perhaps she'd hoped that Mateo would mistake her for Hayley? Raquel turned her back to Hayley and insisted that she did not have to take Hayley's abuse. Hayley nodded in agreement. She warned Raquel that she'd be wise not to use Max as a prop to win back Mateo. That, Hayley said, would not work. Hayley took pleasure in telling Raquel that she was going to go to bed with Mateo.
"I want you out. NOW!" Ryan yelled at his wife. Gillian shook her head and refused to budge. As the pair bickered, Jack appeared outside the room and demanded that Jake release Ryan back into his custody. Jake refused citing Ryan's need for continued observation. Jack wanted to enter Ryan's room, but the policeman standing guard explained that a "special assignment nurse" was conducting a test on Ryan. Jack accepted the explanation, but that didn't mean that acceptance came without question. Jack asked Jake for an updated list of personnel that was allowed to enter Ryan's room. Jake nodded. As he looked past Jack, he could see that Gillian was still inside the room. Before he could act, he was paged away to handle an emergency. Gillian claimed that her presence had started to have healing effects on Ryan. Ryan, however, chalked up his recovery to antibiotics. Gillian's back still faced the door, so no one on the outside knew that she was not really a nurse. But the secret was about to be discovered. David had been asked to consult on the case. He entered the room and asked "the nurse" for an update on the patient's condition. "He's better," Gillian mumbled. Again, her accent shone through. David smiled as he realized that Gillian had been trying to pass herself off as a nurse. David pulled a syringe from his pocket and asked "the nurse" to prep the patient for a shot. Gillian flipped when she saw the syringe and started pummeling David. The ruckus roused Jack and guard and they hurried into the room. Before they actually entered the room, David made a crude remark about being aroused by Gillian's violence. Jack was furious when he saw that Gillian had infiltrated the supposedly secure room. David remained calm while he explained that he'd been attacked by a frenzied Gillian. He claimed that Gillian was angry because she believed that he had a personal vendetta against Ryan. David repeated his claim that he wanted to do his civic duty by reporting Ryan and Gillian's whereabouts to the police. Jack still didn't understand Gillian's unnatural fear of needles. The princess held out her arms and told Jack to arrest her. That way, she figured, she could be in a cell next to her husband. Jack warned Gillian that if she interfered again, he would have her carted off to a women's detention facility. Gillian panicked. She called out to Ryan and asked him to always remember that she loved him. She swore that she would re-earn Ryan's trust. She was then escorted out of the room by the police officer.
Dixie was stunned speechless. "The required answer is 'Yes,'" grinned Tad. "Tad, you can't," Dixie managed to chatter before she was halted by Tad. "Yes doesn't begin with 'Tad, you can't,'" he laughed. Dixie took her fingers and pinched Tad's lips together so that he couldn't interrupt her. "I love you so much," she said softly. Dixie told Tad that she'd dreamed of this moment for a long time. But now that it was here, her mind was aflutter with activity. "I can't ask you to do this," Dixie said. Tad was shocked. Dixie explained that she didn't want Tad to get his hopes up because she could still die at any time. Tad wasn't about to let the moment get ruined by negative thoughts. He assured Dixie that they'd be together for a long, long time---at least until their fiftieth wedding anniversary. Dixie smiled and told Tad that they should go to the Statler Building to get their "Affair to Remember" recreation right. Tad shook his head. He smiled devilishly as he informed Dixie that he wanted to do something with her that wasn't exactly appropriate for the top of a high rise building. "Most people do not have a chance to go back," said Tad. Both Tad and Dixie were thankful that they bucked the trend. "Will you be my once and future bride?" Tad asked softly. With that, Tad produced a beautiful engagement ring. Dixie broke into tears and exuberantly shouted, "Yes!" Finally, the answer that Tad had requested. The couple shared a kiss and slowly moved towards the bed. Tad worried that Dixie's heart might not be up to a physical encounter. Dixie flashed her big eyes at Tad and told him that her heart knew exactly what it needed---and that was Tad."
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