01/06/1999 The DNA Results

"After reading Ryan his Miranda rights, Derek asked Ryan if he understood all of his rights. The reaction from the partygoers varied. Raquel looked traumatized while David smiled happily. Relieved best described Kit's reaction and Hayley was floored by the event. "I'm innocent!" Ryan exclaimed as he ordered Derek to wait for his DNA results to come in. Erica walked over and called the situation "ridiculous." She told Derek that he was running "a kangaroo court" and asked him to stop badgering Ryan in his home. Derek explained that the District Attorney, Jack, had given him permission to arrest Ryan. Trevor finally broke his silence. He blasted his former colleague for acting without probable cause. Derek coldly noted that he had evidence to back up the decision to charge Ryan with rape charges. Tad stepped forward and grumbled that the only evidence the police had was Kit's word. Erica brought the crowd up to date, explaining that Kit had falsely accused Tad of rape several years ago. The crown murmured amongst themselves. Derek tired of the grumbling and ordered everyone to be quiet. He then announced that the results of Ryan's DNA test came back and showed that the semen stain on Kit's dress matched Ryan's genetic makeup. Ryan was devastated. He accused the police of having bungled the lab analysis and threatened to sue both Kit and the Pine Valley Police Department. The suggestion that the lab re-run the test was met by cold opposition from Derek. He informed Ryan that he'd already had the lab run the tests more than once. Trevor decided to play things by the book and asked Derek if he'd gotten an arrest warrant before arriving at Wildwind. Derek reminded Trevor that he did not need a warrant to arrest Ryan since Wildwind was not Ryan's residence. "He moved out," Edmund snarled. Hayley interjected that Ryan and Gillian's clothing was in their bedroom, proving that they still resided at the mansion. Belinda approached the detective and told him that it might be wise to "call of his dogs" and regroup in the morning. Derek refused to leave. Trevor suggested that they go somewhere a little more private and allow everyone to get back to their party. Gillian wanted to remain by her husband's side, but Trevor told her to stay put before she made things worse for Ryan. Edmund told the crowd to forget about what they'd just seen. He then snapped his fingers and the band resumed playing. One by one, couples took to the dance floor and carried on as if nothing had happened. Raquel scurried over to Gillian's side and issued a heartfelt apology for what had just gone down. Raquel said that she knew it must have been hard for Gillian to find out that her husband was a rapist. "Don't say that!" snapped Gillian. She told Raquel that she wouldn't bite her head off because she liked her---but issued a warning that she'd better not assume that Ryan was guilty again. On her way across the terrace, Dimitri pulled Gillian aside and asked her to steer clear of Ryan. He extended an invitation for Gillian to move back in to Wildwind. Gillian declined the offer and told her cousin that she believed in Ryan's innocence. Gillian raced out of the room. She thought she found some space to think, but she was soon approached by David Hayward. David told Gillian that he understood how tough things were for her. "You have no idea," Gillian responded. It was evident that David was enjoying what had happened to Ryan. He exerted an unusual effort to choose exactly the right words to further torture Gillian's broken heart. He surmised that Gillian's "faith had been shattered" because she realized that she'd "fallen in love with the wrong man." The subtle insinuation was that Gillian should have chosen him over Ryan. Gillian began to sob as she stated that Ryan had sworn that he didn't have sex with Kit. David extended his arms and offered a shoulder to the princess. Gillian's eyes opened wide and her jaw dropped. She looked at David like he had the plague. She then took several steps backwards before running out of the room.

Liza was dumbfounded by Ryan's arrest. She told Adam that she'd never thought that Ryan was capable of sexually assaulting a woman. Adam told his date for the evening not to worry about Ryan because his fate wouldn't be decided that evening. Liza cracked a wry smile and scolded Adam for his indifference. "Everyone could be dropping dead from anthrax," Liza remarked, "just as long as it doesn't affect you." Adam chuckled and whisked Liza to the dance floor.

Mateo and Hayley sat in their bedroom and discussed what had just gone down. Mateo urged his wife to "look at reality" and come to the realization that Ryan really had raped Kit. He never said "I told you so," but his lofty tone accomplished what his words didn't. "See him for who he is," advised Mateo. Hayley's head snapped back. She stated that she'd been telling Mateo the same thing about Raquel for months. Mateo was disturbed by the comparison of the mother of his son and an accused rapist. He claimed that Raquel had done nothing wrong. Hayley recounted Raquel's many lies---from her sudden appearance during their second wedding to the hidden truth about Max. "Back off," Mateo said angrily. He wanted Hayley to forget about Ryan and to stop thinking the worst about Raquel. That proved to be a decisive moment in the conversation. Hayley warned her almost husband that she would not turn her back on Ryan---"like it or not." Mateo mustn't have liked it because he got up and walked out of the room.

Tad sat alone at a table, deep in thought. Kit slowly walked up from behind and gently tapped his shoulder. Tad jumped to his feet and looked at Kit in horror. He told her that she should not expect an apology from him because he still believed that Ryan was innocent. The semen stain on Kit's dress failed to prove that she was raped, according to Tad. For all they knew, Kit and Ryan could have had consensual sex. Tad stormed off leaving Kit to mull over what had just happened. Even with an apparent backing of physical evidence, she still was unable to live down her past tricks. Edmund approached Kit and asked her if she was okay. Kit looked at his with sad eyes and told him that this marked the second time that he'd stood by her when no one else would. "That's twice I was right," Edmund said proudly.

Palmer seemed unfazed by Ryan's arrest, but he still took time out to point out to Erica that her attempt to thrust Ryan into high society had failed. A few seconds later, Brooke passed by and asked Erica how she wanted her crow prepared. "Crow tartar," perhaps? Brooke continued on her way. Erica looked at Palmer and told him that she was having a horrible night.

In the parlor, Derek informed Trevor that Ryan's DNA was a "seventy percent match" to the sample taken from Kit's dress. Trevor was appalled that his client was being held when his DNA wasn't even an exact match to the supposed attacker. Derek noted that juries have convicted in cases where DNA matches were less than seventy percent. Seeing that his current argument was getting him nowhere, Trevor changed strategies. He argued that even if Ryan's DNA did sort of match the semen found on Kit's clothing, it did not prove that Kit had been raped. When his attorney hinted that he and Kit might have had consensual sexual intercourse, Ryan yelled out that he had never had sex of any kind with Kit. Trevor turned towards Ryan and told him to "stuff a sock in it." Derek was getting angrier and angrier with the former detective. Since Trevor insisted that Derek play things by the book, he announced that he was going to obtain an arrest warrant immediately. He order Ryan to stay put in the room---and noted that he'd had police officers stationed at every door and outside every window just to make sure that he didn't run off. Trevor left the room shortly thereafter to figure out what to do next. Gillian appeared a few seconds later. She told her husband that she believed him when he said that he hadn't raped Kit. Now, she wanted to know whether or not he had slept with Kit. Ryan looked deeply into Gillian's eyes and swore that he hadn't had sex with Kit. "All we did was kiss," he said softly. Gillian said nothing and did nothing. Ryan begged her to tell him that she believed him. Gillian nodded her head and reached out to hug Ryan. Their embrace was short, but it was filled will emotion. Ryan thanked his wife for believing in him. He also explained that the mask he'd been wearing at the bar---the one that the rapist had also been said to be wearing---was discarded in the parking lot. Anyone could have picked it up, he deduced. Gillian wanted to tell the police that her husband was innocent and she was determined to make everyone listen to her. Ryan begged her not to do anything, but she insisted that she was "going to do what [she] should have done a long time ago."

Erica observed Tad and Brooke going head to head and gave herself permission to join the argument. Brooke couldn't understand why Tad was unwilling to believe Kit's accusation. She knew that Kit had wrongly accused Tad of rape in the past, but she touted the DNA evidence as proof that Kit was telling the truth. Erica countered by asking Brooke how she could doubt what Tad saying about Kit. Brooke was peeved by Erica's appearance and walked away. Tad praised Erica for the way she'd tried to help Ryan earlier in the night. Tad sighed heavily and announced that he was headed home.

Adrian and Belinda thought they'd found a little nook of their own, but their kissing session was cut short when Trevor unwittingly walked in on them. Belinda offered to help Trevor with Ryan's case, but Trevor told him that she was needed elsewhere. After Trevor left, Adrian and Belinda briefly discussed Adrian's imminent departure from town. Adrian remarked that he'd miss Belinda---but also Opal. He wasn't sure why he'd grown so attached to Opal, but he was glad that he had. The pair then adjourned for the night---destination Adrian's place.

At Cortlandt Manor, Braden criticized Dixie for sending mixed signals to Tad. If she wanted him out of her life, she should never have asked him to move into Cortlandt Manor. Dixie didn't want to argue with Braden. A sudden request for Braden to get a glass of milk for Dixie seemed more like a chance to buy some peace and quiet than a call for a thirst quencher. While Braden was otherwise occupied, Tad returned home. An awkward silence ensued. Eventually, Dixie spoke up. She told Tad that she had made a mistake by asking him to move into Cortlandt Manor. She explained that she'd failed to consider that Tad had a son to raise and a house to look after. Tad explained that Jamie was staying with Brooke and that his housekeepers were tending to things around the house. Dixie gave Tad every opportunity to move back home---but he decided that he'd stay put. Braden returned from the kitchen and Tad headed for his bedroom. Dixie glowed as she told Braden that Tad wanted to stay at Cortlandt Manor.

Kit phoned Jack and gave him an update on what had happened. Jack was pleased to hear from his little sister. He told her that Lily remained in traction and that he would stay in Ohio until she was able to go back to school. Jack asked Kit to thank Edmund for him for the way he'd looked out for her.

Erica found Brooke and Dimitri chatting yet again. In a desperate attempt to keep the pair apart, Erica scurried over to Dimitri and told him that she wanted to be taken home, lamely claiming that she needed to call Jack and complain to him. Brooke thanked Dimitri for dancing with him before allowing him to go about his business.

Hayley tracked down Trevor and Janet and implored her uncle to help Ryan.

David cut in on a dance between Adam and Liza. Adam wasn't so willing to give up his dance partner, snapping that Liza didn't want to dance with the cardiologist. Liza gave Adam a funny little look and he reluctantly stepped aside. While they danced, David asked Liza why she was so attracted to Adam. He came up with three reasons: "His money, his money, [and] his money." Liza didn't go into detail, perhaps not feeling it was necessary to justify her feelings to David. Nevertheless, she let it be known that she'd gotten a hefty settlement after divorcing Adam and explained that money was not one of the reasons she cared for her former husband.

Max tiptoed out of his bedroom and peeked in on the party. He even behind in a curtain so he wouldn't be noticed! He snuck out from his hiding spot and scurried over to his mother. Raquel was tickled by her son's doings---even if he was up way past his bedtime. Max asked to dance with his mother. She obliged him, but Max stepped out of the way when his daddy appeared on the scene. To appease their son, Max and Raquel agreed to dance together. But that dance that they'd grudgingly agreed to suddenly turned nostalgic as they remembered the first time they danced together. Max quietly headed back to bed as his parents continued their dance. Hayley unknowingly walked in on the dance. She remained quiet and slipped out of the room before anyone noticed her. She walked aimlessly around the mansion. Eventually she bumped into Gillian. Gillian sat quietly on the arm of the sofa trying to think of a way to help Ryan. Gillian was elated to see Hayley and begged Hayley for some help in freeing Ryan. Hayley was initially unreceptive to the idea of "aiding and abetting" Ryan. Gillian continued to plead with Hayley. "Alright, I'm in," Hayley replied. "And I have a plan.""

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