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04/15/1998 Jim Thomasen Is Taken Care Of

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"Brooke was helpless in Jim's grasp. She gasped several times and shrieked in fear until finally Jim's injuries proved too much for him. He thumped to the floor and made no more movements. Dimitri raced down the pathway towards the gallery and skidded to a halt just outside the door. He opened the door and called out to Brooke, but when he saw Jim sprawled on the hardwood floor, he knew that he'd arrived too late. He asked Brooke to tell him exactly what happened. Brooke, still dazed by the events that had just unfolded, simply replied, "I killed him. I killed Jim." Dimitri walked around the body and reached out to Brooke. He asked her to give him the gun, but Brooke didn't hear a word he said. She turned around suddenly and seemed surprised to see Dimitri. Brooke found solace in knowing that Dimitri hadn't been killed. She looked around for Edmund and when she couldn't find him, she instinctively knew that something was wrong. Dimitri assured her that Edmund was not dead. Brooke turned around and looked at Laura's photos. She spoke haltingly as she told Dimitri that Jim had taken the photos of Laura. Dimitri was less interested in the photographs than he was in protecting Brooke. He asked her if Jim was armed and if she'd been hurt. "He admitted to everything," Brooke said. It didn't appear that Brooke was intentionally avoiding Dimitri's questions---she was simply overwhelmed by what had happened. Dimitri knelt down and checked the lifeless body for a pulse. There was none. "He was so smug," Brooke growled. She told Dimitri that Jim had admitted to embezzling thousands of dollars from Tempo. She went on to speak of all the crimes to which he'd confessed: the explosion that killed Maria, snapping the photos of Laura and dozens of other children, and killing Laura's mother. Brooke's eyes welled with tears as she announced that she was not going to let Jim hurt her son. Dimitri learned that Brooke had shot Jim while he was on his way out the front door. When he turned, Brooke sobbed that she shot him "again and again and again." Dimitri was relieved that Brooke was all right, while Brooke was just relieved that the nightmare was finally over for her and her family. Dimitri, however, told her that the ordeal wasn't going to be over until she handed over the gun. Brooke reluctantly gave up her weapon. Dimitri assured Brooke that he would take care of everything so that Jim never hurt anyone again.

After refusing treatment at several other facilities, Tad rushed Edmund to Pine Valley Hospital. By luck, Derek was at the hospital. Tad raced over to the detective and asked him to put out an APB on both Brooke and Jim. Derek rolled his eyes and informed Tad that the police don't just put out APBs for no reason. Tad explained that Jim had kidnapped and nearly killed Edmund and warned him that Brooke could be Mr. Thomasen's next victim. Allie entered the room and performed some routine evaluations on Edmund. She broke the news that Mateo had finally come out of his coma, a ray of light on an otherwise stormy day. Tad received a cryptic call from Dimitri. In the brief conversation, Dimitri told Tad that he'd found Brooke at the gallery and that Jim had been "taken care of." Tad wanted an explanation of what that meant, but Dimitri hung up before he could finish asking the question.

Down the hall, Mateo was given a surprisingly clean bill of health. Jake still voiced concern over the erratic brainwaves they'd observed while Mateo was still in the coma. Joe entered the room with a big smile and told Mateo that his waking up was the best thing that had happened all day. He insisted that Mateo undergo a few more tests just to make sure that he was going to be okay. Once Mateo had been taken away, Joe offered a sincere apology to Hayley for doubting that Mateo would awaken. Hayley assured Joe that she hadn't been offended by his outlook. After all, he was a doctor and was only going by the data he had in front of him. Hayley explained that her love for Mateo and conversely his love for her was what brought him back. After his tests were complete, Mateo thanked Jake for watching over him and making sure that he remained healthy. Jake refused any and all credit. He stated that Hayley was the one who had been responsible for taking care of him.

Jack and Erica returned to Linden and prepared for a little romance. Neither had any idea that they were being tailed. Mike Roy hid outside in the bushes. Seeing that Jack was once again interfering in his plans, Mike took matters into his owns hands. He placed a call to Jack's cellphone, thereby accomplishing his first goal of preventing anything romantic from taking place. Mike posed as an "Officer Trout" and told Jack that he'd apprehended a supposed-stalker down in the Loft District. The stalker had been found outside of Dimitri's building and he was toting some "strange stuff," namely pictures and biographical information about Erica. Jack hung up the phone and told Erica that he might have found the stalker that had been unnerving her. Erica wanted to go with Jack, but he insisted that she stay put and keep all the doors and windows locked.

Dimitri continued his quest for answers. He asked Brooke if anywhere had seen or heard the shooting. Brooke shook her head. He then asked her if anyone knew that she was going to be at the gallery. Aside from the message she'd left on Dimitri's answering machine, no one knew what she had planned for the evening. Dimitri told her that he would return home and erase her messages, thereby eliminating any evidence that she was at the gallery. "I killed a man," Brooke sniffled. "Without a body," Dimitri grinned sinisterly, everyone would assume that Jim had disappeared. Dimitri explained that he was going to dispose of the body and clean up all evidence that pointed to her involvement in Jim's death. Brooke felt that the police had to be contacted and that it was wrong to hide the shooting. Dimitri argued that what was wrong was Jim's abuse of children and his other maniacal deeds. "That's why I killed him," Brooke said assuredly. Dimitri tried to explain to Brooke that no one--especially the police---would care about all of the crimes that Jim had committed. What they would, however, focus on was the fact that she shot and killed Jim. The media would have a field day and Brooke's children would be forced to endure a frenzy of negative publicity. "Thank you for wanting to protect me," Brooke smiled weakly. Compelled to do the right thing, Brooke headed for the phone and called the police.

At the Pine Valley Police Department, Derek issued an APB on both Brooke and Jim. He asked several of his veteran officers to scour the area for any signs of the pair. Jack entered a few seconds later and asked if he could see "him." Derek cocked his head to the side and gave Jack a funny look. Derek explained that he'd just issued an APB on the man. Now it was Jack's turn to wrinkle his brow. His eyes raised, Jack told Derek that he'd received a phone call from Officer Trout telling him that a stalker had been apprehended. Derek pursed his lips and told Jack that the PVPD didn't have an "Officer Trout." Apparently, this was someone's idea of a fish story.

Opal arrived at Linden House wanting to take her mind off of her marital problems. She feared that she'd ruin Erica and Jack's "love crib," but Erica welcomed a visit from her friend. Opal sadly noted that while she had placed dozens of calls to her Lovebug, Palmer had not contacted her since his arrival in Japan. Erica suggested that Opal stay with her for a "Girls' Night In." Opal loved the idea and opted to raid the kitchen for some goodies. While she was doing that, Opal suggested that Erica open up the windows and let some fresh air into the house. Erica walked nervously to the French doors that opened to her patio. She looked outside and carefully opened the doors. Opal gave Erica a free tarot card reading. The cards prophesized a new lover in Erica's future. Erica rolled her eyes and laughed. She told Opal that she's already found her perfect lover in Jack and that no one could ever split them apart. Outside, Mike overhead Erica's comment. He growled that he would never get the chance to be that new lover if he couldn't get Erica alone. Jack burst into the house a few seconds later accompanied by a police escort. Opal thought that Jack wanted to make love to Erica, so she excused herself and headed for the door. Jack hesitantly told Erica that the call he'd received was a fake and that the stalker was still at large.

Janet wanted to leave, but Trevor wouldn't let her go before telling her about his big surprise. Albert and Janet filed back into the house and learned that Trevor wanted to throw them a wedding. Everyone around her chattered endlessly about the ceremony, but Janet was left to wonder why they were all acting so peculiarly. Janet explained that Trevor's offer was much too generous. Trevor, however, told Janet that he wanted to do his part to show that he had no hard feelings for her choosing Axel of him. Amanda asked to be a flower girl and Tim wanted to be an usher. Janet turned down Tim's request. Tim admitted that he'd acted like a jerk in the past, but insisted that he wanted to be a happy family for Amanda's sake. Albert nudged Janet and told her that Tim was extending an olive branch. Janet flashed a glance at Trevor and ordered him to meet her on the porch. Once Trevor and Janet were outside, Amanda checked to see if Albert knew that they were just acting. Albert smiled and told Amanda that he's convinced that Janet and Trevor were made for each other. He then spoke to the little girl very sweetly. He told her that he was sorry that he didn't get to see her performance in the school play. He then told her that she shouldn't fret over the fact that she'd only been cast in a small part. He encouraged her to do her best and promised her that one day she would be applauded for her performance. On the porch, Janet accused Trevor of toying with her. Trevor denied the charges and once again insisted that he was only trying to do the right thing. He was enjoying watching Janet squirm. In an attempt to turn up the heat, Trevor asked Janet if she was turning down his offer because she had doubts about Axel. Janet stormed back into the house and found Albert and Amanda doing a jig around the livingroom. Tim entered with a tray of tea and was just in time to hear Janet's big announcement. Janet couldn't very well turn down the offer in front of everyone. "You!" Janet snapped pointing at Albert. "On the porch." Again, Janet and Albert filed out to the porch. There Janet lashed out at Albert for making things so complicated. Albert had an idea, though. He told Janet that his brother, Reuben, was also an actor and commented that he'd just finished a month-long run off-Broadway. Albert suggested that they hire Reuben to play a priest at their wedding. "This is not Janet's Playhouse Theatre," Janet snapped back. Trevor walked onto the porch and asked Janet if everything was okay. Janet turned slowly and told Trevor that they'd accept his offer---on one condition; They wanted to be able to choose the minister. Trevor agreed and Janet and Albert called it a night. After the bride-to-be and her groom had left, Tim and Amanda appeared on the front porch next to their father. They all exchanged high-fives to celebrate the success of their plan.

Back at the gallery, Tad raced inside and nearly stumbled over Jim's body. He looked down at the body in horror before looking directly at Dimitri. "This is what you call 'taken care of'?" he asked. Dimitri explained that he did what he had to do. Tad walked over to Brooke and sat beside her on the steps. He asked her if she was okay. "I had to do it," Brooke said stoically. Tad's eyes widened as he realized that Brooke had been the one that killed Jim. Flanked by two fellow officers, Derek entered the gallery and immediately saw the body. A pool of blood had now accumulated next to Jim. Derek bent over and checked for a pulse. He crudely mused that he could cancel the APBs he'd issued. Derek figured that he was the only one who didn't know what had gone down and wanted an explanation. Since Brooke had placed the call, Derek decided that she was the person he should start questioning. Dimitri rose from his seat on the steps and walked towards the detective. "Brooke arrived after the shooting," Dimitri announced nobly. "I killed Jim Thomasen.""

- Soap Central