"Without any kind of warning, but not lacking a sense of urgency, Dimitri showed up at Brooke's house and ordered her to pack her bags. He argued that Keith had turned the jury against her and that there was no way for her to ever win them back. Brooke explained that Keith had only done his job. Besides, she hadn't even had a chance for her attorneys to tell her side. After that, Brooke was sure that the jury would swing back to her side. Suddenly, Jamie called out from his bedroom. Brooke rushed upstairs to comfort her son. She brought Jamie back downstairs and asked him about his nightmare. Jamie's sleep was haunted by visions of his mother being carted off to prison. Again showing that he probably has seen one-too-many movies, Jamie asked his mother if it would be possible for his mother to dig out of her jail cell with a spoon. Brooke looked like she wanted to laugh, but she took her son's question seriously. She assured him that she would not be headed to jail. "What if it does [happen]?" Jamie asked. Brooke took her son's hand and told him that "what ifs" only serve to make people nervous. Everyone, from a batter who wonders if he might strike out to a child worrying that he might fall off a bike, suffers from the "what ifs" from time to time. Brooke urged her son not to let uncertainty rob him of his positive outlook. Brooke sent Jamie back to bed, her son's doubts now fading away. Now, though, it was Brooke who was suffering from a bad case of nerves. She kicked herself for promising her son that she wouldn't go to jail. Dimitri was sorry to hear that Brooke was upset, but he glad that her eyes were finally open. Brooke had already faced time in jail and survived. When she refused to give the name of a source quoted in one of her articles, Brooke was sent to prison. This was different. In her previous stint in jail, Brooke knew that she would eventually be released and that she would not grow old in jail. Now, however, Brooke faced life in prison. Dimitri again urged Brooke to flee. He told her that by fleeing she'd be showing her "freedom" and that staying would make her little more than "a plaster saint." Jamie hobbled down the stairs with a backpack on his back. He told his mother that he planned on going to prison with her. She had always done her best to protect him, he said, and now he wanted to protect her. Brooke kneeled before her son and told him that they were going to be going on a spontaneous vacation. Brooke didn't know where they'd be going, something that Jamie thought was pretty cool. She asked her son to run upstairs and to pack all of his favorite things in his bag.
In preparation for a very important business meeting, Erica surveyed a private dining room at The Valley Inn to make sure that everything was in order. The meeting, with a married couple who owns the largest chain of cosmetics stores in South America, had the possibility of pushing Enchantment into a new market. The stage was set for an Enchantment coup---until Senor and Senora Marquez arrived. To every question Erica asked of Senor Marquez, he replied, "I'm fine. How are you?" Erica had been told that the Marquezes spoke English and Erica knew nada when it came to Espanol. Out of the blue (and out of the hospital) Mike Roy waltzed into the private dining room and began chatting it up, in Spanish, with The Marquezes. Erica tried to get rid of Mike, but he asserted that without his expertise on the Spanish language, she'd be sunk. Mike planted a kiss on Erica's cheek and ordered the waiter to bring another chair to the table. Erica asked Mike how he'd been able to talk his way out of institutionalization. She was mildly amused when Mike confessed that he needed Adrian's help. Over dinner, Senor Marquez scribbled down a dollar amount on a piece of paper. The figure, presumably the amount that his company would pay to distribute Enchantment Cosmetics, was much higher than Erica had anticipated. She instructed Mike to translate an acceptance speech. Mike had an idea all his own and told Senor Marquez that Erica had declined his offer. Mike told Erica that he is familiar with "business types" and that Senor Marquez was only warming up with his initial offer. Time passed and a second offer still had not been made. Erica began to lash out at Mike for ruining her chance at branching out. Luckily for Mike---and Erica for that matter---Senor Marquez upped the ante and this time Mike accepted the offer on Erica's behalf. Erica watched the way that Senora Marquez looked at Mike and determined that the married woman was flirting with Mike. Mike teased Erica about being jealous, a charge she laughed off. Mike explained that the elder woman wasn't flirting with him, she was simply noticing that he and Erica were a "young couple in love." Erica claimed that that was beside the point. Mike quickly picked up on Erica's response---beside the point seemed to accredit Mike's statement that they were a couple in love. He confronted Erica with his observation. "Alright, dammit," Erica said with a wrinkled smile. "I do love you."
Marian worried that she and Stuart really had been buried alive. Stuart, the eternal optimist, noted that it was better to be buried alive than "buried dead." Both realized that they'd been very fortunate in spite of their situation. They'd fallen through the floor but had the luck to land on bags and bags of styrofoam peanuts.
David rushed over to Liza's limp body and ordered Adam to start CPR. Adam, for one of the first times in his life, looked helpless. He told David that he didn't know how to perform CPR. Tad dashed over and helped breathe life back into Liza's body. David pulled a large syringe from his medical bag and held it in the air. Adam snatched the syringe away and demanded to know what David was going to do. "Attempting another murder?" he snarled. David insisted that he was trying to save Liza's life. He planned to give Liza an injection with epinephrine---but this was to be no normal injection. In order for the medicine to have the desired effect, he needed to inject the medicine directly into Liza's heart muscle. Adam returned the needle to David who then thrust it directly into Liza's chest. Adam clutched Liza's hand and urged her to fight. David took Liza's other arm and felt for a pulse. Liza's heartbeat slowly returned to normal and David determined that she was out of the woods.
The trauma caused by the explosion had rendered Palmer unable to see. Allie arrived on the scene and determined that pressure must have developed behind Palmer's eyes and put a lot of stress on his optic nerve. Allie asked Opal to hold Palmer's head while she prepared to insert a needle into his eyes to relieve the pressure. Until this time, Palmer had no idea that he was being treated by Allie, but when Opal mentioned Allie's name, Palmer went through the roof. He began to panic and ordered Allie, who he called a "quack," to get away from him. Opal came to Allie's defense and reluctantly Allie proceeded with the makeshift surgery.
Ryan tried to hoist the fallen debris off of his wife, but for every move he made, more and more debris from the roof began to rain down on the restaurant. Tad raced over to Ryan and may have prevented catastrophe from taking place. He told Ryan to look up. When the two men looked towards the heavens, they realized that the column that had toppled on Gillian was all that was holding the unstable restaurant together. Tad urged Ryan to keep Gillian calm until the rescue team arrived. What neither knew was that the rescue efforts were being hampered by a gas leak that had developed in the wake of the explosion. Ryan crouched down next to his wife and offered her words of encouragement. When she learned of her predicament, Gillian was able to grit her teeth together and crack a joke. "Does this mean I am a pillar of the community," Gillian said when she learned that she was the only thing keeping the building from collapsing. Gillian feared that she'd been bruised and battered during the explosion and became a hideous monster. Ryan smiled and told his wife that she was still beautiful---a bit dusty, but still beautiful.
Downstairs, Stuart began to blast himself, pardon the pun, for not taking Adam's advice and steering clear of the party. Stuart repeatedly called himself stupid. "If you're so stupid," Marian snapped. "How could I have fallen..." Marian quickly stopped speaking. Stuart cocked his head to one side and asked her what she was going to say.
Outside, Adrian walked up to the policeman guarding the front entrance to the dilapidated building and demanded to be allowed back inside. When his request fell on deaf ears, Adrian took his Federal ID from his wallet and flashed it in front of the officer. "Nice," the officer smiled unenthusiastically as he ordered Adrian to hit the road. Belinda asked Adrian what he'd shown to the officer. Adrian thought quickly and claimed that he flashed a piece of paper than showed that he had emergency medical training.
Liza's eyes began to flutter. She didn't know where she was or what happened. As things started to clear up a bit, Liza began to worry less about herself and more about Marian and Stuart. Adam told Liza that for once he doesn't care if Stuart and Marian are together... just as long as they are safe.
"Fallen through the floor," Marian said. It was a horrible lie, but Stuart appeared to buy it. Stuart offered Marian a cheese curl. Marian read the ingredients and decided that cheese curls were possibly the most unhealthy food on the planet. But since there wasn't anything else around to nibble on, she tried one and was... well, she wasn't exactly thrilled. Marian told Stuart to lean back and rest his head on her lap. After he did, Marian fed Stuart cheese curls one by one. Marian mused that it was a shame they didn't have any maraschino cherries because she could do a pretty nifty trick with them. The trick? She could tie the stems in a knot using only her tongue! "You are the most wonderful woman in the world," Stuart remarked out of the blue. The high praise caught Marian completely off guard.
With Palmer in stable condition, Allie started looking for others who might require medical assistance. She turned her attention to Gillian, who had seemingly suffered the worst injuries. After a quick check-up, she determined that Gillian was in pretty bad shape. She didn't let on to Ryan, but asked him to keep a close eye on Gillian. Allie walked over to David and told him that she believed that Gillian had suffered serious internal injuries and that she might have damage to her spinal cord. "Good work, doctor," David smiled. Allie bowed her head and told David that she was no longer officially a doctor. David disagreed. He looked Allie in the eyes and reminded her that they'd together and saved lives together. In his mind, she would always be a doctor.
The work crew managed to cut off the gas to the restaurant at street level. The coast was now clear for the rescue operation to begin. Edmund, carrying Amanda, stepped through a blown out window and reunited Trevor and Janet with their daughter. It was a bitter irony for Edmund. Just one year ago he was unable to save the life of his loved one, Maria. In the plane crash that had taken his wife's life, Edmund was also unable to save Maddie---but Maddie survived. This time around, Edmund got his chance to make up for that.
Back inside, Allie ventured into the basement to check for more injuries. She came across Jack's lifeless body. He was not in good shape. While trying to avoid falling debris, he'd fallen and hit his head against the wall. Tad wandered down the steps in the hopes of finding Camille. There was no sign of her anywhere.
The rescue crew toted Liza outside to a waiting ambulance. Scott rushed over to his Uncle Adam and asked if he'd seen Stuart. Adam's face dropped. He had thought that Stuart was with Scott. Scott dashed off to find his father. Meanwhile, Adam demanded that he be allowed to ride to the hospital with Liza. He was told that only family members were allowed in the back of the ambulance. "I love her dammit," Adam growled. "I'm going with her!""
- Soap Central