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"In the hospital chapel, Erica prayed to Mona for guidance and support. While she prayed, Travis entered and overheard Erica stating that she'd failed her daughter. Travis tried to ease the burden Erica had placed upon herself by letting her know that she wasn't the only person that should be blamed. Travis wanted to stick around and say a few prayers, but he looked a little uneasy about praying. Erica offered to stay with him and say a few prayers together. He took her hand as they both looked for assistance from God.

In the meeting room, Jack asked Barbara why Travis is so opposed to his engagement to Erica. Barbara insinuated that the engagement allowed Erica the opportunity to dodge her responsibilities to her daughter. Jack insisted that Erica has not ignored Bianca, but Barbara demanded to know when Erica has "ever put Bianca first." Barbara doubted that the therapy session would accomplish anything. Jack referred to himself as the "black sheep" of the family while Travis had always been "the golden boy." Perhaps, but cryptically commented that it hasn't been easy for Travis to see his black sheep brother succeed where he had failed. The failure was never explained, but the implication was that Travis was jealous of Jack and Erica's relationship.

When Erica and Travis returned to the room, the lid was blown off of the powder keg. Dimitri's unannounced arrival proved to be the spark that set off an explosive confrontation. Erica didn't think it was appropriate for Dimitri to be present. Jack explained that Dr. Erle wanted Dimitri to take part in the therapy session because of Bianca's accusation that he and Dimitri were in cahoots. Erica argued that Dimitri had failed Bianca as a stepfather. A wave of back-and-forth accusations flew left and right as each of the five grownups took turns blaming each other for letting Bianca down. Erica felt that everyone was ganging up on her. Erica snapped at Barbara and claimed that she'd been a little "loose" at times. She noted that had Barbara's daughter, Molly, not become seriously ill, she never would have known who the child's father was. Erica was far from innocent in the adultery category. Travis vented his frustrations as he blamed Erica's affair with Jack for destroying their marriage. The family feud would have continued, but fortunately Dr. Erle entered the room and restored order.

Myrtle showed Bianca a picture that had been taken of her one year ago. Bianca looked at the photo of herself and claimed that she was fat in the picture. Myrtle disagreed, saying that Bianca looked like a vibrant young girl in the picture. Myrtle had another photo to show the girl, but this one wasn't one of her. Bianca turned her head and refused to look at the picture. Myrtle told her that the picture was one of her old carnie friends named Amelia. Amelia suffered from anorexia and lost so much weight that she was billed as "The Skeleton Woman." Bianca reluctantly turned her head and stared at the photo. Bianca seemed to know that the woman was too thin---and Myrtle told her that Bianca looks much the way Amelia did. Bianca asked Myrtle what happened to Amelia. "She's dead," Myrtle said softly. Amelia died from complications brought on by her eating disorder--one month before her sixteen birthday.

Bianca was wheeled into the therapy room, but she wasn't pleased to be there. She said that it was unfair of the doctors to tether her arms down. Erica asked the doctor if she could free Bianca's hands even if it was only for the duration of the session. Bianca was forced to promise that she wouldn't remove her feeding tube. One by one, each of the adults was asked to explain how they felt. Barbara said that she was nervous that she might say the wrong thing and, at one time, also stated that she was "embarrassed." Travis stated that he felt like a schoolboy who had been called on by the teacher when he didn't know the answer. Dimitri felt the same way, but added that he also feels sad. His sadness, he explained, was brought on by seeing Bianca fading away. Jack tried to make some jokes to lighten the mood, but he knew that it wasn't the appropriate time or place to be funny. Erica told Bianca that she fears losing her. The doctor asked Erica if there was anything that would help ease her fear. Erica nodded and was allowed to approach Bianca and to hold her hand. The gesture, however, made Bianca very uncomfortable. Bianca said that she'd feel better if her mother returned to her seat. Dr. Erle asked Bianca if there was anything that would make her feel better. Bianca nodded and reached for her feeding tube. In spite of everyone's screams for her to stop, Bianca removed the tube. Dr. Erle asked Bianca if she felt like eating something. Bianca shook her head and claimed that she was full. The doctor explained to Bianca that if she refuses to eat and doesn't allow the feeding tube to be put back in place, she'll die. The doctor tried to get Bianca to express her feelings. Jack asked Bianca why she crumpled up the blueprints he had drawn up. Bianca shrugged her shoulders and claimed that "it was an accident." Dimitri questioned her about her treatment of the horse, but again Bianca refused to give an answer. It took a great deal of prodding, but Bianca finally admitted what had been making her feel so poorly---the loss of loved ones in her life. Citing her mother's divorce from her father and Jack, Bianca said that whenever fighting breaks out it seems that someone leaves her. The words had escaped her lips, but Bianca tried desperately to take them back. Dimitri told Bianca that even though he divorced Erica he still loves her. Jack also noted that he and Erica have fights, but that they still love one another. Bianca didn't believe it. Erica told her daughter a story about how poorly she treated Mona after her father left them. She said that she called Mona every bad name she could think of, but that her mother never once got angry with her. She pleaded with Bianca to vent her frustrations and told her that she could whisper them in her ear if it would help. In what can only be described as a powerful and emotional moment, Bianca whispered her innermost feelings to her mother. It can only be assumed what was said since the whispers were inaudible, but Bianca apparently told her mother that she hates her for getting divorced from her father. Erica encouraged her daughter to keep going... and the floodgates opened. Bianca said that she felt unwanted because she was growing up; Her father wanted a little girl that he could tell what to do while her mother wanted a little baby to take care of. That need, Bianca sobbed, led to her mother's decision to kidnap Maddie. Erica sobbed and embraced her daughter, telling her that she loved her.

When the therapy session ended, Erica privately thanked Dimitri for "the noblest lie" he ever told, he was, of course, referring to his statement that he still loved her. Dimitri lowered his voice and informed Erica that it wasn't a lie... it took the therapy session to make him realize that he never stopped loving her."

- Soap Central