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"The sight of the norepinephrine caused Liza's hands to shake. This may have been what she wanted, but coming face to face with the medication that had nearly killed Adam taunted her composure. David wondered if Liza had reconsidered, but she assured him that she hadn't changed her mind. Adam raced out of the emergency room and told David that Mateo seemed to be in trouble. David asked Adam to calm down and suggested that Liza take Adam somewhere where he could relax. He twitched his head to one side, presumably pointing towards the cardiac stimulant he'd just given Liza. Liza led Adam to the hospital chapel. Adam was moved by Liza's display of concern. Liza admitted that she still cared for Adam, but she followed it by a distinct disclaimer. She noted that her concern for Adam is much like her concern for Mateo and Hayley. She doesn't want to see any of them hurt, but that doesn't mean that she wants to return to having a relationship with Adam. Adam insisted that Liza's heart wanted her to get back together with him. He felt that they deserved and needed to be a couple. Liza shook her head and stated that she still wanted a divorce. Adam didn't want to concede defeat and refused to grant his wife a divorce. Something drew Adam's attention to the chapel's floor. On the floor by his foot was the box of norepinephrine. The box was clearly marked, so Adam instantly knew what type of medication he'd found. He also recalled that this was the same medicine that nearly took his life. He looked at Liza and asked her what she was doing with the medication. Liza's mouth moved, but she made no sound. David burst into the chapel and covered for her. He said that he must have dropped the medication earlier in the day when he was talking to one of his patients. He also informed Adam that Hayley was sitting in the waiting room. Adam left the chapel and headed for his daughter's side. Liza thanked David for coming to her aid. David looked at her crossly and blasted her incompetence. He noted that she would have been unable to talk her way out of the situation had he not arrived when he did. How on earth was she going to actually kill Adam? Liza nodded in agreement and claimed that she needed David to help her administer the medication. David flat out refused to get any more involved in the plan. Liza pleaded and begged, but David turned her down.

Edmund met with Miles at McKay's. Edmund contacted Miles to ask him for his help in further investigating the plane crash that had killed his wife. Edmund spoke softly, but with conviction. He told Miles that he thinks he knows who brought the plane down, but that he doesn't have any proof. Miles suggested that Edmund allow the federal investigators to continue their search. Edmund didn't want the professions to halt their investigation, but he worried that their search would take too long. Edmund never mentioned who he suspected in the bombing. He handed Miles a piece of paper. Miles read the paper and claimed that Edmund's demands were too much. Edmund asked Miles to use his connections to get a transcript of the plane's black box and cockpit recorder. In addition, he also wanted an analysis of the plastic explosives. Miles agreed to do his best.

Jamie looked at Jim in total confusion. "Why do I have to call you daddy?" he asked. Brooke broke her silence, telling her son that he didn't have to call Jim daddy. She added that the only person Jamie ver has to call daddy is Tad. She asked Jamie to run to the kitchen and help Phoebe. She then cast a stone cold glare at Jim. She ordered him to never go behind her back again and demanded that Jim stay away from Jamie. Jim scratched his head and indicated that it would be difficult for him to stay away from Jamie---especially since he and Brooke were going to be getting married. That is, unless Brooke was calling off the wedding. Brooke lowered her head and apologized for her outburst. She chalked up her temper to stress, stress brought on by Mateo and Hayley's near-death. Jim paced around the livingroom and voiced his concern for the stricken couple. He called the accident "a tragedy" and worried that the vibrant couple would never be the same again. While Jim had his back to her, Brooke's face turned bright crimson. She was obviously furious that Jim, the man whom she knew to have played a part in Hayley and Mateo's "accident," tried to pretend that he was concerned. Jim turned and faced Brooke and asked her if she'd ever had her furnace inspected. Brooke's face dropped. Her mind conjured up images of another "accident." Jim informed Brooke that he was going to check her furnace for her. When he came up from the basement, he gave the furnace a clean bill of health. He wanted to make sure that Brooke and her family were never at risk for carbon monoxide poisoning, so he announced that was headed to the hardware store to purchase two carbon monoxide detectors. Once Jim had left, Edmund strolled out of the kitchen. He praised Brooke's self-control, stating that he would have slugged Jim for feigning concern for Mateo and Hayley. Edmund told Brooke that he'd met with Miles. Brooke shrugged off concerns that Jim might try to do her in. Just to be on the safe side, Edmund urged Brooke to leave a few windows cracked. "A little fresh air never hurt anybody," he said.

Allie, David, and Joe looked over the some of Mateo's readings. The readings showed an increased level of brain activity. They were all baffled by the readings, and even more baffled that the increased activity had not helped Mateo to regain consciousness. Worried that her son might die, Isabella demanded answered from Joe. Joe was unable to supply her with any news that would lessen her fears. Isabella felt that the doctors were dodging her questions and blasted their inability to give a proper prognosis. Hayley took Isabella by the hand and led her back to the observation window. There she assured Isabella that Mateo would wake up soon. When he did, she smiled, he'd probably be really hungry for some of her home cooking. Trevor arrived and offered Hayley support. Janet followed closely behind him. Palmer tracked down Joe and told him that the hospital board had denied his request to postpone Jake's hearing. The hearing would take place in the morning. Allie walked over to the two men and begged them to reconsider the board's decision. Palmer told her that board's decision was final. Joe looked at Allie and raised his eyebrows slightly. He told her that if she and Jake had anything planned to prove his innocence, they'd better do it before the hearing. Hayley returned to the room where her husband laid motionless. When she entered the room, she overheard David tell Joe that Mateo appeared to have slipped into a coma.

Dirk was perplexed by Marian's desire to have him photograph her having sex with her daughter's husband. It wasn't exactly an everyday request. Marian insisted that sleeping with Adam was something that she had to do. Dirk shrugged indifferently and laughed when Marian suggested that her tale would be fodder for talk shows around the country.

Across the restaurant, Liza met with Jake to tell him that David had given her the norepinephrine. While they talked, Marian sashayed over to their table and scolded them for carrying on their affair in public. Liza looked at Jake and rolled her eyes. She winked as she informed Jake that her mother "knew" about them. Hoping that it would get rid of her mother, Liza agreed that it wasn't wise for her to be seen with Jake. Marian patted her daughter on the back and asked her what she would do if she weren't there to look out for her. Liza could have snapped back with something witty, but she opted to bite her tongue. Content that she'd done her part to ensure Liza's financial security, Marian swished away. Now that the coast was clear, Jake told Liza that even though David had given her the medication, it didn't prove his guilt. Knowing David, he would probably concoct a story to get himself out of trouble. Allie arrived with the news of the board's ruling. Jake took a deep breath and announced that they needed to get David to kill Adam that night. Marian, meanwhile, was still disturbed by catching Liza and Jake together. She called Dirk and told him that her planned seduction of Adam had to take place later that night.

Trevor moped around the waiting room area. Janet knew that a cup of coffee would make him feel better, so she traveled to the vending machines. When she handed Trevor the cup of coffee, he took her offering as a sign that she still loved him. He confidently stated that Axel's proposal must have been a sham because she didn't really love him. Janet offered no sign that what Trevor was saying was true. He took her hand and demanded that she tell him he was right.

Mateo's journey to the other side took him... back to his apartment. There he saw Hayley looking out the apartment window. He called out to her and she turned around. She slowly walked towards him... but passed right by him. The door to the apartment swung open and another Mateo walked inside. Mateo watched in confusion as Hayley and the alternate Mateo kissed and made plans to start a family together. He tried to pull them apart, but when he reached out to touch them, the couple vanished and appeared in a another area of the room. Suddenly the phone rang. At the top of his lungs, Mateo demanded that no one answer the phone. Reddish goo oozed out of the telephone's earpiece.

Hayley raced over to the chamber and called out to Mateo. She begged him to wake up and smile for her. His lifeless body disobeyed her. David ordered a nurse to remove Hayley from the room, but Hayley wouldn't budge. Hayley had a hard time understanding how the doctors could have been so optimistic about Mateo's brain activity and now claim that he was in a coma. Again Hayley called out to her husband. On the other side, Mateo heard his wife's voice. He called out to her, but he couldn't find her anywhere."

- Soap Central