Browse By Year



"New Year's Eve brought some much needed tranquility to Linden House. Mother and daughter sat on the sofa preparing to watch a classic movie marathon. Bianca asked her mother to teach her everything she knows about two things: classic movies and men. Erica laughed and said that movies she can tackle in one night. Men? Well, that would take many, many moons. Jack appeared at the house wearing a tuxedo. Erica scratched her head and tried to recall if she'd broken an engagement with her beau. Jack assured her that she hadn't forgot anything. Tonight, he told her, Edmund was throwing a ball. Erica knew what Jack was asking and turned him down. She explained that she wanted to spend some quiet time with her daughter. Jack showed why Erica loves him so much. He told her that he'd wait for his turn while Erica helped nurse Bianca back to health. Erica walked Jack outside, allowing Bianca some time to call Myrtle and please with Myrtle to help her handle an emergency. When Erica returned, Bianca decided that she wanted to look like a celebrity---not just any celebrity, but Erica Kane. The two played dress-up with Erica showing her daughter the proper application methods. Myrtle arrived just in time for the "evening gown" portion of the night. Erica smiled as she ran upstairs to locate the perfect dress to wear. She had no idea that Bianca was setting her up. When Erica returned downstairs, Bianca filled her mother in on the plan. She told her that a limousine was parked outside waiting for her. Erica was stunned by her daughter's generosity. Old movies, Bianca grinned, can wait for another night.

Jim hid his suitcase behind several boxes in his closet. As he dressed, Brooke arrived at his room. Jim was supposed to have picked Brooke up at her house, but Brooke opted to alter the plans. Brooke commented that she'd been unable to forget the luggage fragment she'd seen. They looked so familiar to her. Jim tried to take her mind off of the item with a kiss, but Brooke pulled away and wouldn't let Jim kiss her. Jim explained that he wants answers too, but he knows that he's going to have to wait. Jim excused himself and headed to the bathroom to shave. Brooke got antsy waiting for Jim, so she walked around the room. For some reason she looked downwards and noticed that she'd scuffed one of her shoes. She called out to Jim to ask him if he had a rag with which she could try to rub out the mark, but the noise of the razor prevented Jim from hearing her. So Brooke took it upon herself to hunt for a rag. She opened the closet and rummaged around inside. On her tiptoes to see what was on the top shelf, she lost her balance and knocked over the boxes. Brooke bent over to put everything back in order... until she saw the suitcase hidden in the back of the closet. Her mind flashed back to the luggage fragment. Suddenly, a feeling of nausea swept over Brooke. The razor sounds muted and Brooke knew that Jim would be returning shortly. She closed the closet door and ran back to the bed. Jim wanted to pick up where he'd left off and try to give Brooke another kiss. Before he could pucker his lips, Brooke told him that she needed to use the bathroom.

Edmund introduced the ball-goers to Eugenia, all of whom seemed dazzled by the Duchess. Eugenia was pleased to see Dimitri and Gloria and gave them a prompt scolding for not dropping by to visit her. Gillian smiled deviously and explained that Dimitri had been unwelcome at the castle. Edmund quickly noted that his problems with Dimitri were behind him now. Tad the Terrific wandered over to the crowd and readied to amuse them with a magic trick. He asked Dimitri to tie two handkerchiefs together. Dimitri humored him and did as requested. Tad tucked the handkerchiefs into Dimitri's beltloop and asked the crowd to watch carefully. With one tug, Tad yanked the handkerchiefs out of Dimitri's belt loop. They were still knotted, but not together. Now there was a pair of white-with-red-hearts pair of underwear tied between them. Dimitri got a chuckle out of the display, but he warned Tad to stick to hosting a talk show for a living. Tad promptly walked over to Edmund and told him that a problem had arisen----Dimitri was packing a gun! Edmund was silent. The sting, he said nervously, had to be stopped. Tad convinced Edmund that their sting could go on---just a little more carefully than before. Hayley and Mateo literally waltzed over to Edmund and thanked him for throwing the ball. Mateo noted that Edmund had done Maria proud. Edmund told the couple that he'd heard the latest findings on the plane crash. Mateo bowed his head and said nothing.

Janet and Trevor were the next to arrive. Janet wondered why Trevor was being so nice to her even though she'd turned down his proposal. Yeah, Janet had turned down his proposal, but that was today, Trevor noted. He told her that he would re-re-propose to her at midnight---and he told her that she would say yes. He grabbed her by the waist and the two tangoed off into the crowd.

Miles escorted Belinda into the ball and both were wowed by what they saw. Belinda was also surprised that Miles knew so much about her. For example, he knew that she liked Ella Fitzgerald (he played an Ella CD in the car ride over), that she liked gardenias (he presented her with a gardenia corsage), that her favorite cologne was called Tuxedo (Miles wore only few spritzes), and that she liked waffles for breakfast (he planned on going out to eat after the ball). Miles confessed that some of Belinda's friends helped him learn more about her.

Joe, Ruth, Kelsey, and Kevin arrived at the party all dressed to the nines. While Joe and Kevin dashed off to get their ladies something to drink, Ruth noticed that Kelsey had forgotten to take the price tag off of her dress. She tried to remove the tag, but Kelsey refused to let her near the dress. Ruth saw why---the dress cost over three times her allotted budget. Kelsey defended her decision to buy the dress. She said that she is going to leave the tag on the dress so that she could return it in the morning. Ruth told her that she'd do no such thing. Returning the dress would be dishonest and just one step above stealing. Kelsey claimed that she had reasons for going over her budget, but that her grandmother wouldn't understand. Gillian strolled by and told Kelsey that she liked her dress. The dress, Gillian sneered, was plain and uneventful---just like Kelsey. She then teased Kelsey that it might be proper to wear one's heart on their sleeve, but that it's quite gauche to wear a price tag. Scott, on Gillian's arm, said that he liked the dress sending Gillian into a fit of jealousy. Gillian strolled off with Scott following behind her. Ruth knew why Kelsey had gone over budget. She told Kelsey that she did not have to return the dress---she could keep it. She agreed to pay for the dress, but Kelsey would have to pay her back eventually. Ruth took pleasure in seeing Gillian turn green when Scott complimented Kelsey. Joe said that he'd enjoyed it too---and that he'd contribute one hundred dollars to the cost just because he liked seeing Gillian get some of her own medicine.

Allie and Jake made small talk with Tad about life and work. They were enjoying Tad's magical talents, but Allie had a trick that Tad couldn't possibly do---making David disappear. Tad knew that things were icy between the three doctors, so he bid them farewell and headed back to the party. Allie excused herself and headed to the veranda to fix her make-up. In her compact, she could see David's beady eyes staring at her. David complimented Allie on the way she looked and told her that he's always thought of her as one of the most beautiful women he knows. He leaned over and gave her a kiss. Allie tried to pull away, but he grabbed on to her and wouldn't let go. She demanded that he stop, but he didn't. Luckily, Jake over the commotion and appeared before them.

Dimitri and Gloria danced happily together until a man appeared by their side and asked if he could cut in. Dimitri told the man that it was up to Gloria. Gloria smiled and nodded her head. The man then grabbed on to Dimitri and waltzed him across the dance floor. The crowd loved every minute of it and applauded wildly. Once they finished their dance, the man asked Dimitri if he knew what time it was. When Dimitri went to look at his wristwatch, he noticed it was missing. The man revealed his true identity as he returned Dimitri's watch. No, he wasn't a pickpocket! He was a magician! To reward the magician for his performance, Dimitri allowed him to dance with Gloria. Dimitri motioned to one of the waiters and whispered something in his ear before disappearing into the crowd. Tad, who was supposed to be watching Dimitri, asked Brooke if she'd seen Dimitri. She shook her head. That was not what Tad wanted to hear.

Across the room, a waiter told Gillian that Scott had requested a "private audience with her majesty" at the mausoleum. Gillian blushed slightly before making her way to the front door.

The crowd was suddenly hushed. Everyone turned and looked towards the main entrance. Standing at the top of the staircase was the unwitting belle of the ball---Erica Kane.

Outside, Gillian walked around the mausoleum searching for Scott. She thought the area made a rather odd "trysting place," as she called it, but she figured it was the only quiet place on the grounds. She stepped into the crypt unaware that Dimitri was hiding inside. In a high squeaky voice---not much unlike the one Gillian had used to con Dimitri---he called out to her "I know what you did." He closed the door to the crypt and walked towards her."

- Soap Central